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With the good property of lightweight, higher intensity, resisting corrosion, resisting fatigue, the aluminum alloy material is widely used in the field of aircraft manufacturing, car product, mechanical manufacturing and IT product. However the metallic and nonmetallic inclusions in the aluminum alloy will affect the property of quality and safety. Tradition separation methods have low removal efficiency to the time and can't remove the small dimension inclusions. The new method of electromagnetic separation can overcome the faults. Its basic theory, the inclusions and aluminum melt have different electric conductivity, so different force will be exerted on them. The force exerted on inclusions will remove them from the aluminum melt. In this paper we will study the different processing parameters of electromagnetic separation from aluminum melt according to experiments and give the study results.
    In this paper mathematics model of electromagnetic field for separator gap was built by integral equation according to the theory of electromagnetic hydrodynamics. The distributing of electromagnetic field in separator gap was calculated and the results were discussed. The calculating results and measuring results are almost same. The electromagnetic field in separator gap is steady and can remove the inclusions in the aluminum melt.
    The temperature of aluminum melts remarkably affects the efficiency of electromagnetic separation. From the experiments we know that under the low temperature the viscosity of aluminum melts was high and the melts flow difficultly. Thus the inclusions in aluminum melts are difficult to be separated. If the temperature of aluminum melts was high, the conductivity of aluminum melts will reduce and the electromagnetic force or the electromagnetic repulsive force exerted on inclusions will reduce. Thus it will also reduce the efficiency of electromagnetic separation.
    The efficiency of electromagnetic separation will be improved by increasing the intensity of magnetic field influence. In fact it is difficult to get strong electromagnetic field. In the meantime if the magnetic field is a variable, there will be a agitation in the aluminum melt. The separated inclusions will go into the aluminum melt again. It will lead to low efficiency of separation.
    From the experiments, we know that increasing the value of DC current and long processing time can make for higher separation efficiency in the same condition. With the increasing volume of inclusion, the electromagnetic force or the electromagnetic repulsive force exerted on inclusion and the velocity of inclusion will also increase. The inclusions can be easily separated from the aluminum melt.
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