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本研究通过对内蒙古乌兰察布地区绵羊感染的消化道线虫优势虫种—细颈线虫(Nematodirus spp)对无角多赛特羊和当地蒙古羊的感染率和感染强度进行对比研究,查明了这两个品种羊感染的不同状况。并对这两个品种羊的全血进行白细胞分离、流式细胞仪检测CD2、CD14的表达率,了解与细胞免疫有关的活性T细胞和与非特异性免疫有关的单核细胞的表达情况。对这两个品种羊的全血进行嗜酸性粒细胞计数(EO值),来考察两种羊抗病性的各自特点。
In this study, surveyed and researched infectionsity and infection rate of Nematodirus spp, which is dominant socials in nemathelminthes of digestive tract in sheep on pasture of Wulanchabu of Inner Mongolia. Declared that the status of Nematodirus spp infection is different from Poll Dorset (experimental group) and Mongolian sheep (control group). Meanwhile, processed eosinophilicgranulocyte count test and measured the expression rate of CD2、CD14 cells by FCM.
    1. EPG value of lambs of experimental group was high than that of lambs of control group(P<0.001).EPG value of young sheep of experimental group was high than that of young sheep of control group(P<0.05).So the result showed that anti-infection for Nematodirus spp is weaker in Poll Dorset than in Mongolian sheep.
    2. The expression of CD2 of experimental group(23.32±7.50) was lower than that of control group(39.97±6.02),and have significance(P<0.05).At the same time, according to the age, the expression of CD2 of lambs was lower than that of young sheep,and have significance(P<0.05).
    The expression of CD14 of experimental group (51.02±16.14)was lower than that of control group(66.44±11.70),and have significance(P<0.05). At the same time ,according to the age ,the expression of CD14 of lambs was lower than that of young sheep , and have significance(P<0.05).The result testified the difference of anti-infection for Nematodirus spp between Poll Dorset and Mongolian sheep.
    3. Eosinophilic granulocyte count showed that Nematodirus spp infectionsity in digestive tract presents positive correlation with EO value.
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