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Due to good integrate properties and special ratio of its properties to price, polypropylene(PP) has gained great development in the production and application. Its total output stand the third only behind polyethylene and PVC in 1995, and the second in 2000 which output, up to 28.2million tons, exceed PVC yield. Polypropylene was wildly used in the field of film, fibre and plastic produce. Because of its good adhesion properties to PP, Chlorinated polypropylene application gets more and more abroad with the rapid development of polypropylene in the fields, especially in automobile industry. Therefore, the need of the automobile industry to chlorinated polypropylene (CPP) turn into one of important impetuses to study the properties of CPP.
    Aim at the weakness of CPP property research at present, systemic research about the relation between the structure and properties of CPP was carried through in the thesis. Molecular weight, the mean square radius of gyration and the second Virial coefficient for CPP and maleic anhydride grafted chlorinated polypropylene (CPP-g-MAH) have been obtained by laser-light scattering. The Mark-Houwink Equation of CPP in the toluene at 298.15K was obtained, which is
    as follow: [r]] = 0.0174M ?919 At the base of data of the mean square radius of Z gyration and
    the actual values of Mw, the relationships between the molecular parameters were imitated and the mean square end distance and molecule flexible parameter of CPP were calculated, which show molecule of CPP in the toluene is flexible and exists in the form of random coil.
    Laser monitoring observation system was set up to exactly determine the solubility parameters of polymer in the special temperature. In comparison with the classical method of turbidity, the method is better and worth getting applications wildly because of its precision, dynamic pursuing the process of the whole experiment and getting visually range of solubility parameter. The effects of molecular weight, temperature and the maleic content of CPP-g-MAH on the solubility parameters were researched by the laser-turbidity method. The results show that the upper limit of the solubility parameter of CPP gets big gradually and the lower limit falls down with the increasing temperature, the solubility parameter of CPP keeps constant with the increasing molecular weight and the solubility parameter and polarity of CPP-g-MAH are increasing by grafting maleic anhydride to CPP and compatibility of chlorinated polypropylene with alkyd resin is improved with the grafting yield of maleic anhydride increasing.
    The solubility of CPP and five CPP-g-MAH materials with different maleic content at 298.15K were determined by the weighing method. The studies of the dissolving properties of CPP in various solvents show that CPP is weakly polar material, and the dissolving abilities of the weakly polar solvents are good to CPP and ones of the moderately polar solvents are slightly dissolving at the case of the similar solubility parameters. At the same time, the dissolving properties of CPP were also discussed with three dimensions of the solubility parameter and a new two-dimensional solubility parameter. Also, the result that polarity of CPP-g-MAH is increasing by grafting maleic anhydride to CPP is proved by the solubility.
    Miscibility of CPP with other common coating resins was researched by means of several methods. The miscibility of 344# Acrylic resin/CPP. Petroleum resm/CPP and 344# alkyd resin/CPP systems in the specified mixing ratios was investigated by the dilute solution viscometry. The criteria a and P show that Petroleum resin/CPP blends are miscible, Acrylic Resin/CPP blends are immiscible, and the 344 alkyd resin/CPP blends are miscible when the weight percentage of 344* alkyd resin to CPP is less 50%(w%), and immiscible within the ranges of greater than 50%(w%), which is consistent with the results of the stability of the mixtures, the clarity and the glossiness of films
    Miscibility of CPP with 344" alkyd resin in the specified mixing ratios has a
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