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After lean production was put forward, till now it has gotten wide application in Japan as well as western countries, and was regarded as the third production model after craft-ship production and mass production. Although our country began to touch lean production in late 1970s, its relative study is still far behind compared with western countries, so it is difficult for lean production’s researchers and practitioners to make clear lean production’s application effect and implementation state in our country. Under such background, this paper does the following job.
     Firstly, the analysis of lean production’s application Effectiveness in our country
     Through studying and tracing related foreign articles, we can know lean production has made enterprises achieve good performance, but this conclusion may not apply to our country’s enterprises. Using the data of our country’s enterprises, this paper does analysis from production and financial angle by statistic method. The result shows that enterprises enforcing lean production have better performance than those not applying lean production. On the other hand, in order to avoid the influence of enterprise’s scale and original base, DEA is applied to analyze the implementation effect from the point of relative efficiency, the result also show enterprises enforcing lean production have advantage to these not applying lean production.
     Secondly, index system study of appraising lean production’s implementation ability
     After tracing relative references, this paper fixes four dimensions to do appraisal from the point of lean production implementation ability, they are leanness of production, lean improvement culture, people’s factor and adaptation ability to environment. After that EFA is used to construct index structure and CFA is applied to analyze index system’s rationality. Finally a system containing 22 second level indexes is set up.
     Thirdly, the method study of appraising lean production’s implementation ability
     The existing study about lean production’s implementation mainly using mathematical statistics method, and the research result can prove lean production is effective but this manner put too much emphasis on“result”, ignoring“process”, so this paper introduces the method of ANP-SPA to analyze lean production’s implementation ability. ANP,which can reflects interrelation of indexes, is used to fix index weight and SPA can reflect the uncertainty and dynamic nature of lean production’s implementation.
     Finally, the advices promoting lean production implementation ability is gave out
     Doing appraisal to one single enterprise is not the only purpose of this paper, extracting deeper regular from a number of enterprise’s implemenation process should have more sense. Rough Set is used to extract the rules of LP’s implementation ability and related suggestion is given based on the analysis result.
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