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Role stress is one of the important influence factors of job satisfaction ofmanagers,and also is the important problems of management research. Role stress isthe important sources of stress. Although many studies discover that role stress isrelated to negative working conditions, there is still room for improvement.
     The private enterprises are numerous, small scale and external financingdifficulties, which management system is not standard.Therefore the stress role ofthe managers is Serious. This research has theoretical significance in revealing themediation mechanism of role stress, the so called black box; and it is also ofsignificance in determining the effect boundary of role stress; it also providesguidance for achieving the management practice of mutual benefit and cooperationbetween private enterprise owners and managers in China.
     The science problem is the relationship between the stress role of mangers andthe job satisfactory.The research has four parts. Firstly, we combed through manyarticles for the current situation of the stess role of managers. Secondly, based onAffective Events Theory, and Organizational Support Theory, it construct atheoretical model.Thirdly, through the revision to the scale of role stress, affect,and job satisfactory based on the literature research it finally forms thequestionnaire.After the empirical investigation and study from92private enterprisesin China, results show that the questionnaire has good reliability and validity.Finally, it evaluates the mediation effect of positive and negative mood, and themoderating effect of enterprise owner’s perception of manager’s role stress on theabove mentioned relationship.
     The results are as follows:(1) Role stress will negatively affect managers’jobsatisfaction;(2) Mood (including positive and negative mood) mediate betweenrole stress and job satisfaction;(3)the relationship between role stress and mood ofmanager will be moderated by enterprise owner’s perception of manager’s role stress,(4) The higher enterprise owner thinks manager’s role stress is, the stronger the negative correlation between manager’s role stress and mood is; enterprise ownerthinks the higher manager’s role stress is, the stronger mood mediates therelationship between manager’s role stress and job satisfaction.
     Based on the results the main conclusions are as follows:(1) Organizationshould adopt various measures to cope with role stress to improve the jobsatisfactory;(2) One way to increase manager’s job satisfaction is to improve hispositive mood;(3) Pay close attention to the owner’s perception of manager’s rolestress;(4) One way to increase manager’s positive mood is to improve his stressload;(5) The perception of the work role to the managers themselves depend ontheir own feelings and judgment.
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    理查德怀斯曼(Richard Wiseman)(英).正能量.长沙:湖南文艺出版社,2012

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