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     To investigate the pharamacodynamic mechanism of boost Qi nourishing Yi dissipating blood stasis removing turbid urine recipe to the low inflammation and macrovascular disease in diabetes mellitus rats,so as to provide effective data and theoretical evidence for spreading use of the Chinese clinic medicine.
     1. The macrovascular disease models of diabetes mellitus rats were set up. The rats were fed with the diets: high sucrose and fat, cholesterol and cholate in a month, getting intra-abdominal injection of STZ 45mg/kg to make the models of DM macrovascular disease established. The experimental rats were randomly divided into six groups: normal group,blank pattern contrast group, AS contrast group, positive medicine contrast group, prevention group and cure group. Prevention group was fed with fat diet, meanwhile, taking Chinese herbal medicine. AS contrast group wasn’t given high sucrose Intra-abdominal injection of STZ. After each group models were set up, they were treated for eight weeks, taking Fosinopril as the comparative drug.
     2. After sacrificing the rats in twelve weeks, serum and aorta were studied through the techniques: biochemistry, radioimmunoassay, immuno-histochemistry (IHC), reverse transcriptase PCR(RT-PCR) and western blot. Observing the experimental medicine effect on blood fat, blood glucose, inflammatory factor IL-6 and TNF-α, researching the expression of PAI-1by immuno-histochemistry further, observing artery vascular endothelial and the hyperplasia of vascular smooth muscle by light microscope and studying the expression of protein and gene of TGF-β,PAI-1and PPARr by western blot and RT-PCR.
     Boost Qi nourishing Yi, dissipating blood stasis and removing turbid urine recipe lowered blood glucose, TG, TC and LDL-C in early diabetes mellitus rats. In prvention group,the expression of IL-6 and TNF-αwas reduced. The results showed that : the expression of PAI-1 was inhibited in prevention group by immuno-histochemistry, the Chinese herbal medicine protected integral artery vascular endothelial and inhibited the hyperplasia of vascular smooth muscle observed by light microscope, and by RT-PCR the expression protein and gene of TGF-βand PAI-1was inhibited, while that of PPARr was strengthened (p<0.01) .
     1. Regulating glycometabolism,lipid metabolism;
     2. Decreasing PAI-1,and improving microcirculation;
     3. Inhibiting the expression of inflammatory factor IL-6 and TNF-α;
     4. Inhabiting the expression of protein and gene of vascular TGF-βand PAI-1, and strengthening that of PPARr.
     5. Protecting artery vascular endothelial integrity and inhabiting the hyperplasia of vascular smooth muscle ;
     6. It was indicated that the medicine prevented and treated the macrovascularity in early diabetes mellitus rats.
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