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     论文设计了以1,2,4-三氟苯为起始原料,经2,4,5-三氟苯乙酸制备关键中间体4-(2,4,5-三氟苯基)乙酰乙酸甲酯。之后,经引入手性试剂,双键还原,氢解,水解酯基得到目标产物的合成路线。论文对中间体2,4,5-三氟苯乙酸设计了三条合成路线,分别进行实验研究,确定以1,2,4-三氟苯为起始原料,经酰化,碱性水解重排,羟基氯代,催化脱氯四步反应得到2,4,5-三氟苯乙酸。对工艺路线进行了优化,在2-(2,4,5-三氟苯基)-2-氯乙酸的合成中用二氯甲烷代替甲基叔丁基醚做萃取剂并且缩短反应时间;在2,4,5-三氟苯乙酸的合成中,将文献中10% Pd/C用量减少57.7%;并进行了实验室放大研究,四步总收率为35.8%。对中间体4-(2,4,5-三氟苯基)乙酰乙酸甲酯设计了三条合成路线,分别进行研究,确定以2,4,5-三氟苯乙酸为起始原料,经羰基活化,酰化,脱羧获得。对工艺参数进行优化同时进行了实验室放大,总收率为80.1%。在4-(2,4,5-三氟苯基)乙酰乙酸甲酯合成中,通过产品的重结晶,简化后处理过程。中间体及产品由红外光谱和核磁共振进行了结构确证。
285 million people are currently suffering from diabetes in the world, and the number of type 2 diabetes patients is upto 93.7%. The drugs for diabetes is considerable with the rising number of diabetes patients every year. A series of new diabetes drugs is on the market in recent years and among them DPP-IV inhibitors is new way to treat type 2 diabetes. Sitagliptin, the first DPP-IV inhibitor, is a new drug approved by the FDA in October 2006 for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this paper is on the research how to preparation of the chiral intermediate of Sitagliptin (R)-3-amino-4-(2,4,5-trifluorophenyl)butyric acid.
     In this paper, the key intermediate methyl 4-(2,4,5-trifluorophenyl)-3-oxobutanoate was prepared from 2,4,5-trifluorophenylacetic acid which is obtained from 1,2,4-trifluorobenzene. The target molecule was synthesized through using chiral reagent, reduction of double bond, hydrogenolysis and hydrolysis of ester group. There are three synthetic routes for intermediate 2,4,5-trifluorophenylacetic acid and the best method is with 1,2,4-trifluorobenzene as the starting material, through acylation, hydrolysis and rearrangement in base environment, chlorination, hydrogenolysis to afford the target product. The reaction condition is optimized and the reaction was scaled up. In the workup, chloromethane was choosed to replace methyl tert-butyl ether as the extractant and the reaction time is shortened. In the synthesis of 2,4,5-trifluorophenylacetic acid, the amount of 10% Pd/C is decreased by 57.7%. The total yield of four steps is 35.8%. There are three synthetic routes for intermediate methyl 4-(2,4,5-trifluorophenyl)-3-oxobutanoate in the paper. The conclusion is that the best synthetic route is with 2,4,5-trifluorophenylacetic acid as the starting material, through activation of carboxylgroup, acylation and decarboxylation to afford methyl 4-(2,4,5-trifluorophenyl)-3-oxobutanoate. The total yield of three steps is 80.1% and the reaction condition is optimized and the reaction was scaled up. In the synthesis of methyl 4-(2,4,5-trifluorophenyl)-3-oxobutanoate, the product was obtained through recrystallization. The structures were confirmed through IR and NMR.
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