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     本试验采用传统分类方法即菌落大小和形态、革兰氏染色和分子生物学方法16SrDNA相结合,将拮抗菌B5、B12菌株进行了PCR扩增、测序,将测出的菌16SrDNA序列用Blast软件、Clustal(1.8)软件及Mega软件对其序列进行了同源性分析和系统发育分析,初步确立了菌株在细菌系统发育学上的地位。B5属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.);B12属于枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis.)。
Grape grey mold, which can make a great deal of loss of grape production, is one of the important grape disease in the world. Now, agronomic control and chemical control are important control measures, but both of them showed some limitations。
     The research to analysis on the adnascent microorganism flora of grape fruit spike、screening and identification of antagonistic strain、antagonistic strains colonization and prevention experiment in the sunlight greenhouse,the conclusion shows that:
     1 Analysis on the adnascent microorganism flora of grape fruit spike
     In this test the epiphytic microorganism flora on the fruit spike of three grape breeds (jingya、hongdiqiu、jufeng) are studied in the time of young fruit enlargement, pigmentation and maturity. The results showed that amount of filamentous fungus and yeasts increased gradually from the inflation stage to the maturity stage, the amount of germs increased at the beginning and then decreased. Total count rise to the highest during the pigmentation, then shows declining tendency, but changed unobviously. The germs had predominance in the inflation stage and the pigmentation stage.
     The account of filamentous fungus, germs and yeasts on the diseasing fruit is more than that on the normal fruit. The varieties of filamentous fungus become less but germs and yeasts had no obviously change.
     2 Screening of antagonistic strain
     In experiment of flat confront, filtrate 11 kinds of epiphytic bacterium with anti-function to the grape grey mold. Then through the inhibition germination experiment of disease germ spore, inhibition test in growth experiment of mycelium and the test of control effect on vitro fruit, finally filtrated B5 and B12 strains to be the best controlling efficiency on the grape grey mold, but B4 and the B6 strains inhibiting ability is worst, other 7 kinds of oppress between them, it changed a little.
     3 16srDNA identification of B5 and B12 strains
     This experiment uses the tradition taxonomic approach is the colony size and the shape, Gelanshi dyes and molecular biology method 16SrDNA unifies, will oppress antibacterial B5, the B12 strain to carry on PCR to increase, the sequence, which determine the fungus 16SrDNA sequence with the Blast software, Clustal (1.8) the software and the Mega software has carried on the homology analysis and the phyletic evolution analysis to its sequence, has established the strain initially in the bacterium phyletic evolution study on status. 16srDNA identification shows that the B5 strain is:Bacillus sp. and the B12 strain is:Bacillus subtilis.
     4 B5 and B12 strains colonization on the surface of fruit and the sunlight greenhouse prevention experiment
     Both B5 and B12 strain can breed on grape surface, the B5 strain′setting period is 19d, B12 strain′setting period is 25d, and they are quite stable.
     The prevention test result in greenhouse of B5 and B12 strain shows that:The prevention efficiency of B5 and B12 strains in nature have achieved above 50%, has achieved the quite ideal effect.
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