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     地膜覆盖的处理产量最高,达到了1539.09kg/667m~2,秸秆覆盖次之,为1490.66kg/667m~2,无覆盖的最低,为1268.88kg/66m~2。灌水量对产量产生了明显影响:在四种灌水处理中B_2的产量最高,B_3次之,B_4较低,B_1最低,分别为1623.92 kg/667m~2,1513.91 kg/667m~2,1309.14 kg/667m~2,1284.53 kg/667m~2。其中B_4、B_1之间无明显差异,B_2、B_3的产量极显著高于B_4、B_1,而且B_2、B_3之间的差异也达到了极显著水平。表明在一定范围内产量随灌水量的增加而增加,但超过一定灌水量之后产量反而下降。
    可溶性固形物含量提高了n .6%,达到了6.04%;地膜覆盖比无覆盖提高了6.7%,可溶
    1 .62 mgll00g、2,42 mg/10Og。
In order to research the optimized irrigation amount and the effect of coverings on broccoli, irrigation amounts and coverings were used to observe growth, yield, quality, physiological index of broccoli. WUE and characteristics of soil was also discussed, which can afford scientific proof for cultivation of broccoli and digital agriculture.
    The results showed that coverings could increase water humidity and make the soil wet. Water humidity was 9.28% and 13.23% higher in the plot covered with plastic film, straw than that covered with nothing. In the certain scope, water humidity increased with the rise of irrigation amount. Once beyond the scope, water humidity would decrease.
    Coverings could increase jeffective ingredients in soil. Among of which ,the content of available N,P,K in soil of were higher than that covered with nothing.
    Coverings can improve the growth of plant .The height of plant which was covered with nothing, plastic film, straw wfts from 32.20cm, 31.92cm to 31.28cm; As far as irrigation amount was concerned, the highest height was treatment B2(0.255m3/plot . time) 31.86cm, following B3(0.210m3/plot . time) 31.01cm, B4 (0.165m3/plot . time) 30.34cm , B1(0.300m3/plot . time) 29.28pm was lowest.
    Compared with no coverings and covering with straw, covering with plastic film increased 8.0% and 3.8% in stem thick respectively. The stem thick usually increased when irrigation amount increased, but it did not indicate that the most irrigation amount was superior to the others. In the later stage of bearing, the stem thick of the most irrigation amount was smaller, compared to B2 and B3 .Treatment B4had the smallest stem thick.
    In covering treatment, the photosynthesis of the plant covered with plastic film, nothing, straw was from large to small because different covering treatment had different effect.
    The highest yield was got by the plant covered with plastic film, reaching to 1534.12kg/667m2, next was straw (1495.63 kg/667m2) and the least was the plant covered
    with nothing (1268.88 kg/667m ). Irrigation amount had significant effect on yield and the treatment of B2(1623.92kg/667m2), B3 (1513.91kg/667m2), B4 (1309.14 kg/667m2) and B1
    (1284.53 kg/667m ) was from large to small on yield. B4 and B1 had no significant difference, but there is very significant difference between B2, B3 and B4, B1. Moreover, the significant positive correlation could be found between B2 and B3.
    Compared with others, the most content of Vc in the plant covered with straw was the highest, reaching to 68.35mg/100g. The content of Vc in the ball-flower was least when there was no coverings. The content of Vc reduced when irrigation increased, so the lowest irrigation amount (B4) had the most content of Vc.
    The content of soluble solids were increased by covering. The content of soluble solids in the broccoli of A3 (covered with straw) and A2 (covered with plastic film) was 11.6% and 6.7% higher than that of A1(no coverings),the content was 6.04%,5.77% and 5.41% respectively. Irrigation amount affected the soluble solids in broccoli's ball-flower greatly. With the rise of irrigation, the soluble solids of ball-flower dropped.
    The weightlessness rate of ball-flower increased during storage. The rate of weightlessness of ball-flower decreased in the following order: the plant covered with nothing, straw and plastic film. When irrigation amount increased, weightlessness rate increased, and the highest rate was B2.
    The content of Vc and soluble sugar decreased during storage. Covering restrained the dropping of Vc efficiently. With the rise of irrigation, the drop scope increased. In the ninth day, the content of Vc dropped to 1.95mg/100g, 2.46mg/100g, 1.62mg/100g and 2.42mg/100g. In the period of storing, although the plant covered with nothing had a little dropping range of soluble sugar, it was not determined optimized quality because of its low content of soluble sugar. With the rise of irrigation amount, the dropping scope of the content of soluble sugar decreased.
    In the storing age, the coverings co
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