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     本文在前期工作的基础上,建立并完善了液压胀形汽车桥壳数字模型库,根据试验桥壳的几何形状在UG(Unigraphics)建模环境中构造汽车桥壳的三维立体模型,利用UG为客户二次开发提供的UG/OPEN API程序设计模块、UG/OPEN MenuScript和UG/OPEN UIstyler两个辅助开发模块,运用VC++语言建立模型数据库,满足用户对汽车桥壳模型的需求。
     基于大量的汽车桥壳的液压胀形试验,对试验数据进行整理汇总。运用Access数据库管理系统DBMS(DataBase Management System)结合Visual Basic编程语言,建立液压胀形汽车桥壳的试验数据库。本数据库可分为三部分:成功试件、起皱失稳试件和破裂试件。试验数据库可以清晰的表达不同种类试件的图像、几何参数、加载路径以及各种试验参量,并且能够对试验数据进行搜索、添加、修改、删除等数据管理操作。
The axle housing manufactured by hydroforming can meet the requirement of light weight in automotive making. The products are of reasonable thickness distribution, high strength and high rigidity. The hydroforming technic which based on the former experiences is inefficient and wastes time and fund. Aiming at above problems, this thesis takes 1/2 scale samples of a 0.75 t truck axle housing to hydroforming test and research. First it puts up the to the axle housing model and upbuild the axle housing model database. Second, it designs the testing database based on the testing data and then search the internal regulation of axle housing hydroforming.
     This thesis carries out the hydroforming parametric design and perfects it on the base of former work. Three-dimensional model of the axle housing will be constructed according to the geometrical shape in the UG modeling system. In the VC++ system DLL will be created by the modules of UG/OPEN API、UG/OPEN MenuScript and UG/OPEN UIstyler, which are provided by UG secondary development. The axle housing model database can meet the user's requirement.
     Testing data will be settled and managed according to a mass of axle housing hydroforming experiment. This thesis upbuilds the testing database of axle housing hydroforming by the use of Access DBMS and Visual Basic. The data can divided to three series: successful tubes、wrinkled tubes and cracked tubes. The database can clearly express the different tube images、parameters、loading paths and so on,as well as the data management and operation such as searching、adding、amending、deleting.
     Finally, to get the right loading path and the criterion of the failed tubes, this thesis make an academic research and analysis to the typical successful and failed tubes based on testing database. Hydro forming regulation under different loading path will be showed.
     This thesis perfects the axle housing model database and upbuilds the axle housing hydroforming database. Hydroforming regulation of tubes is showed under different loading path and the reliable basis is provided for it. The simulation、experiment and production would be well instructed.
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