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Advances in research on pollution of organo-pesticides (OPs) in surface water, their environmental behaviors and health risks are reviewed. Pollution survey and risk assessements of organo-chlorine pesticides (OCPs) and organo-phosphorus pesticides (OPPs) in surface water of Hangzhou are conducted. It was indicated that the contamination of the OCPs exists in surface water although they had been banned for decades. Total concentrations of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and hexachloride-benzene (BHC) in surface water were observed to be 0~0.270ug/L and 0~0.00625ug/L, respectively. DDE, as a metabolite of DDT and many species of OPPs were determined in some samples of surface water. Parathion, the main pollutant of OPPs in surface water of Hangzhou, was observed to be 0-0.445 ug/L. In the drinking water resources of Hangzhou (Qiantang Liver and East Tiao Stream), concentrations of OCPs are higher during plentiful water time while OPPs are higher during low water time. In Yun Liver, however, OCPS and O
    PPs are both higher during low water time than those during plentiful time. It was also observed that microamount of organic pollutants such as OCPs and OPPs in drinking water can not be removed efficiently by traditional treatment technologies. Therefore, it is vital and necessary to develop deep treatment technologies for the drinking water.
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