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     1.股四头肌力量评价和肌电记录方法:股四头肌功能测量技术按照Polkey等所述的方法,受试者坐在一张特制的椅子上,椅子的靠背可以活动,竖直或平放,受试者膝关节呈90度弯曲,悬垂于椅子末端。用一条无弹性皮带连接脚踝与应力测量器(测量范围0-150 kg)。皮带一端置于脚踝上1~2cm处,与脚踝垂直,另一端通过负荷感受器与应力测量器相连。每次测试前用标准力量定标。股四头肌体表肌电图(SEMG)的检测分别于股外侧肌肌腹、股直肌肌腹、股内侧肌腹表面安放测试电极,参考电极置于膝关节处。整个测试过程中必须确保受试者的膝关节角度不能改变,固定脚踝的皮带及力量负荷感受器应当始终与地板保持平行水平。然后进行下列检测
     股四头肌被动收缩力的评估标准以最大肌颤搐张力(TwQmax)为准。TwQmax的判断标准为:随着磁刺激强度的逐步增加,所诱发的肌肉被动收缩力(即TwQ)及肌肉复合动作电位(即CMAP)出现平台。所有的131例受试者中,TwQ及CMAP均随着刺激量的增加而增加,其中的121例(对照组54例、COPD组67例)TWQ及CMAP最终出现平台,即检测到TwQmax。对于能检测到TwQmax的121例受试者,以三次_(100%)磁刺激强度下所诱发的TwQ(即TwQ_(100%))的平均值作为最终TwQmax的结果。有10例,包括对照组6例(男性2例,女性4例)、COPD患者组4例(均为男性)未检测到TwQmax,即随着刺激强度的增加,没有观察到TwQ或CMAP平台的出现。此10例受试者中的9例体重指数明显高于其他受试者(24.5~31 kg/m~2), TwQ_(100%):QMVC的比值均<0.16;另外一例其体重指数正常,但TwQ_(100%)的最大值(25kg左右)明显高于其他所有受试者,TwQ_(100%):QMVC的最高比值为0.58,每次诱发的TwQ_(100%)值不稳定、变异度大(变异率大于20%)。因此,此10例受试者未纳入TwQmax的统计分析。
     2.4数据采集和分析:表面电极和应力测量器的信号与放大器连接,然后在数据采集系统(PowerLab 8/16SP)的支持下以2 Khz(磁刺激时采样频率为10Khz)的采样频率同步记录并保存于苹果电脑中,待后以Chart 5.2软件分析。表面肌电信号以计算均方根(RMS-100ms)用来衡量肌电幅度,计算M波的正负峰值差以衡量CMAP幅度。
     开始测试时间为清晨(7:30-8:30分),受试者空腹,留取静脉血标本6ml, 2ml不加抗凝剂,用以检测血清蛋白及血脂;4ml抗凝血离心后用以检测血浆中及血细胞内的细胞因子的表达。血标本暂时保存于4℃冰箱,4小时内进行初步处理,待后进一步处理。人体学测量亦在空腹进行。早餐后进行股四头肌功能测试,首先进行磁刺激检测,然后依次进行QMVC测试及耐力测试,每项功能测试前受试者分别安静休息20分钟。最后(或当日下午)进行肺功能测试及日常活动评分问卷调查。
     6.1.1检测结果:正常对照组男性的QMVC为(42.06±7.61)kg、耐力时间为(81.09±22.58)秒、TwQmax为(13.91±3.94)kg,而COPD患者组男性的QMVC为(23.26±5.74)kg、耐力时间为(51.13±18.73)秒、TwQmax为(7.25±2.29)kg;女性正常对照组的QMVC为(29.24±4.58)kg、耐力时间为(83.44±23.64)秒, TwQmax为(7.75±1.75)kg,而女性COPD组的QMVC为(15.55±4.25)kg、耐力时间为(56.31±15.49)秒,TwQmax为(4.18±0.89)kg;各组间比较均有显著差异性(P<0.001)。
     以正常对照组受试者肌肉功能三项检测指标的检测值为因变量,以相关因素作为自变量,计算出正常健康老龄者(58-76岁)的股四头肌功能指标回归方程(正常值预计方程)如下: QMVC (kg)=0.383+ 7.278×性别+1.967×PA评分(分) +0.257×体重(kg) Tf (秒)=2.143×MTMC(cm)+11.467×PA评分(分)+1.244×体重(kg)-34.759×性别-162.478 TwQmax (kg)=0.370×身高(cm) + 0.898×PA评分(分)-56.775
     对于主客观测试方法重复性的评估,以三次重复测量数据变异率进行对比。组内男女分层比较,TwQmax和QMVC的变异率分别为:正常对照组(男性2.3 v 3.3%;女性3.4% v 3.7%);COPD患者组(男性3.9% v 8.5%;女性3.3% v 5.1%),显示TwQmax的变异率低于QMVC,即前者的重复性高于后者;但所有的变异率均<10%。
     对于个体间变异度的比较,以变异系数衡量。剔除未达到最大刺激强度的受试者,就TwQmax及QMVC进行对比,二者的变异系数分别为:正常对照组(男性27% v18%;女性23%v15%);COPD患者组(男性32% v 24%;女性21% v 27%)。组内男女分层分析结果显示:对照组的男性及女性、COPD患者组的男性,此三组中TwQmax的变异系数均高于和QMVC,即TwQmax在个体间的变异度高于QMVC;仅在COPD女性中,TwQmax在个体间的变异度低于QMVC。此结果显示出TwQmax在个体间变异度普遍高于QMVC。
     细胞因子检测结果分别为:SPD(ng/ml):正常组(31.97±5.54)、COPD组( 47.52±17.26 ) ; Tweak (pg/ml) :正常组( 447.57±84.25 )、COPD组(583.39±241.50);肌抑制素(ug/ml):正常组(31.76±9.39)、COPD组(48.71±21.01);TNF-α(pg/ml):正常组(6.23±4.49)、COPD组(13.91±2.86),以上4种细胞因子在COPD组与正常对照组之间比较,均有显著差异性(各P<0.001)。另外4种包括IL-6、IL-1β、CRP及NF-κB也在COPD组有升高趋势,但统计分析与正常对照组之间无显著差异(各P>0.05)。细胞因子筛查结果显示:所有检测的8项细胞因子均在COPD组升高,但其中仅有4种达到统计学意义。
     正常对照组的QMVC与性别、PA评分、体重显著相关(R~2 =0.61,p<0.001);耐力时间与PA评分、MTMC、体重及性别相关(R~2 =0.58,p<0.001);TwQmax与身高及PA评分相关(R~2 =0.67,p<0.001)。
     被动与主动两种收缩力之间:剔除没有达到TwQmax的受试者,分析TwQmax与QMVC之间的相关性,结果显示:在54例正常受试者中二者显著正相关(r=0.793, p=0.000),在67例COPD患者中二者也呈正相关(r=0.396, p=0.001);TwQmax与QMVC之间的比值在正常对照组为0.29、在COPD患者组为0.32。
     1.正常老年(58-76岁)健康者股四头肌功能检测指标的预测公式为: QMVC (kg)=0.383+ 7.278×性别+1.967×PA评分(分) +0.257×体重(kg) Tf (秒)=2.143×MTMC(cm)+11.467×PA评分(分)+1.244×体重(kg)-34.759×性别-162.478 TwQmax (kg)=0.370×身高(cm) + 0.898×PA评分(分)-56.775
Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a multiple component disorder with systemic effects. Skeletal muscle dysfunction (SMD) is one of the most important systemic manifestations of COPD. SMD has been recognized as a contributing factor related to reduced exercise capacity, impaired quality of life, and increased mortality and health care utilization. There is increasing concerns on the potential role of peripheral muscles dysfunction in COPD as it might be a potential site of intervention for improving patient’s functional status. A variety of mechanisms related to SMD in COPD have been postulated, such as systemic inflammation, malnutrition, muscle disuse and atrophy, etc; while none of the above mentioned mechanisms could fully explain SMD in COPD. Quadriceps function assessment was used in majority of the studies for assessment of peripheral skeletal muscle function as it is readily accessible and is a primary locomotor muscle. Accurate assessment of skeletal muscles function is important for investigation of the mechanism of SMD in COPD. Comprehensive evaluation of muscles function should include the assessment of both of strength and of endurance capabilities. The conventional test for assessment of quadriceps strength is the maximal volitional contraction (QMVC), which is depending on subjects’volitional effort and affected by learning effects. In the past twenty years, magnetic stimulation of femoral nerve has been employed to assess quadriceps strength non-volitionally, which is not influenced by subjects’effort and co-operation. Furthermore, proper evaluation of the prevalence and severity of SMD in COPD relies also on the proper control data from the age-matched normal subject. So, adequate normal values of quadriceps function in age-matched healthy elderly were important for the study.
     Objective The purposes of the study are to establish normal predicted values for quadriceps muscle function tests in healthy elderly, which can provide proper control data for age-matched COPD patients, to evaluate the prevalence and severity of SMD in patients with COPD, and to explore the related risk factors. Meanwhile, the methods of quadriceps function testing were compared in order to provide evidence for selection of testing for clinical evaluation.
     Materials and Methods
     1. Study subjects
     Seventy-one patients with stable COPD and 60 age-matched healthy volunteers were recruited for the study. Patients were recruited from outpatients’clinics of Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease (State Key Lab of Respiratory Disease) during the period from Mar 2007 to Oct 2007. The diagnosis of COPD was according to the criteria recommended by the GOLD guideline. Significant co-morbidities were excluded by medical history, physical check-up and conventional lab investigations. Subjects exclusion criteria included history of exacerbation in the preceding month, co-morbidities of cardiac, rheumatologic or neuromuscular disorders or unwilling to participate in the study. Subjects in control group were recruited from health check-up department of First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College.
     2. Quadriceps function assessment
     Quadriceps function test was performed with the technique described by Polkey et al, with a specially designed chair from which the back was removed and laid flat. The test was performed with the subject’knee flexed at 90 degree over the end of the chair. The ankle of the dominant leg was placed in an inextensible strap that was connected to a strain gauge, and the strain gauge was calibrated after each test with weights of known amounts. The force output and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) of surface electromyography (SEMG) was recorded simultaneously. SEMG was recorded for quadriceps muscles of rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis. Quadriceps muscle functional test included the three items: twitch tension (TwQ) evoked by magnetic stimulation of the femoral nerve, strength of maximal volitional contraction (QMVC), and endurance time.
     2.1 TwQ
     TwQ was induced by magnetic stimulation of the femoral nerve. Subjects were studied supine on the apparatus, with knee joints flexed at 90 degree over the end of the apparatus. Femoral nerve stimulation was performed using a 70-mm figure-of-eight coil powered by a Magstim 200 stimulator. The coil head was positioned high in the femoral triangle just lateral to the femoral artery. Minor positional adjustments were made to the coil whilst simultaneously monitoring quadriceps force during stimulation to determine the optimum position. TwQ evoked by stimulation at 100% intensity of the stimulator power output (TwQ_(100%)) was used to determine the best spot. The best spot that resulted in the largest TwQ_(100%) was identified and marked in order that the same position was used throughout the range of stimulator outputs. To avoid twitch potentiation, there was a rest period of 20 minutes before the start of the magnetic stimulation. After identifying the best location, stimulations of varying intensities were administered at a stepwise increment in the stimulator’s output. For each subject, stimulation was administrated at 40%, 60%, 80%, 90% and 100% intensity of the stimulator power output, respectively.
     Quadriceps non-volitional strength was assessed with the maximal TwQ (TwQmax). To determine whether TwQ reached to the TwQmax, a near plateau in TwQ and CMAP with increasing power output were observed, indicating maximal depolarization of the femoral nerve. In the present study, TwQmax was achieved in 121 subjects (54 normal subjects and 67 patients), and the result of TwQmax was finally determined as the mean of three reproducible TwQ_(100%) for these subjects. TwQmax was not achievable in 10 participants (6 normal subjects and 4 patients), as a plateau in either TwQ or CMAP amplitude was not reached with the increasing intensity of the stimulator power output up to 100%. Compared with the 121 subjects mentioned above, 9 of the 10 participants had higher BMI (24.5~31 kg/m~2) and a lower ratio of TwQ100%:QMVC (<0.16); the remain one subject had a normal BMI but presented a much higher TwQ100% (25kg), with a higher variability of TwQ100%(>20%). Therefore, the data from the 121 subjects was used for TWQmax in statistical analysis, excluding the data from the 10 subjects.
     2.2 QMVC
     QMVC was measured as the subject in an upright position, with hip and knee joints at 90 degree of flexion. Subjects were required to try to extend their dominant leg as hard as possible against the inextensible strap mentioned above. A computer screen was in front of the subjects for the force generated was visible to subject and investigator; so the computer screen was served as a positive feedback mechanism to help subjects to perform the test. Repeated efforts were made with vigorous encouragement until there was no improvement in performance. Efforts were sustained for about 3~5 seconds and rested for about 45~65 seconds between each contraction in an effort to avoiding fatigue. If maximal values were reproducible (<10% variability) for consecutive three times, i.e., the generated strength reached a plateau, the highest value of these three contractions was considered as the QMVC.
     2.3 Endurance time
     Endurance of the quadriceps was evaluated during an isometric contraction. After 10 minutes of rest following the QMVC maneuvers, subjects were instructed to maintain a tension corresponding to 55%~65% of their own QMVC until exhaustion. The feedback mechanism served by the computer screen helped subjects to maintain the determined submaximal tension. Subjects were strongly encouraged to pursue until tension dropped to 50% QMVC or less for more than 3 seconds (S). Thus, quadriceps endurance was defined as the time to fatigue (Tf), and the time at which the isometric contraction at 60% of maximal voluntary capacity could no longer be sustained.
     2.4 Data acquisition
     The signal was amplified 1 KHz and passed to PowerLab 8/16 SP hardware and a computer running Chart 5.2 software. SEMG signal from quadriceps was sampled at 2 kHz when QMVC and enduring tests were performed; and it was sampled at 10 KHz when magnetic stimulation of femoral nerve was administered. The amplitude of SEMG in QMVC was determined by calculating the root mean square (RMS-100 ms time constant) over the same contraction period for each muscle. Amplitudes of CMAP were determined by calculating the difference between the peak and the minimum of M-wave amplitudes when TwQ was elicited.
     3. Nutritional status assessment
     Subject’s nutritional status was evaluated by using a multiparameter nutritional index (MNI), which consisted of anthropometric measurements and visceral proteins level. Anthropometric measurements included body weight, triceps skinfold thickness (TSF), mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC). Albumin and transferrin plasma concentration was used as visceral proteins store. In addition, serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels were also determined.
     4. Quadriceps muscle mass evaluation
     Quadriceps muscle mass was evaluated indirectly with midthigh muscle circumference (MTMC), which calculated by mid-thigh skinfold thickness and circumference. MTMC was considered different from other anthropometric indices because midthigh muscles mainly consist of quadriceps, which was the muscle we aimed to study.
     5. Spirometric function
     Spirometric function was tested in all of the participants. For the patients with COPD, it was required the confirmation of irreversible airflow limitation with post-bronchodilator FEV_1/FVC<70%.
     6. Level of daily physical activity
     Level of daily life physical activity (PA) was evaluated by using a PA questionnaire adapted for the elderly in China. The original questionnaire on habitual PA consisted of 19 items, scored the past 3 year's household activities, sports activities, and other physically active leisure-time activities and gave an overall PA score. The subjects were asked to describe type of the PA, hours per week spent on it, and period of the year in which the PA was normally performed.
     7. Cytokines
     Eight cytokines were screened in the present study. Antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to analyze the level of cytokines in plasma, and immunocytochemistry (ICC) was employed to detect the expression of nuclear factor KppaB (NF-κB) in peripheral blood lymphocytes and neutrocytes.
     The concentration of seven cytokines in plasma was determined in duplicate by using ELISA kits. These cytokines included surfactant protein D (SPD), myostatin, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interlukin (IL)-6, IL-1β, TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) and C reactive protein (CRP). The expression of NF-κB in peripheral blood lymphocytes and neutrocytes was detected by using immuno-chemistic kits. Semi-quantitative methods were employed to analyze the results of the ICC.
     7. Study Procedure
     Most of the experiments were performed in the morning. Blood sample collection and anthropometric measurements required subjects to present with an empty stomach. After breakfast, skeletal muscle performance was assessed. Quadriceps function was tested as TwQ was performed firstly, with QMVC and endurance capabilities followed in order. Before each of the items of the functional test, subjects were asked to rest quietly for 20 minutes. At the end of the morning or in the afternoon of the day, spirometric variables were measured, and finally, subjects were asked to respond to the questionnaire of physical activities.
     8. Statistical analyses Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 10.0 statistical package for windows. Measurement data were summarized by mean±SD, and categorical data were summarized by number (percentage). P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Two independent-sample t-tests and Chi-Square test were used for univariate testing between the COPD patients and the controls. The variability for both QMVC and TwQmax were investigated by using the following two methods: (1) Intersubject variability, which was determined by calculating the coefficient of variation [CV=(SD/mean)×100%]; (2) Reproducibility of the measurements, which was determined by calculating the variation rate in the repeated measurement data from 3 times, and the variation rate=[(maximum-minimum)/(maximum+minimum)]×100%. In both controls and patients groups, multiple regression models were developed by stepwise method to determine the independent factors respectively contributing to the 3 items of quadriceps performance, i.e., TwQmax, QMVC and endurance. Pearson's correlation analysis was employed to determine the relationship between the variables of strength and endurance time, and between the volitional and non-volitional contraction.
     1. Characteristics of the subjects
     There were 60 normal subjects in control group, with 21 male and 39 female, and there were 71 patients in COPD group, with 54 male and 17 female; significant difference was observed in gender constituent ratio between the two groups, with P<0.01.
     The mean age was (63.98±5.77) years in controls and (65.17±6.80) years in the patients (P=2.29); and the mean height was (161.03±7.80) cm in controls and (162.22±7.14) cm in the patients, respectively, with P=0.36. The results showed that the patients and controls were matched, with respect to age and height. No subjects were receiving nutritional support therapy or had participated in any rehabilitation program previously.
     2. Pulmonary function
     Spiro metric function test showed that, the mean forced expiratory volume for 1 S (FEV1) was (97.10±8.90) %pred in normal subjects, while it was (37.76±14.93) %pred in COPD patients, and there was significant difference between the two groups (P<0.001). The results showed that patients with COPD had, on average, severe airflow limitation as defined by the GOLD criteria.
     3. Nutritional status
     Multiparameter nutritional index (MNI) was (7.75±3.86) score in the COPD patients and (1.13±0.96) score in normal subjects, with significant difference between the two groups (P<0.001).The results showed that malnutrition was commonly existed in the patients with COPD.
     4. Quadriceps muscle mass
     MTMC was (37.77±3.73) cm in the COPD patients and (43.19±3.55) cm in normal subjects, with P<0.001, showing that the patients had decreased muscle mass compared with normal subjects.
     5. Level of daily physical activity
     PA score was (5.25±1.38) score and (7.97±1.21) score, in the COPD patients and normal subjects, respectively, with significant difference existing between the two groups (P<0.001). The PA questionnaire showed that the patients with COPD had less physical activities in their daily lives compared with the normal subjects.
     6 Quadriceps function assessment and methodological issues 6.1 Quadriceps function assessment
     When analyzing the results in subgroups of men and women, QMVC was [(23.26±5.74) kg v (42.06±7.61) kg for male, and (15.55±4.25) kg v (29.24±4.58) kg for female]; endurance time was [(51.13±18.73) S v (81.09±22.58) S for male, and (56.31±15.49) S v (83.44±23.64) S for female]; TwQmax was [(7.25±2.29) kg v (13.91±3.90) kg for male, and (4.18±0.89) kg v (7.76±1.75) kg for female] in the patients and in controls, respectively, with each of P<0.001.
     6.1.1 Predicted equation for normal values
     For the healthy elderly (58~76 years old), the normal values of the quadriceps functional tests were defined as the dependent variant, and the candidate factors related to quadriceps function were analyzed as the independent variant by the stepwise regression correlation models. Consequently, the predicted normal values were given as the following 3 equations: QMVC(kg)=0.383+ 7.278×(sex) +1.967×PA score (score) +0.257×weight (kg) Tf(S)=2.143×MTMC(cm)+11.467×PAscore(score)+1.244×weight(kg)-34.759×(sex)-162.478 TwQmax (kg)=0.370×height (cm) + 0.898×PAscore (score)-56.775
     6.1.2 Prevalence of quadriceps dysfunction
     According to the lower limit of the 95% confidential interval of the data from the normal subjects, QMVC was impaired in 94% of the COPD patients; Tf was impaired in 78% of the COPD patients, and TwQmax was impaired in 90% of the patients. There were, 94% of the patients with quadriceps dysfunction, in terms of any item of the three indices, and 59% of them with quadriceps dysfunction, in terms of all the 3 items including QMVC, Tf and TwQmax.
     According to the lower limit of 95% confidential interval of the predicted normal values showed above, QMVC was impaired in 95% of the patients, Tf was decreased in 45% of them, and TwQmax was impaired in 85% of them. There were, 95% of the patients with quadriceps dysfunction, in terms of any item of the three indices, and 46% of them with all the 3 items including QMVC, Tf and TwQmax.
     6.1.3 Severity of quadriceps dysfunction
     QMVC was decreased by 45%, Tf by 37%, and TwQmax by 47%, respectively, in male patients, compared with normal male subjects; QMVC, Tf and TwQmax were decreased by 48%, 33% and 44%, respectively, in the female patients, compared with the female controls.
     According to the prediction equation for normal values showed above, QMVC was only 65%, Tf was 73%, and TwQmax was 67% of predicted values, respectively, in the COPD patients.
     6.1.4 Characteristic of quadriceps dysfunction
     With respect to extent of the quadriceps dysfunction, QMVC, Tf and TwQmax were decreased by 46%, 35% and 45%, respectively, compared with normal subjects. Overall, strength showed a larger extent than endurance time in the impairment of the quadriceps functional tests.
     In total, quadriceps function was commonly and substantially impaired in the COPD patients, compared with the age-matched normal subjects.
     6.2 Variability of volitional and non-volitional techniques
     6.2.1 Reproducibility of repeated measurements
     Reproducibility of the measurements was assessed by calculating the variation rate of the repeated measurement data from 3 testings. The variation rates of TwQmax and QMVC were [2.3% v 3.3% for male, 3.4% v 3.7% for female] in normal subjects, and [3.9% v 8.5% for male; 3.3% v 5.1% for female] in COPD patients, respectively. According to the results, TwQmax presented a higher reproducibility than QMVC in all of the subjects. However, the variation rates for both TwQmax and QMVC were less than 10% in all of the groups.
     6.2.2 Inter-subject variability
     Inter-subject variability was assessed with the coefficient of variation (CV). When analyzing subgroups of women or men, CV of TwQmax and QMVC was [28% v 18% for male; 23% v15% for female] in normal subjects, and [32% v 24% for male; 21% v 27% for female] in COPD patients, respectively. The result showed that TwQmax demonstrated greater variability than QMVC in all of the groups except of the female patients group, in which variability was lower for TwQmax than it for OMVC, according to the CV.
     7. Cytokines
     Concentrations of the 4 cytokines in plasma were elevated in COPD patients as compared with control subjects. The results were showed as following: SPD (ng/ml): (31.97±5.54) vs (47.52±17.26); Tweak (pg/ml): (447.57±84.25) vs (583.39±241.50); myostatin (ug/ml): (31.76±9.39) vs (48.71±21.01); TNF-α(pg/ml): (6.23±4.49) vs (13.91±2.86) (all p<0.05). Another 4 cytokines including IL-6, IL-1β, CRP, and NF-κB were also showed the tendency of elevation in COPD patients comparing with control subjects, but no statistical significance was observed (all p<0.05).
     7. Correlations
     7.1 Multivariate stepwise regression analysis
     In normal control subjects, stepwise regression analysis showed that QMVC could be predicted by sex, PA scores and weight, with R2 of 0.61 (p<0.001); for endurance time, PA scores, MTMC, weight and sex were the predictors to Tf variance, with R2 of 0.58 (p<0.001); and for TwQmax, height and PA scores were the predictors, with R2 of 0.67 (p<0.001).
     In the COPD patients, the results showed that FEV1%pred had the biggest effect on QMVC, except of gender difference, according to the values of standardized coefficients (β); R2 suggested that 6 independent variables including sex, FEV1%pred, MNI, SPD, TWEAK and myostatin were contributors of QMVC, together explaining 89% of QMVC variance. For endurance time, FEV1%pred and TNF-αwere contributors to Tf, explaining 25% of Tf variance. While for TwQmax, there was not any parameter correlated with it.
     7.2 Pearson's correlation analysis for different methods of quadriceps functional tests
     There was a significant correlation between TwQmax and QMVC in normal subjects (r=0.793, p=0.000), and a mild correlation between them in the COPD patients (r=0.396, p=0.001). The ratio of TwQmax/QMVC was 0.29 in normal subjects, and it was 0.32 in the COPD patients.
     Quadriceps strength didn’t correlate with endurance time, in terms of either QMVC or TwQmax, in any of the groups.
     1. For the healthy elderly age between 58-76yrs, the predicted normal values of the quadriceps functional tests should be as follows: QMVC(kg)=0.383+ 7.278×(sex) +1.967×PA score (score) +0.257×weight (kg) Tf(S)=2.143×MTMC(cm)+11.467×PAscore(score)+1.244×weight(kg)-34.759×(sex)-162.478 TwQmax (kg)=0.370×height (cm) + 0.898×PA score (score)-56.775
     2. Quadriceps function commonly and substantially impaired in COPD patients compared with the healthy elderly, in terms of both strength and endurance capability, with strength impaired to a larger extent.
     3. Airflow limitation, systemic inflammation, malnutrition and muscle atrophy are the main risk factors of SMD in COPD, with the former is the most significant one. Our study results support the notions that SMD is a complex related to multiple risk factors, with several mechanisms involved in it, and none of any one mechanism can fully explain SMD in COPD.
     4. Systemic inflammatory cytokines including SPD, myostatin, TWEAK and TNF-αmight be potential candidate biomarkers for SMD in COPD.
     5. As for the methodology, we conclude that each of the techniques has its own advantages and limitations. TwQmax has higher reproducibility, which is appropriate for repeated measurements in dynamic observation; while it presents with a higher inter-subject variability. In contrast, QMVC was shown to be lower in inter-subject variability, which offers a better measurement for subjects with full consciousness; whereas magnetic stimulation might be an ideal alternative technique for those who can not fully perform QMVC. With respect to endurance test, it was subject to the effort and cooperation of the subject and should not be used as choice of evaluation of quadriceps function in routine clinical practice.
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    5. Swallow EB, Reyes D, Hopkinson NS, et al. Quadriceps strength predicts mortality in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax. 2007; 62(2): 115-20.
    6. Mostert R, Goris A, Weling-Sheepers C,et al. Tissue depletion and health related quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respir Med. 2000; 94(3): 859-867.
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    14. Schols A. Nutritional modulation as part of the integrated management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Proceedings of The Nutrition Society. 2003; 62 (4): 783-791.
    15. Brug J, Schols A, Mesters I. Dietary change, nutrition education and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Patient Education and Counseling. 2004; 52 (3): 249-57.
    16. Wouters EF. Local and systemic inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2005; 2(1): 26-33.
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