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In recent years, fraud and disguise leave us all speechless from shock in our country stock market, and show that IRM of our country listed company imperfect and absent seriously. IRM is the symbol of capital market tending towards maturity, as a strategic process that listed company communicate corporate management information and harmonize relationship with investor by using the disciplines of finance, communication and marketing, its effectiveness will not only be propitious to improve reputation of listed company and protect benefits of investor and maximize their value, but also be in favor of enhancing investor confidence and stockholder consciousness in capital market , advancing good and healthy development of capital market. So, author regards IRM as the project of the thesis, and expect to put forward the best actual way of IRM of our country listed company.On the basis of the meanings and status of IRM of listed company, dissertation considers that it roots in scarcity of criterion in a sense, based on overseas resources reference, domestic demonstration analysis and value reasoning, so standardization is only choice of our country listed company .So, based on defining standardization gists and anatomying its mechanism, the dissertation emphasize on demonstrating frame form and operation circulation of IRM of our country listed company theoretically and positively in view of criterion,with theories and ways of statistic, communication theories, marketing, informatics,psychics, ethics and law.Standardization running foundation is not limited to organization institution in management meaning, but includes country law, society moral and corporate culture, etc. And because there are divergence among these measure resources in the aspects of establishment subject and guarantee mechanism, which are measure resources of IRM of our country listed company, function mechanism of IRM reveal dual property. And it gives birth to restriction by others and restriction by oneself in
    support mechanism, and comes into being positivity and passivity in the construct mechanism ,and express function of overawe and sparkplug , and embody the essence of "keep faith" and "seize heart" respectively.Dual function mechanism in standardization of IRM of listed company negativity directly lead frame form of IRM model of our country listed company not to be single, but to exist two suitable form of IRM model, which are negativity model and initiative model. Because negativity model and initiative model is obviously distinct in the construction factors such as goal, subject, object, content and manner, they engender sector operation model and circle operation model.sector operation model and circle course model are different to traditional one-side communication model and two-sides communication model, and as commercial communication model in the stock market, their core factors consist of sender, receiver, participator, influencer and communication information, communication channel and display particular model state of listed company in IRM.Although constitution factors have determined that negativity model is primary form of standard IRM of listed company and established that initiative model is advanced phase of standardized IRM of listed company, theory and demonstration analysis have showed that negativity model and initiative model still have different application scope by themselvies, they are best choice of listed company with low faith and listed company with high faith based on their present condition separately. Of course, no matter what sector operation model and circle operation model, they have to be safeguarded by supervision of government, sustaining of media, assortment of intermediary organs and recognition of high manager, and can be verified their practice effectiveness with synthesis evaluation way according special estimation system with credit and avail of IRM of listed company.
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