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     研究氢在金属表面的吸附过程能够为研究氢在金属表面吸附机理提供帮助。本课题利用基于第一性原理平面波赝势的计算法的CASTEP软件模块,对氢原子在La_3MgNi_(14)晶体的(110)面吸附进行了研究。研究发现: La_3MgNi_(14)晶体的(110)面态密度与体相态密度的在大体上较为相似,但(110)面的态密度带隙宽度均有所减小,导带在费米能级以上部分有向低能级漂移的倾向;表面处的活性也要高于体相的活性;氢原子在各吸附位置上的稳定距离在_3~_3.5之间;当氢原子在La_3MgNi_((14))晶体的(110)面吸附时,氢原子吸附在La-Ni长桥位时的结构最为稳定,Mg-Ni长桥位次之,Mg-La短桥位的稳定性最低。
The new La-Mg-Ni system hydrogen storage alloy has excellent hydrogenstorage properties, It is hopeful to improve the cathode charge and dischargecapacity with its higher capacity. In this paper, a major phase La_3MgNi_(14)of theLa-Mg-Ni hydrogen storage alloy have been investigated, that provide help toimprove hydrogen storage properties of La-Mg-Ni hydrogen storage alloy andresearch hydrogen storage microscopic mechanism.
     In this paper, the CASTEP module which first-principles plane wavepseudo-potential method based on density functional theory was used, it wasstudied from electronic structure, Firstly, build different structures according toLa occupy the4f position, optimize the structures and calculate energy andformation heat, so as to get the most stable structure of the system. After that,investigate band structure, density of states and population of the stable structureas well as the microscopic electronic structure of Ce_2Ni7-type La_3MgNi_(14)hydrogen storage alloy. The results show that: Ce_2Ni7-type La_3MgNi_(14)tends tobe S1structure, in which lanthanums are scattered to each other; Band structureand density of states shows that the system have typical metallic, in combinationwith metallic bonds. The energy state of the system near Fermi level was mainlycontributed by Ni_3d orbital. The contribution of the La atoms provided by-16eV5p orbital and-_3_2eV6s orbital. The lowest energy state of the system wasobserved at the-4_2ev below the Fermi level, which contributed by Mg_2p orbital.Population analysis provides an objective criterion for the bonding between atoms. The bond population and atomic population analysis showed that: InLa_3MgNi_(14)system, The bond of Ni-La is ionic bond, Mg-Ni dominated both theionic bond, covalent bond. Ni-Ni is covalent bond. In all of the four structuresNi-Ni is covalent bond, Ni-La is ionic bond. When the structure is centrosymmetric structure (S_2, C_2), Mg-Ni bond is both covalent key and ionic bond,the stability of the structure was reduced because of the presence of ionic bonds.When the structure is an axisymmetrical structure (S1, C1), Mg-Ni bond is onlycovalent bond exists, so the stability of the structure higher than thecentrosymmetric structure, S1structure with the average bond length of covalentbond average_2.6767is less than the C1structure of_2.69_34, so that the S1structure is more stable.
     Research on metal surfaces of the hydrogen adsorption process is to be ableto study the hydrogen adsorption on metal surfaces. In this paper, the CASTEPmodule which first-principles plane wave pseudo-potential method based ondensity functional theory was used, the hydrogen atom in La_3MgNi_(14) Crystal(110) surface adsorption was studied. The results show that: The DOS(density ofstates) of La_3MgNi_(14)(110) surface is similar with bulk DOS, however, theband gap width of (110) surface DOS has reduced, the conduction band aboveFermi level have a tendency to drift to the low energy level; Surface activity isalso higher than the activity of the bulk; The stability of distance of hydrogenatom adsorbs at various position between_3to_3.5; when the hydrogen atomsadsorbed in the crystal La_3MgNi_(14)(110) surface, the most stable structure is hydrogen atoms adsorbed on the La-Ni Longbridge, with the Mg-Ni long bridgesite next and Mg-La short bridge site minimum.
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