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     本研究通过对高级英语阅读课的观察和分析,客观地描述阅读和写作过程的发展与变化,并对这两个过程进行对比和分析,旨在从元认知角度来揭示二者的相互关系和内在联系,加深对阅读与写作关系的理解,进而增强学生的英语阅读和写作能力。本研究以某高校的35名英语专业硕士研究生为调查对象,采取定性研究方法,分别用参与性观察和半结构式访谈的方式对测试对象的阅读过程和写作过程进行了分析和研究。研究分为两个阶段:第一阶段,通过为期四个月的英语阅读课观察,根据搜集的课堂笔记和写作作业来记录学生的学习过程,了解他们的阅读行为及其规律;第二阶段,从这些研究对象中抽取4名学生,就英语阅读和写作方面的相关问题进行访谈。访谈话题由一系列开放式问题(open-ended questions)组成,主要包括对英语水平的自我评价、对英语阅读和写作的看法、对元认知的认识以及阅读课和写作的感受等。在访谈的基础上,以弗莱维尔(Flavell)的元认知理论为分析框架,本文主要研究了如下三个问题:学生的阅读过程如何?学生的写作过程如何?这两个过程有着怎样的关系?
As English reading and writing are two difficult tasks for Chinese students, many researchers and scholars are keeping finding ways to get skills or strategies to aid the progress of the students’reading comprehension and writing ability, but most of them emphasize on the imitation or conversion of word, phrase or sentence, confining to language’s output or input, not involving the learners’psychological process. The study of the relationship between reading and writing is very limited in China, and remains a problem as well. The nature of the relationship between reading and writing has not been explored from cognitive perspective.
     Taking Flavell’s metacognition as an analytical framework, the present research offers a holistic description of the EFL learners’learning processes of reading and writing so as to enrich the study of the relationship between reading and writing.
     By adopting the metacognitive theory put forward by Flavell, the present study focuses on the metacognitive activities in the processes of reading and writing. The researcher conducts the study by observing reading class, collecting subjects’writing samples and interviewing. After analyzing their reading and writing processes, the researcher finds that the students gradually improve their writing skills by taking the Advanced English Reading Course. The result shows both reading and writing processes are similar and dynamic. The two processes influence each other under the condition of monitor and evaluation.
     In addition to an introduction and a conclusion, the thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter One introduces the related literature of previous studies. Chapter Two describes the research design including data collection, data processing and result reporting. Chapter Three analyzes the results of the study and puts forward the suggestions for further study in this area.
     The present study provides both the EFL educators and learners with some valuable implications in the field of English reading and writing. It is quite necessary to have more explorations conducted in the future in terms of the relationship between reading and writing with the theory of metacognition or other related theories.
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