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油茶为我国特有的主要优质食用木本油料资源之一,与油棕、油橄榄和椰子并称为世界四大木本食用油料树种,在保障食用油供给、开发南方低山丘陵资源、发展农村经济具有重要意义。为了更好地探索油茶生物学特性,为良种选育和丰产栽培研究提供技术依据,本文以湖南省林业科学院及其试验林场油茶资源收集保存库中的普通油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel.)为材料,通过三年多时间开展的系统观察、实验等,对油茶的物候期、花芽分化、开花授粉生物学特性进行了研究。主要结果如下:
Oil-Tea camellia(Camellia oleifera Abel) is an important woody edible oil species endemic to China, and one of the four famous woody edible oil trees along with oil palm, olive and coconut in the world. Planting Oil-Tea Camellia will be great significant to improve edible oil supply, to develop low hill lands in southern China, then to promote the rural area economic progress. In this paper, for three years, investigation and experiment had conducted on phenological phase, flower bud differentiation, characteristics of flowering and pollination biology of Oil-Tea Camellia planted in germ-plasm resource center of Oil-Tea in Hunan academy of Forestry, so as to understand well the biological characteristecs of oil tea, then to provide theory and basic technology for high yield breeding and cultivation. The results as follows:
     1. Young sprouts developed 1 to 4 times annually, including spring shoots, summer shoots, autumn shoots and winter shoots. Young plants sprouted more times than that of old plants,3 to 4 times sprout happened within one year, however most plants sprouted twice in summer and autumn respectively. Usually, spring sprouts developed in March and April, while Cenxi soft-branch sprouts developed earler, in February and March. Oil-tea fruit start to develop in mid-to-late of March and grew slowly in prophase. From April to June and July to August, the fruit development had two peaks of growth,and in mid or late August the volume growth stoped but the internal nutrition accumulated gradually. The florescence of Oil-Tea Camellia begins from the middle of October to February of the following year, which lasted 45-100 days, but the significant difference existed among different varieties of provenances.
     2. The flower bud differentiation starts from early May to mid or late September, which included pro-differentiation stage, sepals formation stage, petals formation stage, stamens and Stamens formation stage, ovary and anther formation stage, stamens and Stamens mature stage. But every differentiation stage overlapped each other to a certain degree.The whole development process lasted about 140 days; And that different varieties varied significantly.
     3. For a single flower, bloom lasted for 7-10 days or so, generally petals open from 8:00 till 16:00 daily, most bloom happened between 11:00 and 15:00. At the beginning bloom of 1-3 days,the flower petals close at about 17:00 in the evening, and re-bloom in the next day. The pollen viability keeps ascendant trend on the first day of pollen release from anther, and in the next 2 days pollen still kept high viability with bright yellow. The receptivity of stigma lasted around 7 days and keeps rising trend within the early 5 days of bloom. It started to decline from the 6th day and then significantly decreaseed, and finally lost receptivity in the 8th-10th day.
     4. Most pollen grains of Oil-Tea Camellia are long ovoid, and have 3 aperture channels, the pollen size is about (40.02-55.30)μm (24.36-33.49)μm. The extine of pollen decorated with wrinkled, hole-mesh, brain-grain strip, which are the special properties of Camellia species, and can be used as an morphologic indicator for identifying variety of Oil-Tea Camellia.
     5. The pollen viability of the tested 30 fertile lines from different provenance varied from 38.51%-91.85%, and that of the sterile line varied from 0.00%-0.40%. The viability of pollens could last about 3 days under normal temperature. And the pollen stored under 4℃had higher viability than that stored under room temperature, and its viability can be extended appropriately. For one flower, there were about 71-169 stamens, and each anther can produce 1811-4569 pollen grains, and totally produced 200,000-650000 pollen per flower. The stamen number of per flower is different among different varieties significantly.
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