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     进一步研究了EGCG在壳聚糖微球中的包封率、EGCG的释放及载EGCG微球的抗氧化性。壳聚糖微球对EGCG的包封率可达80%。在pH 7.4的PBS缓冲液中,不同制备条件下的EGCG壳聚糖微球的释放性能表现出显著的差异性。EGCG壳聚糖微球对DPPH自由基的淬灭能力实验显示,作为微胶囊载体的壳聚糖微球对EGCG抗氧化性能的保持具有重要作用。
Public and scientific interest has been greatly intensified in the microcapsule carrier effects of chitosan microspheres on polyphenols with unstable physicochemical properties in recent years. In this paper, we synthesized chitosan microspheres and further investigated their microcapsule carrier effects on (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
     Chitosan microspheres encapsulated EGCG were prepared by the emulsion-crosslinking method, using chitosan solution of ethylic acid as water phase, liquid paraffin as oil phase, Span80 as emulsifier, EGCG as core material, and glutaraldehyde as crosslinking agent. The microspheres' particle size distribution and surface morphology were characterized by optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). When Voil:Vwater is 9:1. the volume of glutaraldehyde is 1%(v/v), reaction time is 4 h, and reaction temperature is 60℃, chitosan microspheres are mellow, smooth and homogeneous.
     Further studies on encapsulation efficiency, release and antioxidant activity of EGCG in chitosan microspheres were carried out. The encapsulation efficiency of EGCG in chitosan microspheres was achieved about 80%. EGCG release in pH 7.4 from chitosan microspheres obtained with different conditions exhibited different behaviors. The free radical scavenging activity test of EGCG in chitosan microspheres indicated that chitosan microspheres used as the microcapsule carrier had important effect on the antioxidant function of EGCG.
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