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     1、建立了一套更适合水稻籽粒内源IAA测定的HPLC检测方法。本试验利用低温(-20℃)冻熔法去除粗提样品的大部分色素及杂质,采用Sep-Paks C_(18)柱、Oasis HLB小柱及0.45μm超滤膜(均为Waters公司产品)连续三步纯化技术,获得符合定量要求的回收率及测定结果。与传统方法相比,本方法免去了传统方法的多次样品萃取及浓缩的步骤,减少了检测物质在提取过程中的损失,提高了样品的重现性及回收率。
     此外,防打滑浆过厂的进行,就籽粒小 f【I可讲述精(初约精、计精读果糖)大
    从受精”\人就开始卜门,随有灌浆的进行,内源IAA 卜升的速度加快,全受份)*第9
    势粒IAA含量的卜升速度,恢复系弱势粒内源h 含量卜升的“滞缓”期也短十和
    )诽nft弱势粒M 含氯的“滞缓”期。巾此可见,比之相应的恢复系,其至交织合
    5、内源IAA足籽粒激浆的信,白、物质。灯光厂H刁*A勺’比G山*仍 在籽粒十家积的
    农工 和先后。问什素标L试验表u,人水稻籽*灌浆初出],籽粒中广光积累飞H一IAA,
     上次,(l)IAA运输抑市开 TIBA*处I甲,降低厂等丰 卜’H* 的水卜;(2)IAA
    牛物合* 山抑开的处土 号通过抑i 2N一IAA 面物个人 的前体原* 工H一*广人籽粒小的积
    累,降低’H一 /籽粒小的水个;(3)I*AN抑剂的处理,抑制 厂’N.彻萄糖人:籽
Subspecies hybrid rice which are widely adopted in China show a strong superiorities in larger spike, more grain number and stronger growth potential, but a low seed setting rate of most combinations become a major obstacle in their application and extension. By setting up an IAA HPLC detection method, and application of isotopes and ELISA technique, the correlation of endogenous 1AA with the grain filling were studied in this thesis. Subspecies hybrid rice Xieyou9308 with its restorer Zhonghui9308 was tested as main material; Xieyou9312 and Hyou162 with their restorers were also planted and sampled in this experiment. The results are briefly described as follows.
    1. Purification and detection method of endogenous IAA in subspecies hybrid rice grains was improved and established. It is simplified and operable method when compared to the traditional one, and the released data is coincides with quantitative requirements.
    2. Further confirmation of the "Apical-grain superiority" in grain filling: It is a common phenomenon of apical-grain superiority in grain filling, but the differences were existed within combinations and restorers. There were some correlation between restorer and its hybrid rice, the apical-grain superiority in combination was amplified when comparing to its restorer.
    3. Carbohydrate accumulation in spikelets: Superior spikelets showed a privilege in easy access to accumulate the carbohydrate. The carbohydrate content in superior spikelets increased rapidly soon after pollination and reach the peak. Only then, the carbohydrate content in inferior spikelets began to accumulate. The combination and its restorer show a similar fluctuation pattern in carbohydrate accumulation. During grain filling period, the accumulating ratio of three kinds of sugar (Glucose/Sucrose/Fructose) in spikelets of restorer showed a correlation with its combination.
    4. Endogenous IAA content in superior spikelets of the combinations increased rapidly soon after pollination. While as the IAA content in inferior spikelets was stay still for a period of 7 days from pollination. IAA content in inferior spikelets was much less than the superior spikelets. These phenomena were also observed in their restorers, but as compare
    to their combinations, the scope of IAA fluctuation was reduced. There was a positive
    correlation of the phenomena between restorer and its combination.
    5 > Endogenous IAA could be a signaling substance for triggering the grain filling.
    First, Resulting from isotopes experiments, 3H-IAA accumulation in spikelets was always 3-6 hours prior to H-Glucose accumulation.
    Second, IAA transport inhibitor-TIBA inhibited the accumulation of 3H-IAA in spikelets; IAA bio-synthesis inhibitor-PCIB inhibited the accumulation of 3H-IAA in spikelets through the inhibiting of 3H-Try transportation; The two inhibitors could also reduce the 3H-Glucose accumulation in spikelets by decreasing endogenous IAA level.
    Third, Exogenous IAA application on young panicle could be a assisting effects of carbohydrate accumulation in spikelets. The application of high concentration IAA to the young panicle (before anthesis) could improve the seed setting rate of inferior spikelets, and more or less decrease the seed setting rate of the superior spikelets. The main reason of the above phenomena could be a reduced difference of endogenous IAA level in spikelets by exogenous IAA application, and then the apical-grain superiority between superior spikelets and the inferior spikelets was weakened.
    Therefore, it is considered in this dissertation that endogenous IAA is a signaling substance in triggering the grain filling. There is a positive correlation between IAA emerging time & intensity and the starting & intensity of the grain filling in spikelets. The application of exogenous IAA could improve seed setting rate by weakening the apical-grain superiority. It will be a new stream to the photo-hormone physiology, and will have some practical meaning in improvement of the seed-setting rate by m
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