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     由于煤制合成气的C/H比例远高于煤制燃料油的生产需要,本文提出了煤基燃料联供联产系统,其中煤炭与富氢物质天然气耦合作为原料。在对各流程单元机理的认知和生产技术比选的基础上,采用Aspen Plus软件进行流程模拟。该系统分别与单独以煤或天然气为基础的系统进行多目标的3E综合评价和比较。研究表明煤基联供联产系统具有CO2排放率降低、能源效率提高等优点。
Chinese energy structure is coal dependent and this situation will remain for a long time. As more and more attention is paid to the energy security, coal-chemical industry has become a hot topic and got developed quickly. It is important to investigate coal-chemical system based on industrial ecological idea for realizing harmonious development of nature, industry and society. The construction of this system is on the basis of three principles: resource coupling, multi-product symbiosis and waste recycling. Exploring the analysis, integration and optimization of this system has not only theoretical value but also significant practical meaning.
     In this research, system engineering and industrial ecology were main theoretical foundation. The current situation of Chinese energy resource and coal-chemical industry were analyzed firstly. Then key technology routes were simulated, scenario optimization of the whole system was realized quantificationally, and the system was compared by synthetical analysis and industrial ecological analysis. Based on these information and comparisons, the development pattern, trend and evolution of coal-chemical eco-industrial system in the future were discussed.
     Because coal is a kind of carbon rich material, C/H ratio of syngas from coal is much higher than needed for producing fuel. Therefore, it was suggested the coal based co-feed and co-production system was used. Natural gas, as hydrogen rich material, was used to complement the use of coal as a feedstock. All the systems were divided into several different subsystems. Based on technology selection and modelling analysis of subsystems, systems were simulated by Aspen Plus. Then coal based co-feed and co-production system was compared with coal or nature gas (NG) based system by energy, environment, and economy (3E) evaluation. The results illustrated that co-feed and co-production system had several advantages, including lower CO2 emission ratio, higher thermal efficiency and so on.
     Based on the study of co-feed and co-production system, coal-chemical eco-industrial system was proposed. The concept, principles, characteristics, and superstructure of the system were presented. The system was decomposed into several technology routes. Multi-objective evaluating index was set by considering resource, environment and economy at the same time. Then the multi-objective and superstructure optimization model were built for coal-chemical eco-industrial system. By quantificational optimization, different industrial structures and technology routes were obtained under different scenarios.
     On the basis of the optimization model, the analysis of influencing factors were discussed including cost of raw materials and products, maturity degree of technologies, policy and law factors, reduction pressure of CO2 emission and so on. Compared with the data of coal-chemical industry in 2005, the industrial ecological analysis was also discussed in order to find the development pattern and trend of coal-chemical eco-industrial system in the future. Research results showed that coal-chemical eco-industrial system realized high added value utilization of coal and update of product structure. It had higher intensity of resource utilization and link density of system. This system will replace the conventional system, and become the important development direction of coal-chemical industry.
     At last, a practical case was studied. Using the proposed frame of optimization model and method, coal-chemical industry of a southwest area in China was investigated and analyzed.
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