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新近发现的杷榔动物群产于贵州东部凯里市西郊和镇远县江古镇早寒武世都匀期晚期杷榔组上部,由6个大门类化石组成,包括了腔肠动物、蠕形动物、腕足动物、棘皮动物、软体动物、节肢动物及大量遗迹和藻类化石。其中以棘皮动物始海百合类的Guizhoueocrinus gen.nov.,和节肢动物的三叶虫类的Redlichia(Pteroredlichia)化石最为常见,是动物群的优势类群。本文首次系统的研究了杷榔动物群的生物组成,描述了20属25种,包括1新属8新种6未定种3相似种和1属种未定。新属、新种名单如下:始海百合类Guizhoueocrinus yui
     gen.et sp.nov,G.bifomis gen.et sp.nov.;软舌螺类:Ambrolinevitus magna sp.nov.,Allatheca striolatus sp.nov.,大型双壳节肢动物:Tuzoia kailiensis sp.nov.;高肌虫类:Alutella kailiensis sp.nov.,Yaoyingella repsis sp.nov.,Leshanella
     guizhouensis sp.nov.。其中新属Guizhoueocrinus在我国早寒武世地层为首次发现,蠕形动物,高肌虫,大型双瓣壳节肢动物为杷榔组首次发现,改变了杷榔组的生物面貌。研究表明杷榔动物群是贵州省境内发现的又一个布尔吉斯页岩型的早期后生生物群,成为贵州寒武纪系列生物群的重要组成之一。它的时代位于早寒武世澄江生物群和中寒武世凯里生物群之间,属早寒武世沧浪铺晚期相当于西伯利亚伯托明阶(Botomian)顶部,与云南昆明关山动物群同期,填补和完善了早、中寒武世生物群的演化链,为早期后生生物研究提供了新材料。
The Lower Cambrian Balang Fauna from the upper part of Balang Formation of both Kaili City and Jiangku, Zhenyuan consists of six phyla, includes trilobites, bradoriida and large bivalved arthropods of arthropods, coelenterates, brachiopods, mollusks, eocrinoids and algae, a large variety of ichnofossils. Eocrinoids-Guizhoueocrinus gen. nov. and trilobites-Redlichia (Pteroredlichia) are the most common taxa, and compose the diagnostic members of Balang Fauna. Here, firstly systematic study on Balang Fauna, total 20 genera, 25 species are discribed, including lnew genus, 8 new species, 6 undescribed species, 3 conformis species and 1 genus and species indeterminate. New genus and species names following: eocrinoids- Guizhoueocrinus yui gen.et sp. , G. bifomis gen. et sp.nov.,; Hyolithid- Ambrolinevitus magna sp. nov., Allatheca striolatus sp. nov.; arthropods- Tuzoia kailiensis sp. nov., Alutella kailiensis sp.nov., Yaoyingella repsis sp. nov., Leshanella guizhouensis sp. nov.. New genus Guizhoueocrinus of which is firstly discovered in the Lowe Cambrian stratum from China , and worm, bradoriida, large bivalved arthropods from Balang Formation also are initially reported. Occurrence of new genus and species changes the original character of the Balang Formation bio-assemblage. The new fauna also is a Buregess Shale-type Fauna and its age lies in between the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Biota and The Middle Cambrian Kaili Biota, belonging to the Early Cambrian late Chanlangpuian equivalent to the position of the Botomian, Siberia, which is as same as Guanshan Biota from eastern Yunnan. So, the Balang Fauna becomes a key line of metazoan evolution between the Early Cambrian and the Middle Cambrian .
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