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用宏观地震资料反演震源特征是一个“经典”地震学问题,中外学者在这方面做过很多深入的工作(Shebalin,1973;陈顒,1975;小山顺二和郑斯华,1991;Panza et al.,1991;Sirovich,1996,1997;Molchan et al.,2002,2004;Fitzko et al.,2005)。同时,这个问题也是一个非常复杂的问题,涉及到震源破裂,地震波的传播、场地放大效应、地表建筑物破坏、烈度的确定、等震线的勾画原则等问题。本研究试图找到观测资料与理论方法的平衡点,用相对简单的模型去根据等震线估计震源特征。本文详细分析了Sirovich(1996,1997)提出的KF算法,结合我国等震线绘制习惯、考虑陈顒(1975)均匀断层假设下的等震线合成的方法,采用随机破裂的面状震源,根据高频地震辐射中辐射方向性因子失效的理论结果(Satoh,2002;Castro et al.,2006),对KF算法进行改进,并用其对中国华北地区的一些地震进行等震线合成研究。并取得了不错的结果。相关的合成算法可以作为一种ShakeMap的简单近似。本文把收集到的华北地区历史地震烈度资料,通过MapInfo软件进行投影校准、采样,并通过MatLab软件编程并加入30″(约1km分辨率)地形数据呈现出来,建成方便使用的数据库。数据库包含包括明、清时期(1477年~1911年)历史地震111个、现代(1966年~2000年)地震52个。采用年代索引,并配有详细的数据使用说明。本文采用试错法来完成烈度资料到震源信息的反演,为便于操作和观察,利用MatLab GUI编写了两个程序,分别针对陈颙(1975)提出的等震线合成方法以及改进的KF方法实现了人机互动。讨论了深度,走向、倾角等参数独立变化时,等震线形状的变化规律,作为震源参数结果不确定性的估计。对1668年郯城地震、1679年三河平谷地震、1830年磁县地震、1966年邢台地震、1976年唐山地震和2008年汶川的反演进行尝试性的震源参数测定。
Characterizing seismic source properties using macro-seismic data has long been a 'classical' topic in seismology,as can be shown by the works from Shabalin(1973), Chen(1975),Koyama and Zheng(1991) and Panza et al(1991) to Sirovich(1996,1997), Molchan et al(2002,2004) and Fitzko et al(2005).Being a complicated problem,it deals with earthquake rupture,propagation of seismic waves in heterogeneous media, site effect of strong ground motion,destruction of buildings,determination of intensity,and plotting of isoseismals.In this thesis,balancing the models in use and the quality and availability of observation data,relatively simple models are used to retrieve source properties from isoseismals.To this end the KF-method proposed by Sirovich(1996,1997) was systematically analyzed and reproduced using MatLab. Considering the plotting of isoseiamals in China,taking the method of Chen(1975) as a reference,a rectangle seismic source was used,with the theoretical consideration that radiation directivity degenerating for high frequencies(Satoh,2002;Castro et al., 2006),to several earthquakes in China.The algorithm modified from KF-method can also act as a simplified version of ShakeMap.Collecting the intensity data of north China,conducting map-projection correction and sampling/digitalizing using MapInfo, programming using MatLab,and adding the 30"(about 1km resolution) topography data in the mapping,a user-oriented database was constructed,with 111 historical earthquakes in north China in the Ming and Qing Dynasty(1477~1911) and 52 earthquakes in north China in the late 20~(th) century(1966~2000).The database is indexed by time with detailed users guide.Using trail-and-error approach retrieve source parameters from isoseismal contours,an interactive program was written implementing the method of Chen(1975) and the modified KF-method.Discussion on the effect of focal depth,strike and dip on the plotting of isoseismals gives the estimate of the uncertainties of the source parameter retrieval.The program was applied in a testing mode to the 1668 Juxian-Tancheng earthquake,the 1679 Sanhe-Pinggu earthquake,the 1830 Cixian earthquake,the 1966 Xingtai earthquake, 1976 Tangshan earthquake,and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.
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