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     1.在本组前期研究的基础上,对喷墨打印工艺进行了新的重要改进。其一是改进了电极的打印“墨水”制备工艺,找到了一种新的高效分散剂Lomar D,使得仅通过超声分散就能得到稳定分散的打印“墨水”,省去了以前湿法球磨辅助分散的步骤。其二是省去了薄膜电极后续的热处理步骤,仅通过简单的热滚压过程就能获得结构稳定,性能良好的薄膜电极。
     2.通过溶胶凝胶法制备了LiCoO_2前驱体。750℃下合成的LiCoO_2(平均粒径为93 nm)适合作为制备薄膜电极的活性材料。用新的Lomar D分散剂制备了打印“墨水”,喷墨打印制得了厚度约为1.1μm的LiCoO_2超薄电极,LiCoO_2的担载量为0.30 mg/cm~2。XRD和Raman光谱证明,经过超声分散和打印过程,薄膜电极中LiCoO_2的晶体结构保持完好,省去了后续热处理步骤。采用热滚压工艺克服了充放电循环过程中的薄膜开裂。超薄LiCoO_2电极在384μA/cm~2(约为10.8 C)下充放电,放电容量为105 mAh/g。在电流密度为192μA/cm~2(约5.4 C)下经过循环充放100次后,电池的放电容量仍保持在118 mAh/g。与首圈相比,容量仅减少5%。这种高倍率充放电稳定性可归因于电极极薄的厚度、低的内阻、纳米尺度的LiCoO_2以及稳定的薄膜电极结构。
     3.通过溶胶凝胶法制备了LiMn_2O_4前驱体,分析了处理温度对材料形貌结构及电化学性能的影响。结合喷墨打印的特点,选择750℃下合成的LiMn_2O_4(粒径为100 nm)作为制备超薄电极的原材料。喷墨打印方法制得的LiMn_2O_4薄膜电极表面致密,厚度在1.8μm左右,LiMn_2O_4的担载量为0.48 mg/cm~2。CV、EIS以及恒电流充放实验表明Li~+在薄膜电极中传输是一种半无限扩散行为,扩散系数为1.15×10~(-11)cm~2/s。薄膜电极在100μA/cm~2(2C)的电流密度下经过54周充放电后,容量仍可保持在104 mAh/g,单圈容量衰减仅为0.1%。这种优异的倍率和循环稳定性可归因于LiMn_2O_4晶体结构的完整、纳米粒径以及超薄的电极厚度。
     4.通过表面活性剂辅助溶胶凝胶法制备了Li_4Ti_5O_(12)的前驱体,研究了在O_2气氛中不同温度下热处理对Li_4Ti_5O_(12)形貌及粒子大小的影响。基于XRD、SEM以及充放电测试结果的分析,选择650℃处理得到的Li_4Ti_5O_(12)作为薄膜电极制备的材料,其平均粒径约为120 nm。通过喷墨打印法制得了Li_4Ti_5O_(12)薄膜电极。SEM显示薄膜电极表面平整致密,厚度约为1μm。用涂敷法获得的PEO(LiN(CF_3SO_3)_2)固体电解质膜,其厚度约为20-40μm。研究了Li/PEO(LiN(CF_3SO_3)_2)/Li_4Ti_5O_(12)(1μm)全固态电池的电化学性能,电池的平台电位在1.5 V左右,在20μA/cm~2 35℃下放电容量可达到22μAh/cm~2。
     5.首次制备了全固态聚合物电解质超薄锂离子电池。正负电极均为喷墨打印制得,电池为(Li_4Ti_5O_(12)(1μm)/PEO(LiN(CF_3SO_3)_2)/LiMn_2O_4(1.8μm))。电池的工作电压为2.5 V,整个电池的厚度不超过30μm,在电流密度为20μA/cm~2时,35℃下的放电容量为18μAh/cm~2,并且具有良好的循环性能。
     6.采用以P123为高分子乳化剂,制备了正庚烷/乙醇的两相微乳体系。调整原材料Ti(OC_4H_9)_4和LiAC的量,制得了由纳米Li_4Ti_5O_(12)组成的不同形貌的材料。包括不同壁厚的Li_4Ti_5O_(12)空心球以及多孔Li_4Ti_5O_(12)。纳米颗粒组成的单层Li_4Ti_5O_(12)空心球(壁厚约100 nm)具有优异的电化学性能。在0.5 C下充放电,其放电容量为162 mAh/g,此材料甚至可用20 C进行充放电,容量仍可达95mAh/g。2 C下500圈充放电后,其放电容量仍有142 mAh/g,单圈容量损失仅为0.01%。这种高倍率充放电稳定性可归因于:纳米粒子有助于缩短充放电过程中锂离子的扩散距离;空心结构有益于增加电极材料和电解液接触的有效反应面积。
     与相似过程制得的Li_4Ti_5O_(12)相比,CNT-Li_4Ti_5O_(12)复合材料中的Li_4Ti_5O_(12)具有更小的纳米粒径。复合材料在0.5 C下的放电容量为150 mAh/g。如果考虑到其中Li_4Ti_5O_(12)的实际含量(91.8%),那么Li_4Ti_5O_(12)的放电容量可以高达163mAh/g,接近Li_4Ti_5O_(12)的理论放电容量(175 mAh/g)。复合材料在20 C下的放电容量仍可达106 mAh/g,相当于0.5 C时的70.1%。复合材料还具有很好的循环稳定性,5 C下充放电500圈其放电容量几乎不变。CNT-Li_4Ti_5O_(12)复合材料的这种优异的电化学性能可归因于Li_4Ti_5O_(12)小的纳米粒径,纳米碳管的复合极大地改进了材料的电子导电性;以及纳米碳管带来的复合材料电极的多孔性。
With the fast development of microelectronic system and very large-scale integrations,there is an increasing requirement of micro driving power with excellent electrochemical performance.In the fields of micro power source, all-solid-state thin film lithium ion batteries has been viewed as one of the most promising micro powers due to its high specific capacity and excellent cycling performance.But the large scale fabrication of thin film electrode brings a big challenge in its application.In the thin film preparation field,ink-jet printing technique has its special advantages of economy,fast and high efficiency,which will be a promising way to large scale fabrication of thin film electrode in all solid state lithium ion batteries.
     Recently,the spinel Li_4Ti_5O_(12) has been viewed as a promising alternative of graphite to be an anode material in lithium ion batteries.But,its' application in high rate lithium ion batteries was hindered by its low electronic conductivity.Therefore, how to increase the electronic conductivity of Li_4Ti_5O_(12) is a key solution for its high-rate application.
     This paper consists of two parts.In the first part,the sol-gel method was used to synthesize nano cathode/anode materials for lithium ion batteries.With these materials the thin film electrodes were prepared by ink-jet printing technique.Also, their electrochemical properties were investigated in detail.In the second part,the rate performance of Li_4Ti_5O_(12) was improved by its structure modification or composing with carbon nano fibers.The main results were listed as following:
     1.With the aim to improve the quality of thin film electrode and to simply the processes,a new high efficient dispersant(Lomar D) was used to suspense the particles for preparing electrode printing 'ink'.Compare with our previous method it can save the wet ball milling process,and the consequent heat treatment process.
     2.Through a sol-gel process and the calcination at 750℃in O_2 atmaspher, nano-LiCoO_2 particles with the diameter of 93nm could be synthesized.Using ink-jet printing technique LiCoO_2 thin film with the thickness of 1.16μm was prepared after 30 iterative printings and hot rolling process.The loading amount of LiCoO_2 on the substrate of aluminum sheet was 0.30mg/cm~2.The influence of thermal rolling process on the electrochemical performance of thin film electrode was investigated.The thin film without thermal rolling has a rough surface and loose structure,and bad cycle capability.XRD and Raman spectra showed that the LiCoO_2 crystal structure maintained very well in thin film even after the ultrasonic and printing processes.After 100 cycles at 5 C it still kept stable.This thin film electrode presented a good rate capability and capacity retention.At current of 64μA/cm~2 (about 1.8 C),the discharge capacity was 132mAh/g.It even could be charged-discharge at 384μA/cm~2(about 10C) with a stable discharge capacity of 105 mAh/g. At the current rate of 192μA/cm~2(5.4 C),after 100 cycles the discharge capacity kept at 118 mAh/g,which was only 5%loss compare with the value in initial cycle. The good electrochemical performance of thin film LiCoO_2 electrode could be attributed to its extremely thin thickness,low inner resistance by carbon doping, nano particle size of LiCoO_2 and the stable film structure.
     3.Spinel LiMn_2O_4 was synthesized by a sol-gel method,the influence of calcination temperature on LiMn_2O_4 properties was investigated.The LiMn_2O_4 treated at 750℃with a particle size of about 100 nm was chosen for preparing printing 'ink'.The jet printed thin film electrode with thickness of about 1.8μm has a smooth surface.The loading amount of LiMn_2O_4 was 0.48mg/cm~2.Its electrochemical performance was investigated by CV,EIS and chronoampermetry methods.The Li~+ diffusion behavior was performed as a semi-infinite diffusion process with the diffusion efficiency of 1.15×10~(-11)cm~2/s.LiMn_2O_4 thin film electrode showed a good rate capability.At discharge current density of 100μA/cm~2(2C),the electrode presented a discharge capacity of 104mAh/g.After 54 cycles,the capacity loss was only 0.1%for per cycle.This good electrochemical performance could be attributed to its extremely thin thickness,good crystal structure,and the nano particle size of LiMn_2O_4.
     4.Spinel Li_4Ti_5O_(12) was synthesized through a sol-gel method.Under O_2 atmosphere the influence of calcination temperature on the morphologies,size and the electrochemical properties of Li_4Ti_5O_(12) was investigated.According to the results of XRD,SEM and charge/discharge tests,Li_4Ti_5O_(12) prepared at 650℃with the diameter of about 120nm was selected as the raw material for preparing printing ink. The jet printed Li_4Ti_5O_(12) thin film electrode with the thickness of about 1μm showed a smooth surface and a porous structure.The performance of all solid battery of Li/PEO(LiN(CF_3SO_3)_2)/Li_4Ti_5O_(12)(about 1μm ) was tested.The charge/discharge plateau was about 1.5 V.At the current density of 20μA/cm~2,its discharge capacity was 22μAh/cm~2 at 35℃.
     5.An all solid thin film polymer electrolyte battery was prepared in first time. The battery consisted of jet printed thin film electrodes and a PEO(LiN(CF_3SO_3)_2 separator:Li4_Ti_5O_(12)(about 1μm ) / PEO(LiN(CF_3SO_3)_2(27μm)/LiMn_2O_4(1.8μm). This thin film battery with the thickness of less than 30μm presented a work voltage about 2.5 V.At 35℃,it can be charge-discharged at current density of 20μA/cm~2 with a capacity of 18μAh/cm~2.
     6.Hollow spherical Li_4Ti_5O_(12) was prepared by a macro emulsion method using P123 as emulsifier.Its frameworks built from many nano Li_4Ti_5O_(12) particles with the size of 100nm.Different morphologies from hollow sphere to marco porous structure of material could be synthesized by adjusted the amount of Ti(OC_4H_9)_4 and LiAC in the two phases n-heptane/ethanol solvent system.Among them the mono layer hollow spherical material showed the best electrochemical performance.It can be charge-discharged at 20 C(3.4A/g) with the specific capacity of 95mAh/g. Besides its excellent rate capability,this material also presented good capacity retention:over 500 cycles at the charge and discharge rate of 2 C the specific capacity kept very stable as 140mAh/g,and only loss 0.01%for per cycle.The excellent electrochemical performance of hollow spherical Li_4Ti_5O_(12) is mainly due to its stable hollow structure and the nano scale particles.
     7.CNTs(carbon nano tubes)/Li_4Ti_5O_(12) composite was prepared by sol-gel method using Ti(OC_4H_9)_4,LiCH_3CO0·2H_2O and the n-heptane containing CNTs. The CNTs amount in the composite was about 8.2%.The characters of CNTs/Li_4Ti_5O_(12) composite were determined by XRD,SEM,and TG methods.Its electrochemical properties were measured by charge-discharge cycling and impedance tests.TEM image shows that CNTs dispersed homogenously in CNTs/Li_4Ti_5O_(12) samples and the nano Li_4Ti_5O_(12) particles stickled on the surface of CNTs.Compared with spinel Li_4Ti_5O_(12) prepared by similar way,the size of Li_4Ti_5O_(12) particles in CNT-Li_4Ti_5O_(12) composite was smaller.Experimental results showed that the CNTs/Li_4Ti_5O_(12) composite presented an excellent rate capability and capacity retention.At 0.5 C it demonstrated a discharge capacity of 150mAh/g,if considered the weight content of Li_4Ti_5O_(12) in composite,the nominal capacity of Li_4Ti_5O_(12) should be 163mAh/g,which is close to the theoretical capacity of 175 mAh/g.At the charge-discharge rate of 5 C and 10 C,the discharge capacities of Li_4Ti_5O_(12)/CNTs were 145 and 135 mAh/g respectively.After 500 cycles at 5 C,the discharge capacity retained as 142mAh/g.Even it can be discharged at 20 C,the discharge capacity was 106mAh/g,which was equal to 70.1%of that at 0.5 C.The excellent electrochemical performance of CNTs/Li_4Ti_5O_(12) electrode could be attributed to the improvement of electronic conductivity and the porous electrode structure caused by adding of CNT fibers and the nano size of Li_4Ti_5O_(12) particles in the CNTs/Li_4Ti_5O_(12) composite.
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