HCV IRES翻译启动活性的细胞特异性及其机制研究
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目的:HCV 5'端非编码区含内部核糖体进入位点(IRES),其功能主要是调控病毒基因复制和以非帽依赖方式启动翻译病毒蛋白,而且HCV 5'UTR在不同基因型和株中呈现高度的序列保守,这也使它成为了抗病毒药物研发的良好靶位。本实验旨在研究在不同宿主细胞的翻译体系下,缺失不同结构域的HCV 5'UTR翻译启动活性的差异,并探索其机制。
     方法:(1)以脂质体介导基因转染技术,将HCV 5'UTR缺失不同结构域并调控Flue的真核表达质粒与调控Rluc的真核表达质粒pRL-TK共转染至不同的细胞中,转染后36h。①提取细胞RNA进行半定量RT-PCR检测,利用质粒pRL-TK校正其它质粒的转染效率;②用双荧光素酶报告基因检测系统检测Fluc基因相对表达活性,分析HCV 5'UTR缺失不同结构域后在不同翻译体系中翻译启动活性的差异。(2)选择同种细胞中活性差异较大的缺失HCV 5'UTR不同结构域的质粒进行体外转录,获得RNA,使之与细胞蛋白质进行特异性结合,以筛选出特异性的结合蛋白。
     结果:(1)缺失HCV 5'UTR的DomainⅠ及下游的单链序列后,HCV IRES的活性分别与缺失前相比:在Hela细胞和C6细胞中无明显影响,在L-02细胞中活性下降为46%,而在293T细胞则为缺失前的146%。(2)缺失HCV 5'UTR的DomainⅡ后,HCV IRES的活性分别与缺失前相比:在Hela细胞中,缺失后活性仅为缺失前的49%,而在L-02细胞、C6细胞和293T细胞中,活性分别为缺失前的140%、160%和235%。(3)体外转录出了缺失HCV 5'UTR不同结构域的RNA,并分离出了能与其特异性结合的蛋白质。
     结论:(1)HCV 5'UTR的DomainⅠ对HCV IRES在L-02细胞株中的翻译启动活性具促进作用,而在293T细胞株中有抑制作用,在C6细胞株和Hela细胞株中DomainⅠ对IRES翻译启动活性无明显作用。(2)HCV 5'UTR的DomainⅡ对HCV IRES在Hela细胞株中的翻译启动活性有促进作用,而对其他三种细胞株却有抑制作用。(3)利用链霉亲和素磁珠将体外转录出来的RNA与细胞蛋白结合,发现了特异性结合的蛋白质,但尚未发现差异蛋白。
Objective:HCV 5'UTR contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES), and its main functions are to regulate viral replication and to translate viral protein in cap-independent manner. In addition, the nucleotide sequence of HCV 5'UTR is highly conserved in different genotypes and strains, which makes it a good target for antiviral-drug research. The aim of this study was to analysis the differences of translation initiation activity of HCV 5'UTR with different deletions in different host cell lines and meanwhile to explore the mechanism.
     Methods:(1)Through the liposome-mediated gene-transfection technology, the Flue eukaryotic expression plasmid regulated by HCV IRES with different deletions and the Rluc eukaryotic expression plasmid into different cell lines. At 36 posttransfection:①Total cellular RNA were harvested and detected by semiquantitative RT-PCR, and the pRL-TK plasmid was co-transfected as a nomalization cotrol;②The Flue gene's relative expression activity was detected through dual luciferase reporter gene assay system, and the different translation initiation activity was analysed in the different translation systems with different deletions of HCV IRES. (2)The plasmids with different deletions, which had significant difference in translational initiational activity, were selected, and those RNAs were in vitro transcripted to isolate specifically binding proteins.
     Results:(1)Between the activity of the full length HCV IRES and those with the deletion of the Domain I and the downstream single-stranded sequence, no significant difference was observed in Hela cells and C6 cells, however, the translational activity was decreased by 46% in L-02 cells and increased by 46% in 293T cells by the deletion. (2) Between the activity of the full length HCV IRES and those with the deletion of Domain II, in Hela cells, the activity was decreased to 51%, while in L-02 cells, C6 cells and 293T cells, it increased 40%,60% and 135% respectively. (3)The RNAs of HCV 5'UTR with different deletions were in vitro transcripted and the cellular proteins which can specifically bind to the RNAs were isolated.
     Conclusions:①In L-02 cells, the Domain I of HCV 5'UTR could promote the initiation translation activity of HCV IRES, while it showed inhibitory effect in 293T cell lines and had no effect in C6 cells and Hela cells.②Domain II of HCV 5'UTR could enhance the translation initiation activity of HCV IRES in Hela cells, but inhibit it in the other cell lines.③Binding the in vitro transcribed RNA with the cellular protein by the streptavidin-biotin and magnetic beads, the specific binding protein were isolated. Still, no different proteins were observed among the different deletions of RNAs.
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