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Ion beam bioengineering which is created by professor Z.L. Yu is a new cross subject. It has accomplished many important achievements in gene transformation mediated by ion beam, mutagenic breeding, enviromental radiation and human health and so on. For the single-ion microbeam can irradiate cell in precise spatial and a predefined number of particle, so it can boost the research and appliance of low energy ion beam bioengineering. However, it is good beam quality that is preliminary for the irradiation in precise spatial and a predefined number of particle, hence it is important to study on the single-ion microbeam facility and it's beam quality.
    The paper mainly focused on the beam transport part of ASIPP key laboratory of ion beam bioengineering and it's component elements, for example, van de Graff accelerator, bending magnet, magnetic quadruple lenses, beam shutter, collimator and so on. The laboratory has performed the milestone achievement that is beam passed the hole of lO^m diameter in experiments. Many experimental results are discussed by theories according to experiments. Moreover the paper makes forth of the hypothesis of optimizing the beam quality.Through measuring the emittance, the facility can change the parameters of magnetic quadruple lenses to optimize the beam quality in real-time.
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