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The recent years has seen a great increase of incidence of hyperlipemia, especially among the young and middle-aged population. Previous studies have proved the close relationship between hyperlipemia and the risk of coronary diseases, hypertension, apoplexy and diabetes, which can be reduced after lipid regulation. The development of hyperlipemia is a long and slow process, accordingly, the effort to reduce the lipid is also long and slow. However, long administration of medicine will exert damage on liver and renal functions and bring several side effects. Therefore, if ultrasound irradiation to Yongquan acupoint is effective in reducing lipid level, ultrasound therapy may offer a new alternative.
     This study tries to investigate the feasibility of focused ultrasound irradiation to Yongquan acupoint in the treatment of hypelipemia. We screened out the optimal ultrasound dose, which was then used to irradiate Yongquan acupoint of the hyperlipemia animal model. After irradiation, lipid changes were closely observed.
     Part I : Biological Effects of Focused Ultrasound on Ex Vivo Ox Liver
     Objective: To study the biological effects of focused Ultrasound on ex vivo ox liver so to provide the ideal dosage for ultrasound acupoint therapy. Method: Fresh ex vivo ox liver tissues were selected to be pointly radiated by focused ultrasound after general degassing. Treatment parameter: pulsed wave, pulsed frequency 1000 Hz, frequency of ultrasound waves 10 MHz, and duration 30 s. Different acoustic powers were applied, and then pathological and temperature changes of the target were observed.
     Results: Under acoustic power 2W, coagulation necrosis in ox liver was found. The size was 2×2×1 mm. Under acoustic power 1.0 W, suspectable changes could be found with naked eyes. When the power was gradually decreased to 1.5W, 1.2W, 1.0W, 0.8W, 0.5W, the target temperature raised by 6.3±0.52℃, 5.8±0.41℃,5.5±0.55℃,4.6±0.52℃and2.5±0.55℃, respe- ctively.
     Conclusion: Dosage with the following parameters (power<1.0 W, pulsed frequency 1000 Hz, ultrasound frequency 10 MHz and duration 30 s) was safe. This ultrasound dose does not induce coagulative necrosis, and histopathological observation did not find obvious changes of the irradiated tissues, nevertheless, it has energy deposition in the target which was expressed by temperature rise.
     Part II:Establishment of Hyperlipemia Rat Model
     Objective: To establish hyperlipemia SD rat models as the ideal animal models for HIFU hyperlipemia treatment.
     Method: SD rats were assigned to control group and study group. Rats in control group were fed with normal feedstuff, while rats in study group were fed with high-fat feedstuff. Two weeks later, we obtained blood samples of the rat eyeballs and checked the changes of serum TG, TC, HDL-C and LDL-C .
     Results: Mean TG of the study group was 3.52±0.36, and mean TC was 2.57±0.27, which were significantly different from TG and TC mean values of the control group (P<0.05).In study group, HDL-C reduced obviously and LDL-C increased markedly, which had significant significance compared with the control group (P<0.05).
     Conclusion: The model is an ideal hyperlipemia model. It is characterized by high success rate, low cost and simple operation.
     Part III: Effect on blood fat level of hyperlipemia rats after irradiated by focused ultrasound to Yong Quan acupoint Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of focused ultrasound for treatment of hyperlipemia though detecting changes of TG, TC, HDL-C and LDL-C levels in blood serum after focused ultrasound radiation to Yong Quan acupoint
     Method: 40 female SD rats were divided randomly into 5 groups: blank group, control group, ultrasound group I (1.0W), ultrasound group II (0.5W) and acupuncture group. Blank group was given normal feedstuff, and other groups were all fed with high fat feedstuff. Utrasound group I and II were given Yong Quan acupoint ultrasound irradiation by 0.5 W and 1.5 W, respectively, while acupuncture group were given Yong Quan acupoint needle acupuncture for 30s every other day and for 2 weeks.
     Result: In aspect of TG and TC levels, the study groups had lower levels than the model group (P<0.05), and the ultrasound group II had the lowest levels. HDL-C level was highest in Ultrasound group I(P<0.05)and lowest in the acupuncture group. LDL-C level of ultrasound group I was obviously lower than that of the rest groups (P<0.05), and that of the acupuncture group was the highest. The lipid droplet of the hepatic cell in the study groups was much less than that in the model group.
     Conclusions: 1. Focused ultrasound irradiation to rat Yong Quan acupoint can effectively regulate blood fat level in hyperlipemia rats.
     2. Focused ultrasound irradiation to rat Yong Quan acupoint is able to enhance nerve and vascular functions, through which the functions of the whole body will be enhanced, so blood fat level can be normalized and treatment goal reached.
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