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Forage supply is very important as animal husbandry development.Herbage and crop straw both are crude forage.We used gramineal forage(Lolium multiflorum and Festuca arundinacea),and 12 soybean cultivars from different regions and decades to study the yield and quality of hay or of straw under different environments.The results were as follows:
     In the given conditions of this experiment,the dry hay yield range of Lolium multiflorum was 13555 kg/hm~2~18941kg/hm~2 and 12415kg/hm~2~18766kg/hm~2 for Festuca arundinacea as harvest four times within a year.Among the meteorological factors of precipitation, sunshine duration and temperature,precipitation played the greatest role in hay yield.
     Using a specific model to evaluate the TDN and IVDMD of Lolium multiflorum and Festuca arundinacea,the results showed that the TDN of Lolium multiflorum hay was 61.36%and that of Festuca arundinacea hay was 58.76%,which implied that Lolium multiflorum hay had higher value of nutrients.
     The hay yields of cultivars with high Mg content were a little lower than the normal cultivars for both of Lolium multiflorum and Fesruca arundinacea,however there was no significant difference.Cultivars with high Mg content had a better quality of hay.The hay produced from the cultivars with high Mg content would be helpful for the protection of "low-Mg-blood disease "in some regions.
     Using 4 old Liaoning cultivars and 4 current Liaoning cultivars and 4 current Ohio cultivars to compare the yield and quality of straw under different fertilizer treatments.
     (NH_4)_2HPO_4(150kg/hm~2~300 kg/hm~2)as starter fertilizer improved the straw yields of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 growth stages. 150kg/hm~2(NH_4)_2HPO_4 fertilizer level increased the protein and fat contents of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 growth stages.Compared with no fertilizer treatment,(NH_4)_2HPO_4 fertilizer(150kg/hm~2,300 kg/hm~2) increased the protein content in the straw of current Ohio cultivar 'Darby',decreased the protein content in the straw of current Liaoning cultivar 'Liaodou 11',and the protein content in the straw of old Liaoning cultivar 'Mukden' changed unsignificantly.
     (NH_4)_2HPO_4 fertilizer had some effect on the contents of mineral nutrients,it increased the Ca and P percentage in straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4,R6 and mature stages;the Mg percentage in straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 stages would increase but decrease at mature stage;the K percentage in straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 stages would decrease but increase at mature stage.From R4 stage to mature stage,the percentages of Mg,Ca,K,and P in straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades decreased gradually.
     In(NH_4)_2HPO_4 fertilizer treatment,at R4 and mature stages,the straw yield order of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades was:old Liaoning cultivars> current Liaoning cultivars>current Ohio cultivars.At R6 stage,the straw yield order was:current Ohio cultivars>old Liaoning cultivars>current Ohio cultivars.
     According to the criteriaof TDN,at R4 stage old Liaoning cultivar 'Mukden' had a better quality of straw,at R6 stage the straw of current Ohio cultivar 'Darby' was better in quality, however there was no significant difference of straw quality among cultivars at different growth stages.
     Additional uera fertilizer100 kg/hm~2~200 kg/hm~2 at V3 stage decreased the straw yields of current Ohio cultivars,and increased the straw yields of current Liaoning cultivars at R4, R6 and mature stages.For old Liaoning cultivars,uera increased the straw yield at at R4 and R6 stages and decreased it at mature stage.
     Additional uera fertilizer improved the protein and fat contents in the straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 stages,but at mature stage,there was no effect of uera on the protein content and TDN in straws.
     In uera fertilizer treatment,at R4,R6 and mature stages,the straw yield order of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades was:current Liaoning cultivars>old Liaoning cultivars >current Ohio cultivars.According to the criteriaof TDN,at R4 stage old Liaoning cultivar 'Mukden' had a better quality of straw,at R6 stage the straw of current Ohio cultivar 'Darby' was better in quality.
     Under the treatments of(NH_4)_2HPO_4 or uera fertilizer,the straw yield order was:at R6 stage > R4 stage > mature stage for all cultivars from different regions.The content of protein and TDN decreased from R4 stage to mature stage.
     At R4 stage,the straw quality was the best(CP 18.48%~24.49%,TDN 47.41%~49.65%),and also after harvest straw at this stage,the field would be double cropping of vegetable,which benefit the field productivity.If at R4 stage harvesting soybean straw,the selection of vigourouly vegetative growth cultivars 'Mukden','Boone','Harbinsoy', 'Shendou 4',and'Liaodou 11'would be a good choice.'Shendou 4',and'Liaodou 11',and'Boone'had a higher straw yield under(NH_4)_2HPO_4 fertilizer,however,'Mukden' and 'Harbinsoy'had a better straw yield unser uera fertilizer.
     At R6 stage,soybean could be harvest as fresh vegetable beans,and also there was a lot of straw。'Shennong 94-11','Liaodou 11','Shendou 4' and'Boone' had higher yield. 'Shennong 94-11 'and 'Boone'had a better straw yield under(NH_4)_2HPO_4 fertilizer,however, 'Liaodou 11'and 'Shendou 4'produced higher straw yield unser uera fertilizer.
     At mature stage old Liaoning cultivars'Harbinsoy' and'Boone',and current Liaoning cultivars'Shennong 94-11 'and 'Shendou 4'had high straw yield,as consideration of seed yield together,'Shennong 94-11'and 'Shendou 4'would be the best choice for benefiting farmers. Both of them liked(NH_4)_2HPO_4 fertilizer.
     Under(NH_4)_2HPO_4 fertilizer,at mature stage,the straw yields of current Liaoning and Ohio cultivars were over 6.9%and below 22.1%respectively,compared with that of old Liaoning cultivars.Under uera fertilizer,at mature stage,the straw yields of current Liaoning and Ohio cultivars were lower 0.2%and 30.4%respectively than that of old Liaoning cultivars.After the genetic improvement in about 70 years,current Ohio cultivars had a short plant height,low straw yield and high seed yield;current Liaoning cultivars had a relative high height,better balanced yield of straw and seed.The plant heights of old Liaoning cuitivars were tall,and easy to lodging,which resulted in lower straw and seed yield.Selecting the soybean cultivar with semideterminate growth habit would balanced the yield of straw and seed.
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