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Based on the latest technologies on convergence of telecommunication and information industry, the content delivery and service delivery related technologies for multi-services convergence were discussed in this thesis. By taking into account operator's network resources and IT resources dynamic reprogramming, customer service optimization, operator's business processes improvement, multi-services scalability, and content/application suppliers' cooperation requirements, several key technologies related to Services Delivery Platform (SDP) were developed. Moreover, the content popularity characters and the content delivery polices were studied. The contributions and achievements are as follows.
     1) Based on the analysis of the attributes of service and service operations, a service framework model was proposed. The service framework model are defined from three points of views, i.e. the IT architecture view, the data storage view and the global view. The model indicates how to architect the common functionalities among various services in the horizontal direction, and how to delivery control, management and media data in the vertical direction.
     2) The definition of content objects'popularity, concentrated-popularity and percentile-popularity were put forward. Several methods for measurement of the inequality of objects'popularity were developed, including Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient, Coefficient of Variation, entropy and Theil index. The results of the simulation on Zipf-like distribution show that these definitions can better describe the content objects’popularity and its inequality. At the same time, the index parameter estimation algorithms of Zipf-like distribution were also put forward.
     3) The popularity-based content access model was brought forth, and a general system simulation model was developed, including content object model, network grid architecture, service request process rule, and simulation algorithm. Through system simulation, the effects how content delivery network works, and the effects of the core node throughput capability and edge node caching capability were studied. Then, the relationship betweent latest-accessed-based and the most-popular-based caching algorithms were studied. The given simulation model is an useful platform for content delivery mechanism research, and the simulation results indicate several key aspects related to content delivery network deployment.
     4) A movie-access-model with content updating was built, and an improved time-window-based content caching algorithm was proposed to solve the problem caused by content updating. The movie-access-model and the caching algorithm were investigated through network simulation. The simulation results show that the given algorithm can cope with the challenge caused by content updating.
     5) A flash crowd access model was built, and a multicast-unicast adaptive algorithm for flash crowd alleviation was put forward. The simulation results show that the adaptive algorithm can detect flash crowd conditions automatically, and assign multicast resources dynamically to alleviate the traffic burst.
     6) The functional entities architecture and physical entities architecture of SDP were developed. Based on the given architecture, several key protocols for common functionalities were proposed. These protocols include customer device access authentication and key resources later-binding, service go-to-market process, service single-sign-on, customer device congfiguration and management, network access control and automatic configuration, etc. The component relation model, interoperation model and Web service description of the key functional SDP entities were deployed. The given architecture can maintain its scalability though dynamic re-using and later-binding the capabilties provided by operators’network resources and IT resources.
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