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     在第二章中考虑了二次感染,未治愈比率和部分免疫在结核病的传播中起到的重要作用,建立了具有二次传染的未治愈的结核病模型.通过具有二次传染的未治愈的结核病模型的研究,得到了在基本再生数R0 ,并且在R0 < 1,系统存在多地方病平衡点。同时,通过分析表明,未治愈率可能是现今结核病不绝灭的一个很重要的原因.
In traditional Tuberculosis models,the host population is divided into the following four classes: susceptible, exposed, infectious and treated individuals.With Tuberculosis developing and being known about deeply, Tuberculosis has some following new characteristics: the appearing of reinfection, untreaed rate and drug-resistant strains ,and that exposed individuals can also be infectious.Combining with these new characteristics,the paper mainly proposes two Tuberculosis models on the basis of traditional Tuberculosis models.Meanwhile, combined with these new characteristics, Tuberculosis models of one-strain and two-strains are developed.
     In chapter 2,with the imoportant influence of reinfection, untreaed rate,and partle immuned rate ,an untread Tuberculosis model with reinfection is developed.By proposing this model,the basic reproductive number R0 is obtained,and when R0 < 1,the multipie endemic equilibria may exists in the system.Meanwhile,untreaed rate is an important factor for today Tuberculosis prevalence.
     In chapter 3,on the basis of the dynamical system on a Tuberculosis spread model, the paper mainly discusses the dynamical behavior of a Tuberculosis spread model with constant immigration.The local and global asymptotically stability of the endemic equilibrium on this model is studied. It is proved by using the hurwitz criterion and the compound matrix theory. Sufficient conditions for the local and global asymptotically stability of the endemic equilibrium on this model are obtained.
     In chapter 4, combined with these new characteristics, Tuberculosis models of one-strain and two-strains are developed.
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