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Volatility is an important indicator to measure the degree of stock market stability, and an important sign of its maturity and effective. Chinese stork market grows fast and has made great progress since it was founded. But lots of research showed that the market volatility is much larger than that of foreign mature markets for much of the time, and market efficiency is low and always be weak-form efficiency. Non-tradable share system is considered one of the important factors of low market efficiency, which was generated with the birth of Chinese stork market. Since the beginning of non-tradable share reform in September 2005, China’s stock market has entered the full circulation times. With the increase in the proportion of outstanding shares, purely speculative factors should be inhibited, and volatility should be weakened in stock market. The centralized circulating of restricted stock, which is a one-off, provides a opportunity to testing Chinese stork market current efficiency. There is great practical significance to study this issue.
     Firstly, basing on the time-varying of the circulated amount, this article researched the volatility of Shanghai Stock Index, and judged that if index changes were caused by restricted stock circulation. The result is volatility always be impacted by news. In order to understanding the change of volatility in this process, Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Model is used to study of a series of stocks’volatility character whose restricted stock have circulated, and writer tries to verify the volatility of stock is impacted by restricted stock circulation. The empirical results show that stock price volatility has significantly long memory, non-normality, accumulative effect and leverage effect, except for risk premium. By comparing the data before and after, the results showed that restricted stock circulation could weaken the volatility of stock to a certain degree, and the influences over stock price fluctuations which come from short-term factors have decreased, but these changes are not notably. Basing on the empirical study, this paper summarized the actual performance of the volatility character changes, researched the reasons of Chinese stock market inefficiency, and proposed some supporting reform measures.
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