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     研究区沉积物沉积类型主要有硅质软泥(硅藻席)、硅质粘土和深海粘土三种类型,两种特殊沉积物硅质软泥(硅藻席)和铁锰结壳(核)的分布体现了水深、盆地地形和底流对其的影响和控制作用。根据四根柱状粒度、粘土矿物以及化学元素的垂向变化特征分别分析了其沉积特征和影响因素,并从粘土矿物、化学元素以及粒度方面讨论了研究区沉积物的物质来源情况,结果表明研究区沉积物主要来自九州-帕劳海脊和马里亚纳海槽中火山物质的蚀变,其次还有来自亚洲的风尘输入,总体上表现为深海环境。根据古地磁测年和粘土矿物的物源分析结果,选取柱状PV090510的(伊利石+绿泥石+高岭石)/蒙脱石作为研究区风尘输入的指标,表明1.95Ma以来中亚气候干旱程度的加剧和东亚冬季风的增强。选取柱状PV091101细粒众数组分(2.4-4.3μ m)和PV090510细粒众数组分(2.8-4.8μ m)作为帕里西维拉海盆深海底流强弱变化的替代性指标,指示了帕里西维拉海盆内的深海底流从增强到减弱再到持续增强的波动变化,响应了1.95Ma以来全球气候变化控制下南极底流对帕里西维拉海盆的区域性影响。
Sediments from Core PV100609, PV090815, PV091101and PV090510in the Parece VelaBasin were anaylizd. The compositon and distribution of sediments type, grain size, clay mineralassemblage and chemistry elements from the cores were investigated. Based on the results, thesources of sediments and transmission mechanism in the Parece Vela Basin were analysed. Thecore PV091101and PV090510were used for magnetic measurements to get their ages, and theeolian dust input into the Parece Vela Basin and variation of deep sea bottom were then analysed.
     The sediment types in the Parece Vela Basin are siliceous oozes, silicious clay and pelagicclay. The distribution of siliceous oozes and ferromanganese crusts were controlled by the depthof water, the topography and the bottom current in the Parece Vela Basin. Based on the verticalvariation of sediments type, grain size, clay mineral assemblage and chemistry elements,sedimentary characteristics and influencing factors of the four cores were analysed. The sources ofsediments were judged in terms of clay mineral assemblage, chemistry elements and grain size.Analysis on the provenance suggests that the material was mainly derived from volcanic rocks ofKyushu-Palau Ridge and Mariana Arc, and then from central Asia as eolian dust by the East Asianwinter monsoon. As a whole, the material in study area showed a deep sea environment model.Based on paleogeomagnetic dating and provenance by clay mineral, the(illite+chlorite+kaolinite)/smectite in the core PV090510was used as a proxy of Asian eolian andapproach its input into Parece Vela Basin, which showed the aridity of central Asia and intensiveEast Asian winter monsoon since1.95Ma. The fine component (2.4-4.3μ m) of the sediment incore PV091101and fine component (2.8-4.8μ m) of the sediment in core PV090510werechoosed as the proxy of the variation of deep sea bottom. The results show that the deep seabottom in the Parece Vela Basin has evoluated from srong to weak and enhanced subsequently,responsing to the influence by Antarctic bottom flow controlled by global climate change.
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