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Water pollution was becoming intensified, while with the improvement of human's living standard, more attention was increasingly paid to the sanitation and safety of drinking water. So adopting advanced drinking water purification to obtain high quality water was necessary. By changing the different combination of drinking water's regular treatment process, ozonation, activated carbon and biological activated carbon, the paper chose the optimal treatment process, also the parameters of the process were analyzed through experiments, then the economic, reasonable process parameters were determined. Under the permitted conditions, the all-scale plant was made to pre-ozonation. The results showed:
    (l)the optimal advanced purification drinking water process should be " regular treatment + ozonation + biological activated carbon". Though pre-ozonation had no effects on ammonia nitrogen in the water of micro-pollution water source, instead the turbidity of pre-oxidation finished water was raised, it had effects on killing bacteria and removing algae, and controlling the growth of micro-organism.
    (2)after ozone was decomposed the result was oxygen, ozonation not only couldn't engender secondary pollution, but also could increase the dissolved oxygen in water and it was beneficial to biological treatment. In the advanced purification of ozonation biological activated carbon, the optimal dose of ozone was 2.0mg/l ~ 3.0mg/l, the retention time of ozone was about 12 minutes.
    (3)the height of biological activated carbon bed was 2.0m, and the retention time was about 12 minutes.
    (4)ozonation could increase the AOC in water, and cause organism unstable, but when the dose of ozone reached some degree, AOC began to decrease, and when putting into chlorine to disinfect wouldn't make AOC increase.
    (S)ozonation didn't have great influence on THMFP but the effects of biological
    activated carbon were obvious, the removing rate could reach 10%, and 30% to remove
    (6)by the all-scale plant of the pre-ozonation experiment, when the water temperature is high, the dissolved oxygen could easily attain saturation, even over-saturation, then the phenomenon of air block could be caused in the tank, the working period of tank may shorten from 36 hours to less than 15 hours, it would influence the normal operation of water treatment plant, so it was suggested not use pre-ozonation only.
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