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The exception clause of public morals in WTO rules only with a dozen of words, in order to balance the free trade and public morality, become the focus of attention from the trading parties, after in silence for more than half a century. It is the reason that the WTO rules have a dual mission:on the one hand, it stressed that the members must adhere to free trade; on the other hand, it stressed that the members have the right to take trade restriction measures, when their public morality have been or may be subject to damages from free trade. However, the key issue is: how to realize the coordination of this relationship between the twos? In other words, how to make the trading parties do in the protection of public morals, without abuse of rights in disguise to implement trade protectionism? The trade practice shows that, the terms of the WTO public morals exception (allowing countries to take "necessary to protect public morals" trade measures) are quite controversial, because of it's expression in simple, so that members of the parties and the DSB served as an expert so far failed to reach a consistent interpretation. This left a lot of thinking space to explore.
     This article is divided into three parts of the introduction, the body and the conclusion. Among them, the "body" is divided into six chapters discussed next.
     For the discourse background and discuss basis of the exposition on the body, so that the first chapter introduces the concept, characteristics, the legal basis and formulation of WTO public morals exception.
     Taking into account the connotation of "public morals" interpretation is the key to understand and invoke the WTO public morals exception clause, the second chapter devoted to the interpretation of the provisions. Within the WTO system of rules, the dispute caused by the "fuzzy terms" is duty by the DSB to explain clarify. The legal basis of this behavior is the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and the DSB actually following precedent "case rules". The interpretations adopted by the DSB include objective interpretation methods, effective interpretation methods and dynamic interpretation methods. But the problem is, even if there is a legal basis and interpretation methods, the DSB had not clearly explained the connotation of "public morals". In "American Gambling Case" and "Sino-US market access for publications case", DSB is still not explain clearly the connotation of "public morals", but tend to agree with the members of the party some having the autonomy in defining the "public morals". From the legislative and judicial practice of "public morality exceptions", there is not a consistent connotation, but a number of regional consensu based on geographical, historical, cultural or political reasons.
     In addition, in view of the GATS section14(a) added an concept "public order", therefore, it's necessary for this chapter to discuss the "public morals" and "public order", and described them as a "two different but overlapping" concept.
     Needless to say, as a rule of law, quoting the "public morals exception" must meet certain conditions, namely:contrary to other WTO rules, in line with the principle of necessity, to meet the purpose of the GATT preamble. The third chapter focuses on the applicable conditions of the WTO public morals exception. To direct at the applicable order of the conditions, the necessity of the elements and the requirements of the preamble, this chapter examines their respective elements and their formation history, combined with case to analyze the applicable conditions, and concluded with the development of conditions of application of the exceptions:consultation and negotiation is no longer the need to test alternative measures; the need to test alternative measures of the burden of proof by a complaint transferred to the complaining party. These developments are clearly beneficial for equitable free trade and the public morality of the relationship.
     In view of the WTO public morals exception clause does not provide for its scope of application. Chapter IV of this article discusses the scope of application of the public morals exception clause from the horizontal and vertical two levels. To discuss whether the "public morals exception" could be applied beyond the agreement from the horizontal dimension. From the "Sino-US market access for publications case", the applicable scope of Article20of the GATT has been extended to the GATT, applied to the accession package. From the point of view of stare decides, the applicable scope of the "public morals exception" may continue to be extended to other WTO agreements. Vertical level for the "public morals exception" clause can be applied to extra-territorial (measures have been implemented outside of the country), the traditional theory that the original intention of the provision is aimed at protecting members of the party within the territory of public morality, and as public moral connotation continue to contain the factors included human rights, labor standards, animal welfare, including some of the major WTO members (such as the United States) have developed a trade-restrictive measures for the protection of other countries'public morality. Nevertheless, in order to prevent the clause being abused, this paper argues that the country violating of international jus cogens under international law, according to the general provisions on the principle of jurisdiction, may be applied to the "public morals exception" clause.
     Based on the application situation of the "public morals exception clause" in the WTO, to forcast the future for its application in the fifth chapter. The terms had become concerned about the "hot spots", China and other developing countries also began to actively invoking the general exception clauses to protect themselves; the DSB also committed to a balance of efforts between public morality and the right to trade. To a certain extent, these are the current applicable situation of the provisions of WTO public morals exception.
     More importantly, with the rapid development of world trade,"public morals exception" will appear in the three major trends:Firstly, the clause will be invoked greatly; Secondly, the public moral connotation will be further expanded and include into the limited human rights (including human rights, labor rights, etc.); Thirdly, in balancing the freedom of trade and public morality efforts, the DSB will continue to play a leading role. In order to safeguard the States to protect public morality demands and effectively prevent the abuse of the terms, the DSB, on the one hand, should be careful to guide the expansion trend of the public of the ethical dimension; on the other hand, moderately use of the applicable conditions of the "public morals exception".
     In view of the complaints against China increased year by year, to safeguard the trade interests of China, the China government and scholars must strengthen the clause of public moral exception in the WTO. For the "Sino-US market access for publications" exposed major problems, such as legislative existence of the vulnerability and the existence of proof, the sixth chapter of this paper made a number of improvement of legislation, developing the recommendations of the WTO litigation and personnel.
① See Daniel T.Griswold, Seven Moral Arguments for Free Trade, Cato Policy Report July/August 2001, at 12.
    ② Steve Charnovitz,The Moral Exception in Trade Policy,38 Va.J.Int'l L.689,704(1998).
    ③ Jeremy C.Marwell,Note,Trade and Morality:The WTO Public Morals Exception After Gambling,81 N.Y.U.L.Rev.802(2006).
    ④ Mark Wu,Free Trade and the Protection of Public Morals:An Analysis of the Newly Emerging Public Morals Clause Doctrine,33 Yale J.Int'l L.215(Winter 2008).
    ⑤ Claire Wright, Censoring the censors in the WTO:reconciling the communitarian and human rights theories of international law.3 J. Int'l Media & Ent. L.17-119 (2010).
    ⑥ Elanor A.Mangin, Maket Access in China-Pulication and Audiovisual Materials:a Moral Victory with a Silver Ling, Berkeley Technology Law Journal Vol.25:279.
    ⑦ Michael J. Trebilcock & Robert Howse, Trade Policy & Labor Standards,14 Minn. J. Global Trade 290(2005)..
    ⑧ Sarah H. Cleveland, Human Rights Sanctions and International Trade:A Theory of Compatibility,5 J. Int'l Econ. L.157(2002).
    ① Stephen J. Powell, The Place of Human Rights Law in World Trade Organization Rules,16 Fla. J.Int'l L.219,223(2004).
    ② Salman Bal, International Free Trade Agreements and Human Rights:Reinterpreting Article XX of the GATT,10 Minn. J. Global Trade 62,78 (2001); see also Gabrielle Marceau, WTO Dispute Settlement and Human Rights,13 Eur. J. Int'l Law 753,789 (2002).
    ③ Office of the U.N. High Comm'r for Refugees, Human Rights and World Trade Agreements: Using General Exception Clauses to Protect Human Rights, at 5, U.N. Doc. HR/PUB/05/5 (Nov.2005).
    ④在新加坡部长会议中,确认“劳工标准问题”宜由国际劳工组织处理,从而阻止了部分发达国家试图通过增设“社会条款”将“劳工标准”纳入WTO的企图。World Trade Organization, Ministerial Declaration of 13 December 1996, WT/MIN(96)/DEC,36 I.L.M. 218,221 (1997).
    ⑤ Robert Howse, The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Workers' Rights,3 J. Small & Emerging Bus. L.131,169-71 (1999).
    ⑥ See, e.g., Anjli Garg, Note, A Child Labor Social Clause:Analysis and Proposal for Action,31 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L.& Pol.473,526 (1999).
    ① Liane M. Jarvis, Note, Women's Rights and the Public Morals Exception of GATT Article 20, 22 Mich. J. Int'l L.219,236-37 (2000).
    ② Edward M.Thomas, Playing Chicken at the WTO:Defending an Animal Welfare-Based Trade Restriction Under GATTs Moral Exception,34 B.C.Envtl.Aff.L.Rev.605(2007),http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/ealr/vol34/iss3/8.
    ③ Fitzgerald, Peter L.,'Morality' May Not Be Enough to Justify the EU Seal Products Ban: Animal Welfare Meets International Trade Law (May 1,2011). Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, Vol.14, p.85,2011. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1864659.
    ④ See Gareth Davies, Morality Clauses and Decision-Making in Situations of Scientific Uncertainty:The Case of GMOs, Presented at a Roundtable on"GMOs and International Trade", held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem(2006), www.ssrn.com/abstractid=920754.
    ⑤譬如,有关裁决能否有效执行问题、报复条款的缺陷问题、程序时效过长问题等,参见T. Jennings, Trade Dispute:Canadian Conference Examines the Role of the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism, International Economic Review, May/June 1999:12.
    ①Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Commerce, May 13,1881, U.S.-Madag., art. IV(1),22 Stat. 952,955,956.
    ② See generally JSaxon Mills, The Genoa Conference 419 (1922).
    ③ International Convention Relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities, Nov.3,1923, 30 L.N.T.S.373.
    ④ Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restriction, Commentary and Preliminary Draft International Agreement drawn up by the Economic Committee of the League of Nations to serve as a Basis for an International Diplomatic Conference, League of Nations Doc. C.E.I.22.1927 II.13-21 (1927).
    ① Dep't of State, The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switerland (Wilson), in Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1927,254-57 (1942).
    ② International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, Proceedings of the Conference, at 95, League of Nations Doc. C.21.M.12.1928Ⅱ.107-08 (1928).
    ③ See Steve Charnovitz,The Moral Exception in Trade Policy,38 Va.J.Int'l L.689,711(1998).
    ① See Steve Charnovitz,The Moral Exception in Trade Policy,38 Va.J.Int'1 L.689,711(1998).
    ② See Slavery-Report of the Advisory Committee of Experts, League of Nations Doc. C.112.M.98.1938.VI, Annex 21, at 125 (1938). An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Mar.25,1807,47 Geo.3, ch.36 (1807) (Eng.). See also Le Louis,2 Dods.210 (1817),165 Eng. Rep.1464.
    ③ An Act to consolidate the Customs Laws, July 24,1876,39 & 40 Vict., ch.36,42 (Eng.).
    ① See An Act to provide revenue from imports, and to change and modify existing laws imposing duties on imports, and for other purposes, Aug.30,1842,28,5 Stat.548,566.and An Act To amend the penal laws of the United States, June 5,1920,41 Stat.1060 (repealed).
    ② T.E.G. Gregory, Tariffs:A Study in Method 115 (1921).
    ③ George Mygatt Fisk & Paul Skeels Peirce, International Commercial Policies with special reference to the United States, A Text-Book 80 (1923).
    ④ See Lowell v.Lewis,15(a.1018 No.8568)(C.D.Mass.1817),quoted in Chisum and Jacobs, p.2.5.I
    ⑤ U.S. Dep't of State, Publ'n No.2411, Proposals for the Expansion of World Trade and Employment (1945).
    ① See United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Apr.10,1947, Report of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee, U.N. Doc. E/PC/T/186 (Sept.10,1947); United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Jan.20-Feb.25,1947, Report of the Drafting Committee of the Preparatory Committee, art.37(a), U.N. Doc. E/PC/T/34/Rev.1 (Mar.5, 1947); United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Oct.15-Nov.26,1946, Report of the First Session of the Preparatory Committee, art.32(a), U.N. Doc. E/PC/T/33.
    ② United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Nov.21,1947-Mar.24,1948, Final Act and Related Documents, U.N. Doc. E/Conf./2/78 (Apr.1948).
    ③ Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties art.32,1155 U.N.T.S.331,8 I.L.M.679.
    ④ See Steve Chamovitz, The Moral Exception in Trade Policy,38 Va. J. Int'l L.689 (1998) at 704-06.
    ⑤ United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Draft Report of the Technical Sub-Committee,32, U.N. Doc. E/PC/T/CII/54 (Nov.16,1946).
    ① See Report of the Drafting Committee of the Preparatory Committee, art.37(a), U.N. Doc. E/PC/T/31/Rev.1 (Mar.5,1947).
    ② See John H. Jackson, The World Trading System:Law and Policy of International Economic Relations 36-41 (1997).
    ①Patents:Ordre Public and Morality, CY564-Unctad-vl 377 (2004)
    ② See Patents:Ordre Public and Morality, CY564-Unctad-vl 379 (2004)
    ② Appellate Body Report on U.S.-Gambling P 291.
    ① Panel Report on U.S.-Gambling, P 6.461.
    ① See China-Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products, WT/DS363.
    ① See Claire Wright, Censoring the Censors in the WTO:Reconciling the Communitarian and Human Rights Theories of International Law, J. Int'l Media & Entertainment Law, Vol.3, No.1.pp.60-76.
    ① See Anne O. Krueger (ed), The WTO as an International Organization. The University of Chicago Press,1998, pp.214-215.
    ④ See Claire Wright, Censoring the Censors in the WTO:Reconciling the Communitarian and Human Rights Theories of International Law, J. Int'l Media & Entertainment Law, Vol.3, No.1.pp.76-92.
    ②对此,周永坤先生也曾指出:民众的广泛认同是法安定的社会基础,如果法律远离民众,甚或与民众处于对立状态仅凭强制力推行,则不管强制力多么强大,法律也是不安定的。参见周永坤:《法理学———全球视野》, 北京:法律出版社2000年版,第438页。
    ③周永坤先生也认为,法的安定不仅要求法体系本身是健康的而且要求它成为社会现实,即法适用过程高度的合法性与确定性。参阅周永坤:《法理学——全球视野》, 北京:法律出版社2000年版,第438页。
    ① Appellate Body Report on United States-Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline (WT/DS2/AB/R),p17.
    ② India-Patent Protection for Phamacentical and Agricultural Chemical Products (WT/DS5 0/AB/R),at para.46.
    ③ Appellate Body Report on Japan-Alcoholic Beverage Ⅱ, p.10,
    ①考虑到WTO争端解决中条约解释的重要性,DSB已将所有专家组和上诉机构报告所涉条约解释,分门别类地建立了一个数据库,按“协定或条文”与“主题词”(如“反倾销”、“鞋类”“相同产品”)两种检索法查找相关条约解释内容。该数据库的说明使用了“法理学”(jurisprudence)一词。See WTO Analytical Index available at http://www.wto.org
    ② Appellate Body Report on Japan-taxes on Alcoholic Beverages (WT/DS8/AB/R) p14.
    ① Meinhard Hilf.Power, Rules and Principles-Which Orientation for WTO/GATT Law? Journal of International Economic Law2001,(1).
    ② Appellate Body Report on EC-Measures concerning meat and meat products (hormones)
    ③ Pascal Lamy. The WTO in the Archipelago of Global Governance, speeches at Institue of International Studies,2007.
    ① Appellate Body Report on US-Gasoline, p23.
    ②参见黄东黎:((WTO协定法律解释的基本原则》,2006年9月20日。网址:http://rmfyb. chinacourt.org/public/detail.php?id=101037最后访问日期:2012年3月22日。
    ①Appellate Body Resort on U.S.Shrimp,pp.129-130.
    ① The Universal Dictionary of the English Language 745 (Henry Cecil Wyld ed,1932).
    ② Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language 1592 (William Allan Neilson et al. eds.,2nd ed.1946).
    ③ Nicolas F. Diebold, The Morals and Order Exceptions in WTO Law:Balancing the Toothless Tiger and the Undermining Mole, Journal of International Economic Law, March 2008, p.55.
    ① Christoph T. Feddersen. Focusing on Substantive Law in International Economic Relations: The Public Morals of GATT's Article XX(a) and "Conventional" Rules of Interpretation,7 Minn. J. Global Trade 75.
    ② See generally Kenneth W. Dam, The GATT:Law and the International Economic Organization 10-16 (1970).
    ③ See generally The Law of the WTO (Philip Raworth & Linda C. Reif eds.,1995).
    ① Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, International and European Trade and Environmental Law after the Uruguay Round 51 (1995).
    ② John H. Jackson, The World Trading System:Law and Policy of International Economic Relations 206 (1989). See also William Adams Brown, Jr., The United States and the Restoration of World Trade 415 (1950).
    ③ Meinhard Hilf, Die Auslegung mehrsprachiger Vertrge 86 (1973).
    ④ See Steve Charnovitz, The Moral Exception in Trade Policy,38 Va. J. Int'l L.689 (1998) at 704-06.
    ①也有些学者估计高达五百起,因为GATT并不要求所有争端的专家小组报告都公开发表,所以造成学者们对案件数量统计差异,Hudec认为GATT解决了大概207件争端,而Jackson则统计为超过500件。See Robert E. Hudec, Enforcing International Trade Law:The Evolution of the Modern GATT Legal System (1993) and Jackson, The World Trading System: Law and Policy of International Economic Relations 120 (1997).
    ② See Chronological List of Disputes, http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/dispu status_e.htm (last visited Nov.15,2007).
    ③ Panel Report on US-Gambling, p 6.465.
    ④ Panel Report on US-Gambling, P 6.461.
    ⑤ Panel Report on US-Gambling, P 6.461.
    ② Panel Report on US-Gambling, pp.296-299.
    ①就笔者看到的资料而言,国内绝大多数学者都认为公共道德的内涵由各国自由确定,但国外许多学者表达了不同的观点,如Mark Wu、Marwell等都认为美国博彩案中专家组和上诉机构并没有确定公共道德应该由谁界定。See Jeremy C. Marwell, Trade and Morality:The WTO Public Morals Exception after Gambling, New York University Law Review, May 2006;Mark Wu. Free Trade and the Protection of Public Morals:An Analysis of the Newly Emerging Public Morals Clause Doctrine, The Yale Journal of International Law, Winter,2008.
    ② Miguel A. Gonzale, NOTE:Trade and Morality:Preserving "Public Morals" Without Sacrificing the Global Economy,39 Vand. J. Transnat'l L.960 (2006).
    ③包括阿拉巴马、亚利桑那、密西西比、佛罗里达、堪萨斯、康涅狄格、路易斯安那、内布拉斯加、印第安纳、田纳西等各州的相关法律规定。See Miguel A. Gonzale, NOTE:Trade and Morality:Preserving "Public Morals" Without Sacrificing the Global Economy,39 Vand. J. Transnat'l L.961 (2006).
    ① Mo., Kan.& Tex. Ry. v. Haber,169 U.S.613,625-26(1898).
    ②美国联邦宪法的商业条款赋予了国会“规范对外贸易、各州间贸易以及与印第安部落之间进行贸易”的权利。See U.S. Const, art. I,8, c1.3.
    ③ Champion v. Ames,188 U.S.321,322.357 (1903).
    ④ 44 Liquormart, Inc. v. Rhode Island,517 U.S.484,514 (1996).
    ⑤最高法院因为该条例阻碍了特定的宗教活动而宣布该法违宪。See Church of the Lukumi BabaluAye, Inc. v. City ofHialeah,508 U.S.520,535 (1993).
    ⑥ Barnes v. Glen Theatre,501 U. S.560, at 575 (1991).
    ② WTO rules and animal welfare, RSPC A Australia information paper,12(2011), p7, available at www.rspca.org.au.
    ③ Miguel A. Gonzale, NOTE:Trade and Morality:Preserving "Public Morals" Without Sacrificing the Global Economy,39 Vand. J. Transnat'l L.967 (2006)
    ①Regina v.Sharpe,[2001] S.C.R.45.P231.
    ②Regina v.Smith,44 CCC(3d)385(Ontario Sup.Ct.1988).
    ③King v Connare(1939)61 C.L.R.596,597(Austl.).
    ① King v. Connare (1939) 61 C.L.R.622 (Austl).
    ② Gollan v. Nugent (1988) 166 C.L.R.21 (Austl.).
    ③ Regulation 4W,Customs(Prohibited Imports)Regulations 1956.
    ① Patents:Ordre Public and Morality, CY564-Unctad-v1 382 (2004)
    ① Wong Kam Kuen v. Comm'r for Television and Entm't Licensing, [2003] 3 H.K.L.R.D.596, 617(C.A.).
    ② HKSAR v. Tsang Ching Chiu, [2002] 3 H.K.L.R.D.172,175,,176 (C.F.I.).
    ③ HKSAR v. Tsui Ping Wing, [2000] H.K.E.C.437 (C.F.I.).
    ① See Nicolas F. Diebold, The Morals and Order Exceptions in WTO Law:Balancing the Toothless Tiger and the Undermining Mole, Journal of International Economic Law, March 2008, pp.64-65.
    ② Panel Report on US-Gambling, p.6.466.
    ③ Panel Report on US-Gambling, p.6.467.
    ④ Panel Report on US-Gambling, p.6.463.
    ① Appellate Body Report on US-Gambling, pp.77,298.
    ② See Nicolas F. Diebold, The Morals and Order Exceptions in WTO Law. Balancing the Toothless Tiger and the Undermining Mole, Journal of International Economic Law, March 2008, pp73-74.
    ③ UNCTAD/ICTSD Resource Book on TRIPS and Development, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2005, at 379.
    ① See Nicolas F. Diebold, The Morals and Order Exceptions in WTO Law:Balancing the Toothless Tiger and the Undermining Mole, Journal of International Economic Law, March 2008, pp73-74.
    ② Michael Park, Note and Comment:Market Access and Exceptions under the GATS and Online Gambling Services,12 Southwestern Journal of Law & Trade in the Americas (2006) 495, at 510.
    ③ Panel Report on US-Gambling, p 6.469.
    ①Diebold认为公共道德和公共秩序虽然都要求是保护”公众”的利益,但公共秩序的情况稍微有些不同,因为秩序相对而言对”合意”的依赖更少,即使不是损及大多数人的利益仍有可能符合”公众”的要求。例如,如果某一与WTO相矛盾的措施能确保一小部分居住在遥远地区的人达到必要性要求或者能保护一小部分潜在消费者免受无资格服务提供商的侵害,那么它就应该是正当的。因此,由专家组发展出来的”大多数人”的要求在公共秩序例外方面应该作广泛解释,特别是因为GATS第14条第1款的脚注5已经用更适当的方式对后者作出了限制。参见Nicolas F. Diebold, The Morals and Order Exceptions in WTO Law:Balancing the Toothless Tiger and the Undermining Mole, Journal of I nternational Economic Law, March 2008, pp:61-62.
    ② Panel Report on US-Gambling, p.6.469.
    ① See Christoph T. Feddersen. Focusing on Substantive Law in International Economic R elations:The Public Morals of GATT's Article XX(a) and "Conventional" Rules of Int erpretation,7 Minn. J. Global Trade 91-93(1998).
    ①Appellate Body Report on Korea-Various Measures on Beef pp.161-164.
    ① Panel Report on U.S.-Gambling, PP 3.288-91.
    ② See Appellate Body Report on US-Gasoline, p22; Appellate Body Report on US-Shrimp, paras.115-119; Appellate Body Report on Korea-Various Measures on Beef, para.156.
    ③ Panel Report on U.S.-Gambling, PP 6.472-74.
    ④ Panel Report on US-Gambling,p 6.492.
    ① Panel Report on US-Gambling, pp 6.529-31.
    ② Panel Report on US-Gambling, pp.6.488-6.535.
    ③ Appellate Body Report on US-Gambling, p317.
    ① See Appellate Body Report,US-Gasoline,pp.22-23,DSR 1996:I,3,at 21;Appellate Body Report,US-Wool Shirts and Blouses,pp.15-16,DSR 1997:I,323,at 337;Appellate Body Report,US-FSC(Article 21.5-EC),p.133.
    ② Panel Report on US-Gambling, pp.309-311.
    ① See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, pp 7.712-714.
    ② See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, pp7.815-818.
    ② See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, pp7.822-825.
    ② See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, p7.837.
    ①See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, pp7.826-828.
    ②See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, pp7.837-848.
    ① See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, p7.869.
    ② See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, pp7.872-875.
    ② See Report of the panel——China-measures affecting the protection and enforcement of cement of intellectual property rights, pp 7.887-893.
    ①Appellate Body Report on US-Gambling, pp.317-318.
    ① Appellate Body Report on Korea-Various Measures on Beef, p.182.
    ② Appellate Body Report on US-Gambling, pp.319-320.
    ③ Appellate Body Report on US-Gambling, p.309.
    ① John H. Jackson, World Trade and the Law of GATT, The Bobbs Merrill Company,In c.,1969,p.743
    ② See Report of the Appellate Body, United States---Standards for Reformulated and Con ventional Gasoline, WT/DS2/AB/R,29 April 1996, para.21.
    ① See Report of the Appellate Body, United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, WT/DS58/AB/R,12 October 1998, para.159.
    ② See Report of the Appellate Body, United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, WT/DS58/AB/R,12 October 1998, para.157.
    ③ John H.Jackson,World Trade and the Law of GATT,The Bobbs Merrill Company,Inc.,1969, p.743
    ③ Appellate Body Report on U. S.Shrimp and Shrimp Products, PP 173-76,185.
    ① Appellate Body Report on U. S.Shrimp and Shrimp Products, P185.
    ② Appellate Body Report on U. S.Shrimp and Shrimp Products, p65.
    ③ Appellate Body Report on U.S. gasoline, pp 631-32; Appellate Body Report on U. S. Shrimp and Shrimp Products, pp 166-71.
    ① Appellate Body Report on U. S. Shrimp and Shrimp Products, pp166、171、174.
    ② Appellate Body Report on U. S. Shrimp and Shrimp Products, pp121、166.
    ③在韩国牛肉案中,专家组在认定了双重零售体系不符合(d)款的要求后,决定不再继续进行双层测试分析该措施是否符合第20条序言。Appellate Body Report, Korea-Various Measures on Beef,Para.156.
    ① Council Decision 97/602,1997 O.J. (L242) (EC); Commission Regulation 3254/91, art.3,1991 O.J.(L 308)(EC).更多关于进口禁令的背景可参见Gillian Dale, Comment, The European Union's Steel Leghold Trap Ban:Animal Cruelty Legislation in Conflict with International Trade,7 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L.& Pol'y,441 (1996).
    ② Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act,1998, Pub. L. No.105-61, §634,111 Stat.1272,1316(1997).
    ① Panel Report on Tuna-Dolphin Ⅰ, PP.3.31,3.36,3.49.
    ② Panel Report on Tuna-Dolphin Ⅱ, P.3.16.
    ① Panel Report on Tuna-Dolphin Ⅰ, P 4.4 and Panel Report on Tuna-Dolphin Ⅱ, P 3.35.
    ②此种分类方法借鉴了Charnovitz、Hudec等国外学者的观点,具体参见Steve Charnovitz, The Moral Exception in Trade Policy, Virginia Journal of International Law,Summer,19 98; and Robert E. Hudec, GATT Legal Restraints on the Use of Trade Measures again st Foreign Environmental Practices, in 2 Fair Trade and Harmonization, at 116.
    ③ 42 U.S.C.A.274e(a) (1991); 21 U.S.C.A.321(b) (1972)
    ① Tariff Act of 1930, June 17,1930,305(a),46 Stat.590,688, codified at 19 U.S.C.1305(a) (1994).
    ② Jennifer Merin, Customs Prevail:Know rules when bringing foreign treasures home, Chi. Trib., Apr.14,1996, at Travel-4.
    ② See Steve Charnovitz, The Moral Exception in Trade Policy, Virginia Journal of International Law, Summer,1998.
    ① Panel Report on Tuna-Dolphin Ⅱ, PP 5.15-5.16.
    ① See WTO Appellate Body Report on United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products (Shrimp/Turtle I), WT7DS58/AB/R,133,12 October 1998 (adopted 6 November 1998),
    ② See GATT Dispute Panel Report on United States:Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, Aug.16, 1991, GATTB.I.S.D. (39th Supp.) atl98,199 (1993).
    ③参见《实施动植物卫生检疫措施的协议》(Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures)的序言及第2条第4款,来自于http://www.wto.org/english/docs-e/ legal-e/final-e.htm).
    ③ Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Free International Trade and Protection of the Environment: Irreconcilable Conflict?,86 Am. J. Int'l L.700,703 (1992).
    ②参见2009年6月我国常驻WTO代表团常驻代表孙振宇大使在商务部举办的”参赞访谈”活动中的发言。《与常驻世界贸易组织代表团常驻代表孙振宇大使网上交流》,http://shang wutousu.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/lbqz/ggswxx/200909/20090906503693.html(最后访问日期:2012年3月8日)。
    ① Jeremy C. Marwell, Trade and Morality:The WTO Public Morals Exception after Gambling, New York University Law Review,May 2006,p.803.
    ② Michael J. Trebilcock & Robert Howse, The Regulation of International Trade (2ded.1999) at 56.
    ③ Developing Countries in WTO Dispute Settlement, in WTO, Dispute Settlement System Training Module ch.11(2005), available at http://www.wto.org/english/tratope/dispue/disp settlement cbte/c11siple.htm#txt1.
    ① Mark A. Pollack & Gregory C. Shaffer, Biotechnology:The Next Transatlantic Trade War?, Wash. Q., Autumn 2000, at 41,43.
    ②包括强迫劳工、契约劳工、监狱劳工以及童工制造的产品(goods made with forced, indentured, or convict labour, including child labour).具体参见Tariff Act 1930, ch.497,46 Stat.689(1930).
    ③ An Act to Amend the Bretton Woods Agreement Act, Pub L No 95-435, §5(c),92 Stat 1051, 1052 (1978) and see Richard B. Lillich and Hurst Hannum, International Human Rights, Problems of Law, Policy, and Practice (3d edn, Boston:Little, Brown 1995) 74-75.
    ④ Pub L No 100-202, §562,101 Stat 1329-175 (1987); see also Pub L No 101-167, §562(a), 103 Stat 1241 (1989) (both codified at 7 USC §3602 note (1994)).
    ⑤ Clean Diamond Trade Act, H.R.2722,107th Cong (2001).
    ⑥ Council Common Position (EC) No.2007/750/CFSP of 19 November 2007 amending Common Position 2006/318/CFSP renewing restrictive measures against Burma/Myanmar art. 2(b),2007 O.J. (L308).
    ① See Michael J. Trebilcock & Robert Howse, Trade Policy & Labor Standards,14 Minn. J. Global Trade 290 (2005).
    ② See Sarah H. Cleveland, Human Rights Sanctions and International Trade:A Theory of Compatibility,5 J. Int'l Econ. L.157 (2002).
    ③ See Stephen J. Powell, The Place of Human Rights Law in World Trade Organization Rules, 16 Fla. J. Int'l L.219,223 (2004).
    ④ See Salman Bal, International Free Trade Agreements and Human Rights:Reinterpreting Article XX of the GATT,10 Minn. J. Global Trade 62,78 (2001); see also Gabrielle Marceau, WTO Dispute Settlement and Human Rights,13 Eur. J. Int'l Law 753,789 (2002).
    ⑤ See Liane M. Jarvis, Note, Women's Rights and the Public Morals Exception of GATT Article 20,22 Mich. J. Int'l L.219,236-37 (2000).
    ⑥ See Karen E. Woody, Note, Diamonds on the Souls of Her Shoes:The Kimberly Process and the Morality Exception to the WTO Restrictions,22 Conn. J. Int'l L.335,352-55 (2007) and Edward M. Thomas, Note, Playing Chicken at the WTO:Defending an Animal Welfare-Based Trade Restriction Under GATT's Moral Exception,34 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev.605 (2007).
    ⑦ Office of the U.N. High Comm'r for Refugees, Human Rights and World Trade Agreements: Using General Exception Clauses to Protect Human Rights, at 5, U.N. Doc. HR/PUB/05/5 (Nov.2005).
    ① See Robert Howse, The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Workers'Rights,3 J. Small & Emerging Bus. L.131,169-71 (1999).
    ② See Anjli Garg, Note, A Child Labor Social Clause:Analysis and Proposal for Action,31 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L.& Pol.473,526 (1999).
    ③ Shrimp/Turtle AB Report, supra note 98, P 129.
    ① See Sarah H. Cleveland,'human Rights Sanctions and International Trade:a Theory of Compatibility',26 JIEL.133(2002).
    ① See Mark Wu. Free Trade and the Protection of Public Morals:An Analysis of the Newly Emerging Public Morals Clause Doctrine, The Yale Journal of International Law, Winter,2008, 245-246.
    ① See Convention Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, June 17,1999,2133 U.N.T.S.161.
    ② See ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, art.2, June 18,1998,37 I.L.M.1233,1237-38.
    ③ See Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Dec.9,1948, 102 Stat.3045,78 U.N.T.S.277.
    ④ See Kyle Bagwell, Petros C. Mavroidis & Robert W. Staiger, It's a Question of Market Access, 96 Am. J. Int'1 L.56,73-74 (2002).
    ① See Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosn.& Herz. v. Yugo. (Serb.& Mont.)),2007 I.C.J. (Feb.26).
    ② Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, adopted Dec. 18,1979,1249 U.N.T.S.13.
    ③ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. Res.2200A, art.2(1), U.N. GAOR, 21st Sess.,U.N. Doc. A/RES/2200 (Dec.16,1966),999 U.N.T.S.171.
    ① See Mark Wu. Free Trade and the Protection of Public Morals:An Analysis of the Newly Emerging Public Morals Clause Doctrine, The Yale Journal of International Law, Winter,2008, 247-248.
    ① Appellate Body Report on Korea-Beee PP179-181.
    ②Appellate Body Report on U.S.-Gambling AB,PP 369,371.
    ① Appellate Body Report on Shrimp/Turtle, pp 164-65,168,172,175.
    ② Panel Report on Japan Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, P 6.23.
    ①WTO:AnnualReport2006, http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/anrep_e/anrep06_e. pd.f
    ③《与常驻世界贸易组织代表团常驻代表孙振宇大使网上交流》,来源于http://shangwutousu. mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/lbqz/ggswxx/200909/20090906503693.html (最后访问日期:2012年3月12日)。
    ③ Gregory C. Shaffer, Defending Interests:Public-Private Partnerships in WTO Litigation, Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,2003. pp.227.
    ④ Shaffer, Gregory C, Sanchez, Michelle Ratton and Rosenberg, Barbara, The Trials of Winning at the WTO:What Lies Behind Brazil s Success(May,27 2008).Cornell International Law Journal, Vo.141, No.2,2008; Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper No.49. Available at SSRN:http://ssm.com/abstract=1137905
    ②譬如,1999年,提供网络赌博服务带来的产值占安提瓜国民生产总值(7.5亿美元)的10%,而该国政府每年2亿美元的财政收入中,约1/6来自网络赌博行业。See Warren Giles, U.S. Loses WTO Ruling Covering Online Gambling, http://www.lasvegassun. com/sunbin/ stories/gaming/2004/mar/24/516580670.htm 1.
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    [15]Salman Bal, International Free Trade Agreements and Human Rights: Reinterpreting Article XX of the GATT, 10 Minn. J. Global Trade 62, 78 (2001); see also Gabrielle Marceau, WTO Dispute Settlement and Human Rights, 13 Eur. J. Int'l Law 753, 789 (2002).
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