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     首先本文阐述了生产过程质量分析系统的理论基础SPC(Statistical Process Control)的来源、定义、原理及在国内外的应用情况。在用户需求的基础上确定系统架构为B/S结构,并确定了系统主要组成部分有统计过程分析、趋势分析、符合性分析、质量综合分析、生产事故分析、系统管理等功能模块。
To manage the product's relevant quality, detect exceptions and analyze causes in time, LianYuan iron&steel corporation planed to develop a Consist Quality Management System(CQMS). As part of the development, Analysis Process Quality System(APQ) which was used by LianGang Strip Production Company, was introduced and discussed deeply. Results and experiences we have got can be conducive for others who engaged in Products Quality Management(PQM).
     The first part is the origins, definitions, principles and state of the art applications of Statistical Process Control(SPC), which forms the elementary theoretical foundations of APQ. Based on the user requirement we choose a Brower/Server(B/S) architecture, and break the whole work into modules such as Statistical Analysis Modular (SAM), Tendency Analysis Modular(TAM), Condition Sufficient Analysis(CSA), Quality Integrated Analysis(QIA), Production Incident Analysis(PIA), and System Management(SM), etc.
     In the second part we presented in detail the Business System Design(BSD), the System Integrated Architecture Design(SIAD), the System Function Design(SFD), Oracle Based Database Design(OBDD), Input & Output Design(IOD) of APQ. We have also taken the aspects of security into consideration, by choosing the appropriate software & hardware environment, network, methods of communications and access control of database.
     In the last part we presented aspects of Web Application Server, Lower Part Communication, Data Integration and realizations based on dot net IDE of APQ. The most important factor that helped our achievement is realization of quality information integration, which integrates combination of production process control, implementation of production and data from product management system into our system. The main part is the realization of the Analysis Program of Statistics Process(APSP) and process of information integration of the Stove Shift Production Execution System(SSPXS). Furthermore, we introduced briefly the implementation of lower part communication and part of the program code and showed the results of program running.
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