移动Ad Hoc网络QoS关键技术的研究
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移动Ad Hoc网络作为一种无中心、自构建、自组织和自管理的新型无线网络,因其组网灵活、展开迅速、自主运行等诸多优点,广泛应用于军事通信、应急救援等无法或不便敷设网络基础设施并需快速组网的场合。近年来,随着急剧增长的无线网络需求,移动Ad Hoc网络在个人通信等民用领域也展现出美好的应用前景,因此成为下一代通信网络研究的热点之一。多媒体业务的普及和商业应用的进展导致服务质量(QoS)保证的的需求日趋强烈,而移动Ad Hoc网络所具有的多跳通信、资源受限、分布式控制以及动态拓扑等特点,对移动Ad Hoc网络其中的QoS保证提出了严峻挑战。
     围绕不同应用的QoS需求,针对网络自身特点,本文对移动Ad Hoc网络QoS关键技术进行研究,并取得了如下创新性成果:
     (3)提出了基于IEEE802.11协议的自适应QoS MAC协议。该协议针对网络的特殊性和所支持的业务类型,进行优先级划分;引入传输许可证概念,规定只有持有许可证的节点才可以传输数据,根据网络负载情况自适应调整许可证数量,控制参与信道竞争的节点数目,持有许可证的节点采用竞争方式共享信道;为不同的优先级业务设置不同的信道竞争参数,从概率上保证高优先级业务在信道竞争中处于优势:采用资源预留方式,为特殊业务提供端到端的绝对QoS保证,在有限的信道上最大限度地同时满足协议的高效性、针对性和空间复用性等指标。仿真表明,自适应QoS MAC协议与IEEE802.11相比,保证了网络中高优先级业务的QoS要求,在有限的信道上最大限度地同时满足协议的高效性、针对性和空间复用性等指标。
     上述工作针对移动Ad Hoc网络的QoS需求,重点对QoS模型、路由和介质访问控制技术进行初步探索,所取得的研究成果对提高网络的QOS性能具有重要意义。
Mobile Ad Hoc networks are provided with many merits, such as flexible networking, rapid expandability and distribution control. It is a new centerless, self-constructing, self-organizing and self-managing network, and is applied in military, individual communications, emergencies and other circumstances where networks can not be easily established but require rapid networking. In recently years, wireless network grows rapidly. At the same time, as its application foreground in individual communication is getting wider and wider, mobile Ad Hoc network is becoming one of the hotspots of next generation communication network. The popularization of multimedia operation and evolution of business application leads to high demand of QoS assurance. The characteristics of multi-hops communications, unreliable radio medium, limited bandwidth, distributed control and node mobility presents a challenge to provide QoS in mobile Ad Hoc networks.
     To cater for different conditions of QoS application, this thesis researches on the key technologies for QoS in mobile Ad Hoc networks according to the network characteristics. The followings are specific contributions of this thesis:
     (1) This thesis proposes adaptive cross-layer QoS model. Based on the traditional TCP/IP protocol stack, the cross-layer information exchange module and the adaptive decision-making module are added. The cross-layer information exchange module breaks the restriction of the original layer structure, which realizes information sharing among the layers. The adaptive decision-making module, grounded on the information exchanging and sharing among layers, excavates the correspondence among protocol stack and endows the network with observing, learning, and self-improving ability. From a comprehensive view point, the proposed model optimizes according to services QoS requirement and the conditions provided by the network. The model regulates parameters on different layers of the protocol stack according to network conditions, and adapts to the changes of the network automatically by selecting routing protocol, changing transmitting power, data transfer rate, packet length, coding and modulating technology. And it can provide different QoS by differentiating packet priority, realizing effective distribution of network resources and improving the integrated performance of the system.
     (2) This thesis proposes adaptive QoS routing strategy. The strategy correctly reflects the changes of the network in good time, which provides the basis to make adaptive choices between strategies of proactive or reactive mode, single path route or multi path routes, single QoS index or multiple QoS indexes joint optimization, load balance or not, bandwidth reservation or not, etc. And thus the adaptive, self-constructed, self-managed highly efficient distributed QoS routing mechanism can be realized. The specific design realizes the following routing algorithm:QoS-aware Multiple Objective Optimization Routing protocol (QMOR), which can realize access control by node bandwidth, select the route that meets the QoS bandwidth demand by multiple objective optimization algorithm that includes path delay, the length of existing packets in buffer, retry number; QoS routing protocol based on immunity algorithm, which chooses the resource consumption function as objective function; the appetency is expressed by the reciprocal of the resource consumption function; the restriction conditions are bandwidth and delay; and finding the optimal solution using the immune algorithm by synthetically considering both of hopping number and delay based on bandwidth guaranteed; QoS-Aware multipath protocol (QAMR), which considers the node congestion, packet collision and other influences of local information for the QoS routing, reflects node and path performance by introducing node utilization factor and path utilization factor, selects multipath that meet the QoS requirement, realizing load balance in the procedure of communicating and improving routing fault-tolerant capability; QoS routing protocol based on fuzzy algorithm, which takes the present required bandwidth as access control restriction, sets Mathematical model based on the parameters of delay, hops, Path Usable Degree(PUD), and throughput ratio and solve the model by fuzzy algorithm, analyzes and makes decisions on the routes between the source and destination nodes; design bandwidth reservation mechanism for special sevices of high QoS requirement. Simulation shows that the adaptive router strategy can accommodate network conditions and services requirement and realize good QoS performance.
     (3) This thesis proposes the adaptive QoS MAC protocol based on IEEE802.11protocol. The proposed protocol assign different priority classes for different traffic according to special characteristics and performance types of the different networks. It introduces the concept of transmission license, and only the node which holds transmission license can participate in the channel contention, changing the number of licenses according to the load of the network adaptively, controlling the number of the nodes that participate in the channel contention, and ensuring the nodes with licenses share the channels through contention. It sets different contention parameters for the different priorities services, and guaranteeing these services performances to have advantages in the channel contention. It provides special performances with absolutely end-to-end QoS guarantee, satisfying simultaneously the high efficiency, pertinence, spatial-reuse, etc. to the largest extent. Simulation shows that compared to IEEE802.11protocol, adaptive QoS MAC protocol meets the QoS requirement with low and high priorities in the networks, satisfies the high efficiency, pertinence, spatial-reuse, etc. to the largest extent at the same time in limited channels.
     The above-mentioned works carry out some elementary researches on QoS model, routing and medium access control technology, which aim to meet the QoS requirement of mobile Ad Hoc networks. The results obtained in this thesis have great significance on improving QoS performance in the networks.
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