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     2.以二维平面咀嚼简化模型特征参数为参照,以Visual C++6.0为开发平台,采用AutoCAD二次开发技术、Access数据库管理技术、开放式数据源通信技术,设计咀嚼系统二维离散元边界图元数据提取模块,实现咀嚼模型的边界特征图元材料属性和摆动属性的选择、设置、提取、外部链接与保存功能。设计了下颚运动参数设置工具菜单和按钮控件,以对摆动中心坐标值、摆动角速度、下颚张口与闭口临界点坐标值特征参数的获取,完成食品咀嚼系统边界简化模型的二维离散元法建模;
Nowadays most research for food chewing process is based on the electromyographyscanning technique, fluorescence photography, high-speed photography, fluorescence cameratechnology, ultrasound scan image technique, magnetic resonance imaging technology, digitalmodeling method and minite element method(FEM), however, these technologies and theoriescould recorded motion information of the chewing organ and chewing function of oral cavityduring chewing, and cannot study the state of food in the chewing process. To study the foodstatus in the chewing process, to reduce the cost and cycle of create new food. Thus, use thediscrete element method (DEM) to research changing state of the food chewing process, andfocuses on studying a suitable two-dimensional DEM boundary modeling method ofmasticatory system and analysis software module to the chewing process simulation, andpreliminary simulation analysis and verification of the masticatory system using boundarymodule and simulation analysis module. The major contents are as follows:
     1. Based on food chewing organ motion characteristics in the chewing process, build theanalysis of the masticatory system organ structure, function and law of motion, and foodchewing model is simplified into a reciprocating swing model that is single degree of freedom;Through analyze width of mandible,size of from forehead to occipital, size of from jaw tocalvaria which was statistical date of different parts of four adult men and two women's whoage about from twenty to twenty-five, refer to statistical average value as general structure ofthe organs to plot the simplified modeling of two-dimensional CAD model of the masticatorysystem;
     2. Characteristic parameters of simplified two-dimensional chewing model as a reference,using the Visual C++6.0development platform, AutoCAD Secondary DevelopmentTechnology, Access database management technology, open-data resource communicationstechnology to design data extraction module that adapt to build two-dimensional DEMboundary of chewing system, to complete set, extract and external links, and preservation offunction for masticatory system boundaries model about material properties motion propertiesand character. The different edit box and button of MFC will response mouse action andkeyboard commands refers dissimilar IDD value, that is using to set coordinate value of thecritical points of jaw characteristic parameters, the center point of reciprocating swing andchewing speed. Build two dimensional DEM the food masticatory system boundaries simplified model;
     3. In accordance with boundaries data structure and motion characteristics of themasticatory system, the logical structure of chewing motion control algorithm of the boundarymodel was deduced according to the simplified model sports features and plane coordinatetransformation formulation. MFC and ODBC tools use for design reading and writingsub-module, completed two-dimensional DEM the food chewing system simulation analysismodule;
     4. Using the boundary module and simulation analysis module, selected the linearviscoelastic particles mechanical connection model as the food particles model to complete thefood chewing discrete element simulation analysis; using infrared video recorder of VICON tocapture the trajectory of jaw markers in the chewing process, two kinds of trajectory comefrom the capture computer simulation and jaw markers is resemblance that proved therationality of simplified the boundary model of the masticatory system.
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