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The main source of nickel and platinum metals in the world is the nickel-copper sulfide magmatic deposits related to basic-ultrabasic body, which provide half or more amount of the metals in the world. In China, it is more prominent, about 86% amount of nickel, 90% amount of platinum metals, 7.3% copper comes from nickel-copper sulfide magmatic deposits. To discuss geological mechanism of the forming of important nickel deposits and the control of converging and dispersing of the ore forming elements has theoretic and practical meaning in deepening the understanding of the genesis of this kind of deposit and summarizing the deposit forming indication, expanding perspective targets.
    With the theory of comparative methods of economic geology, based on field work and vast amount of related information and materials, worked over comparing sorts of rock, geochemical character of the body forming minerals, Re-Os isotope chronology, in addition to sulfide segregation experiments, the dissertation achieved progress in following aspect by using modern techniques such as LA-ICP-MS and EMPA, the in-situ probe analysis methods, comparing important deposits in China including Jinchuan (Gansu province), Hongqiling (Jiling province), Jianchaling (Shaanxi province) and Kalatongke, East Huangshan, Huangshan (Xinjiang province):
    1. Systematically tested, analyzed and sorted out geochemical data of intrusion-related nickel
    deposits in China, such as analysis of zonal structure of chrome spinels, micro-probe in situ analysis of single minerals incjude olivine and pyroxene by LA-ICP-MS, in which some of the research is the first time domestically. All above accumulated essential data for the research in this aspect, provided quantitative result for the research on differentiations and evolutions of the elements in genesis of the important nickel deposits in China.
    2. Studied the characteristic and regularity of intrusion-related nickel deposits in China by
    comparing the deposits domestically and abroad. The nickel deposits in China can be sort into three kinds, i.e. the ultra-basic related, ultrabasic-basic related, and neutral-basic related, of which present obvious specialty on magmatic origin and geochemistry.
    3. Re-Os isotope chronology study suggesting the forming of Jinchuan nickel-copper deposit
    which is magmatic dominanted and multi-mineralization attributed may lasting a long period of time. The age of Jinchuan body was estimated between 1300Ma~1500Ma;
    period of time. The age of Jinchuan body was estimated between 1300Ma-1500Ma; disseminated ore is about ~1217Ma; sideronitic ore is about 960Ma and massive ore is about 911 Ma. The level of contaminants was increase in order of Jinchuan (Hongqiling) < Jianchaling < East Huangshan (Kalatongke). Proterozoic is important evolution period in forming of nickel-copper deposits.
    4. the geologic, element and experimental study suggest the mechanism of small body, giant
    deposit in Jinchuan is succeeding segregation whole magma chamber intruding from deep to emplace. The study is proof, supplementary and progress of the deep segregation, penetrating ore formation theory, which was advanced by Mr Tang Zhongli, the academician of china.
    5. The perspective targets for deposit shooting is in deep facies of neutral-basic, basic,
    altra-basic body and there complexes. There are dunite facies in the bottom and exsoluting gregorite in the chrome spinels.
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