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本文通过模拟试验、理论分析和数值计算,对深厚表土底部含水层的疏排水固结沉降规律及相关参数进行了深入的研究。通过自行设计的高应力、高水压试验装置,进行了一系列的试验,获得了疏排水沉降量与水压变化、渗透系数与有效应力之间的关系表达式;首次对回归系数的主要影响因素从颗粒级配的特征粒径和特性参数入手,进行了系统的分析;得到了压缩模量与水压降的正相关关系式;提出了一种简便、易行的先期固结压力的确定方法,并对深土力学特性进行了初步研究;推导了各种边界条件下Terzaghi 和Biot 固结理论的水头及沉降量的解析解或半解析解;编写了隐式差分格式的计算程序,进行了考虑土的力学指标随疏排水过程变化条件下的数值模拟计算;最后,对疏排水沉降与井壁竖直附加力进行了示例计算。
Based on a series of simulation tests and theoretical and numerical analyses, this thesis approaches deeply into the law of dewater consolidated settlement and correlated parameters of the bottom aquifer in overburden. Using the apparatus of high stress and high hydraulic pressure developed by author, a series of tests was carried out, and the expressions of dewater consolidated settlement with hydraulic pressure and coefficient of permeability with efficient stress was obtained. The important factors affecting regression coefficients made systemically analysis for the first time from characteristic grain and parameter. The positive correlativity of modulus of compressibility with hydraulic pressure drop was found. A method of measured pre-consolidation pressure was put forwarded, which was simple and handle, and the mechanical properties of deep soil was pilot studied. The analytical and semi-analytical solutions of water head or settlement displacement based on Terzaghi and Biot consolidation theory were deduced in a series of boundary conditions. The program about implicit difference method was compiled, and the numerical simulation procession that takes into account mechanic index influenced by dewatering was carried through. Finally, it was given that calculating demonstrations about dewater settlement and additional vertical force.
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