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“Aging” is a kind of “"diseases of civilization”. The prescription is governmentspurchasing services for the aged.The sixth national census in China find that60years of ageand older population has reached178000000, accounting for13.26%of the total population,and urban and rural disabled elderly people has reached about33000000, accounting for19%of the total population. At the same time, China is only country whose elderly population ismore than100000000in the world's, and has an annual rate of more than3%over the sameperiod of rapid growth。
     Governments purchasing aged-care service indicate the relationship among theindividuals, families and government. In the period of theocracy and monarchical era,government supplying aged-care service often occur, but this is generally not thegovernment's legal obligations, the elderly rights. In the people's sovereignty, the interests ofthe aged gained a solid political foundation.
     On governments supplying aged-care service, we must deal with the division ofresponsibilities between the different levels’ governments, different geographicalgovernments.
     A third party supplying aged-care services purchased by the governments has severaladvantages that the government personally supplying services has not.. It may promote totransformation of government functions, to introduce competitive mechanism, to improveservice efficiency, to improve the administrative democracy, to the construction of civilsociety.
     Today the United States, Australia, Czech, Britain, China and Taiwan area of ourcountry have many thresholds on the persons who want to receive the aged-care servicespurchased by the governments. These qualifications include economic ability, social demand,widows and orphans、 empty nest, age, occupation, contribution, practical living, remote,rural areas, rural areas, indigenous.
     When governments determine to buy what aged-care service, they should think aboutfour factors. First factor is the services’ importance and emergency for the elderly living anormal life. Second factor is governments’ financial capacity. Third factor is the fairness between the old man and the other members of society. Fourth factor is the nature of theaged-care service.
     When governments purchase aged-care services,they should focus on the protection ofprivacy in the elderly.
     Finally, the present files on governments purchasing aged-care services exists obviousdiscriminations, which is prone to to cause disputes,because at present people have a strongconsciousness of rights and democracy.
    25Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich,Social Work with Elders: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Assessment and Intervention (2ndEdition),Boston:Pearson Education,Inc.2005,p.86.
    26Bryan A. Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary(Eighth Edition), Opperman:Thomson-West,2004,p.758.
    44Ted Kolderie,“The Two Different Concepts of Privatization”,Public Administration Review, Vol.46, No.4,Jul.-Aug.,1986, p.287.
    45Stphen L. Elkin, City and Regime in the American Republic,Chica-go: University of Chicago Press,1987, p.181.
    46E. S. Savas, Privatization: The Key to Better Government,Chatham, NJ: Chatham House,1987,p.2.
    47James L. Perry and Timlynn T. Babitsky,“Comparative Performance in Urban Bus Transit: Assessing PrivatizationStrategies”, Public Administration Review, Vol.46, No.1,Jan.-Feb.,1986, p.57.
    52Jorma Sipila, Anneli Anttonen and John Baldock,“The Importance of Social Care”, in Anneli Anttonen John Baldock andJorma Sipila, eds., The Young, the Old and the State: Social Care Systems in Five Industrial Nations, Northampton: EdwardElgar Publishing,Inc.,2003,p.13.
    54Jorma Sipila, Anneli Anttonen and John Baldock,“The Importance of Social Care”, in Anneli Anttonen John Baldock andJorma Sipila, eds., The Young, the Old and the State: Social Care Systems in Five Industrial Nations, Northampton: EdwardElgar Publishing,Inc.,2003,p.2.
    61Jill Quadagno,Aging and the Life Course: An Introduction To Social Gerontology, Boston: The McGraw-Hill CompaniesInc.,2005, p.230.
    62Jill Quadagno,Aging and the Life Course: An Introduction To Social Gerontology, Boston: The McGraw-Hill CompaniesInc.,2005, p.229.
    63Philip R. Popple and Leslie Leighninger, Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society, Allyn and Bacon,1999,p.563.
    72Geoffrey Finlayson, Citizen, State, and Social Welfare in Britain:1830-1990,Gloucestershire: ClarendonPress,1994,pp.1-5.
    87Robert Nozick,Anarchy, State, and Utopia,Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd,1999,p.ix.
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    104Privatization: Lessons Learned by State and Local Governments,U.S. General Accounting Office, GAO/GGD-97-48,March14,1997,pp.8-18.
    106David A. Breaux, Christopher M. Duncan, C. Denise Keller, John C. Morris “Welfare Reform, Mississippi Style:Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and the Search for Accountability”, Public Administration Review, Vol.62, No.1,Jan.-Feb.,2002, p.93.
    107Tishisa L. Braziel,“Contracting Out Contracting”, Public Contract Law Journal,Vol.38, No.4,Summer2009,,pp.877-879.
    108Tishisa L. Braziel,“Contracting Out Contracting”, Public Contract Law Journal,Vol.38, No.4,Summer2009,,pp.879-884.
    114Alfred C. Aman,Jr.,“Globalization, Democracy, and the Need for a New Administrative Law”; UCLA L. Rev. Vol.49,2001-2002,p.1687.
    115Barbara L. Bezdek,“Contractual Welfare: Non-Accountability and Diminished Democracy in Local GovernmentContracts for Welfare-to-Work Services”, Fordham Urban Law Journal,vol.28, Issue5,2000,p.1608.
    118该法第一章第一部分明确规定,引用该法时称《1997老年照护法》,因此本文遵照其原意翻译,这与国内翻译外国的法律时一般称为“**年《**法》”不同。原文是“This Act may be cited as the Aged Care Act1997.”
    119Aged Care Act1997,21-4.
    124A. Marco Turk, Introduction to Law and Society, Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997,p.369.
    125A. Marco Turk, Introduction to Law and Society, Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997,p.369.
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    128A. Marco Turk, Introduction to Law and Society, Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997,p.371.
    129A. Marco Turk, Introduction to Law and Society, Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997,p.371.
    130A. Marco Turk, Introduction to Law and Society, Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997,p.372.
    131A. Marco Turk, Introduction to Law and Society, Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997,p.372.
    144A. Marco Turk, Introduction to Law and Society, Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997,p371.
    151N. Frohlich, J. Oppenheimer,and C. Eavey,“Choices of Principles of Distributive Justice in Experimental Groups,”American Journal of Political Science,Vol.31,1987,pp.606-636.
    153Robert L. Lineberry, Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, New York:Little,Brown andCompany,1985,p.563.
    156Charles Zastrow, Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare, Brookes/Cole Publishing Company,1996, pp.86-87.
    160R.Turner Goins, John A. Krout,“Introduction: Aging in Rural American”, R.Turner Goins, John A.Krout (eds.) ServiceDelivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice,New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006,p.13.
    161Asthana, S., Gibson, A., Moon, G., and Brigham, P.“Allocating resources for health and social care: the significance ofrurality”, Health&Social Care in the Community, Vol.11, No.6,2003,p.486.
    162John A. Krout,C. Neil Bull,“Service Delivery to Rural Elders: Barriers and Challenges”, R. Turner Goins, John A.Krout(eds.) Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006,pp.26-27.
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    164Anna Howe,Delivery of Services for Aged Care in Remote and Rural Australia,Commonwealth Department ofCommunity Services and Health,1st National Rural Health Conference,1991,p.114.
    167Wageningen, Elder Care, Old-Age Security and Social Change in Rural,Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Iris N.Keasberry,2002,p.2.
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    169Asthana, S., Gibson, A., Moon, G., and Brigham, P.“Allocating resources for health and social care: the significance ofrurality”, Health&Social Care in the Community, vol.11, no.6,2003, p.486.
    170Vincenzo Galasso,The Political Future of Social Security in Aging Societies, Massachusetts:The MIT Press,2006,p.1.
    171Brian P. McLaughlin,“The Rhetoric and the Reality of Rural Deprivation”, Journal of Rural Studies,Volume2, Issue4,1986, pp.291-307
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    173Anna Howe,Delivery of Services for Aged Care in Remote and Rural Australia,Commonwealth Department ofCommunity Services and Health,1st National Rural Health Conference,1991,p.114.
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    175Donna L. Wagner and Kelly J. Niles-Yokum,“Caregiving in a Rural Context”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.)Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006, New York,p.145.
    176John A. Krout,C. Neil Bull,“Service Delivery to Rural Elders: Barriers and Challenges”, R. Turner Goins, John A.Krout(eds.) Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006,NewYork,p.27.
    177Helen Kerschner,“Transportation and Aging: Challenges in Rural America”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.)Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006,p.183.
    178Helen Kerschner,“Transportation and Aging: Challenges in Rural America”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.)Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006,p.185.
    179Scharf, T. and Bartlam, B. Rural disadvantage: quality of life and disadvantage amongst older people–a pilot study,London: Commission for Rural Communities,2006,p.5.
    180Helen Kerschner,“Transportation and Aging: Challenges in Rural America”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.)Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006,p.184.
    194Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich,Social Work with Elders: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Assessment and Intervention (2ndEdition),Boston:Pearson Education,Inc.,2005,p.86.
    195Philip R. Popple and Leslie Leighninger, Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society, Boston:Allyn and Bacon,1999,p.565.
    200Lon L. Fuller, The Morality of Law: Revised Edition, Virginia: Yale University,1969,p.63.
    202Brown, D.,“A context for teaching aging-related public policy”, Journal of Educational Gerontology, vol.25,1999,pp.711-722.
    203David K. Brown and Robert Blancato,“Public Policy and Rural Aging”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.) ServiceDelivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006, p.226.
    204David K. Brown and Robert Blancato,“Public Policy and Rural Aging”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.) ServiceDelivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006, p.229.
    205David K. Brown and Robert Blancato,“Public Policy and Rural Aging”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.) ServiceDelivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006, p.230.
    206Clayton P. Gillette, Lynn A. Baker, Local government law: Cases and materials, New York: Aspen Publishers, Inc.,1999,p.2.
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    208Donna L. Wagner and Kelly J. Niles-Yokum,“Caregiving in a Rural Context”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.)Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.,,2006p.151.
    209Donna L. Wagner and Kelly J. Niles-Yokum,“Caregiving in a Rural Context”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.)Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.,,2006p.145
    210Donna L. Wagner and Kelly J. Niles-Yokum,“Caregiving in a Rural Context”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.)Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.,,2006p.149
    211Donna L. Wagner and Kelly J. Niles-Yokum,“Caregiving in a Rural Context”, R. Turner Goins and John A.Krout (eds.)Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.,,2006pp.145-151
    213John Rawls,A Theory of Justice: Revised Edition,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press,1999, p3.
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    224Martin Loughlin, The Idea of Public Law,Oxford: Oxford University Press,2003,p.154.
    225Oliver,“Is the Ultra Vires Rule the Basis of Judicial Review?”, Public Law,vol.1,1987, p.543.
    226Martin Loughlin, The Idea of Public Law,Oxford: Oxford University Press,2003,p.162.
    231Mark Freedland,"The Evolving Approach to The Public/Pivate Distinction in English Law", in Mark Freedland andJean-Bernard Auby (eds.),The Public Law/Private Law Divide: Une Entente Assez Cordiale?, Oxford: Hart Publishing,2006,p.108.
    232Jack Beatson,“‘Public’and ‘Private’ in English Administrative Law”, Law Quarterly Review,vol.103,JAN.,1987,pp.47-56.
    233David Gywnn Morgan, Gerard Hogan, Administrative Law In Ireland, Round Hall Sweet&MaxwellBublin,1998,p.765.
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    235Robert S. Gilmour and Laura S. Jensen,“Reinventing Government Accountability: Public Functions, Privatization, andthe Meaning of ‘State Action’”,Administration Review, Vol.58, No.3,May-Jun.,1998, p.248.
    236U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Circular No. A-76.
    237Oren Perez,“The Institutionalisation of Inconsistency: From Fluid Concepts to Random Walk”, Oren Perez and GuntherTeubner(eds.), Paradoxes and Inconsistencies in the Law, Oxford:Hart Publishing,,2006,p.127.
    239Robert S. Gilmour and Laura S. Jensen,“Reinventing Government Accountability: Public Functions, Privatization, andthe Meaning of ‘State Action’”,Administration Review, Vol.58, No.3,May-Jun.,1998, p.251.
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    242Robert S. Gilmour and Laura S. Jensen,“Reinventing Government Accountability: Public Functions, Privatization, andthe Meaning of ‘State Action’”,Administration Review, Vol.58, No.3,May-Jun.,1998, p.255.
    243A.Marco Turk.Introduction to Law and Society.Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997.pp.370-371.
    253David Gywnn Morgan, Gerard Hogan, Administrative Law In Ireland,Round Hall Sweet&Maxwell Bublin,1998,pp.774-775.
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    256Manuel Tirard,“Privatization and Public Law Values:A View from France”, Ind. J. Global Legal Stud.vol.15,2008,p.288.
    257Anne CL Davies,“English Law’s Treatment Of Government Contracts: The Problem Of Wider Public Interests”, in MarkFreedland and Jean-Bernard Auby (eds.),The Public Law/Private Law Divide: Une Entente Assez Cordiale?,,Oxford: HartPublishing,2006,pp.113-114.
    258Anne CL Davies,“English Law’s Treatment Of Government Contracts: The Problem Of Wider Public Interests”, in MarkFreedland and Jean-Bernard Auby (eds.),The Public Law/Private Law Divide: Une Entente Assez Cordiale?,,Oxford: HartPublishing,2006,pp.113-114.
    259Peter Vincent-Jones,“The New Public Contracting: Public Versus Private Ordering?”, Ind. J. Global LegalStud.vol.14,2007,p.277.
    260David Gywnn Morgan, Gerard Hogan, Administrative Law In Ireland,Round Hall Sweet&Maxwell Bublin,1998,p.776.
    261E.S. Savas,“Privatization and the New Public Management”, Fordham Urb. L.J. vol.24,2001,p.1731.
    262Elliott D. Sclar,You Don't Always Get What You Pay for: The Economics of Privatization,New York: Cornell UniversityPress,2001,p.16.
    263Alfred C. Aman, Jr.,“Privatization and the Democracy Problem in Globalization: Making Markets More Accountablethrough Administrative Law”,Fordham Urb. L.J. vol.228,2000-2001,p.1477.
    264Paul R. Verkuil,“Public Law Limitations on Privatization of Government Functions”, N.C. L. Rev.vol.84,2005-2006,p.401.
    265Anne CL Davies,“English Law’s Treatment Of Government Contracts: The Problem Of Wider Public Interests”, inMark Freedland and Jean-Bernard Auby (eds.),The Public Law/Private Law Divide: Une Entente Assez Cordiale?, Oxford:Hart Publishing,2006,p.113.
    266David R. Riemer,“Government As Administrator VS. Government As Purchaser:Do Rules Or Markets Create GreaterAccountability In Serving The Poor?”, Fordham Urb. L.J., vol.28,2000-2001,pp.1715-1730.
    271John J. Dilulio, Jr.,“Government by Proxy: A Faithful Overview”, Harv. L. Rev. vol.116,2002-2003,pp.1271-1284.
    272Martha Minow,“Public and Private Partnerships: Accounting for the New Religion”, Harv. L. Rev. vol.116,2002-2003,pp.1229-1269.
    273Jennifer C. Coats,“Applications of Principal-Agent Models to Government Contracting and Accountability DecisionMaking”, INTL. J. OF PUBLIC ADMIN. Vol.25,no.4,2002,pp.441-461.
    274Alfred C. Aman, Jr.,Globalization, Democracy, and the Need for a New Administrative Law,Indiana Journal of GlobalLegal Studies vol.10,no.1,2003, pp.125-155.
    276Jorma Sipila, Anneli Anttonen and John Baldock,“The Importance of Social Care”, in Anneli Anttonen John Baldockand Jorma Sipila, eds., The Young, the Old and the State: Social Care Systems in Five Industrial Nations, Northampton:Edward Elgar Publishing,Inc.,2003,p.2.
    31[德]H Maurer:《行政法学总论》,高家伟译,台北:元照出版社,2002年版。
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    65Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich,Social Work with Elders: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Assessmentand Intervention (2nd Edition),Boston:Pearson Education,Inc.2005.
    66Jorma Sipila, Anneli Anttonen and John Baldock,“The Importance of Social Care”, in AnneliAnttonen John Baldock and Jorma Sipila, eds., The Young, the Old and the State: Social Care Systems inFive Industrial Nations, Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing,Inc.,2003.
    67Philip R. Popple and Leslie Leighninger, Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society,Boston:Allyn and Bacon,1999.
    68A. Marco Turk, Introduction to Law and Society, Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997.
    69Robert L. Lineberry, Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, Loden:Little,Brownand Company,1988.
    70Charles Zastrow, Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare, New York:Brookes/ColePublishing Company,1996。
    71R.Turner Goins, John A. Krout,“Introduction: Aging in Rural American”, R.Turner Goins, JohnA.Krout (eds.) Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice,New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006.
    72Wageningen, Elder Care, Old-Age Security and Social Change in Rural Yogyakarta, Indonesia,Iris N. Keasberry,2002.
    73Vincenzo Galasso,The Political Future of Social Security in Aging Societies, Massachusetts:TheMIT Press,,2006.
    74Donna L. Wagner and Kelly J. Niles-Yokum,“Caregiving in a Rural Context”, R. Turner Goinsand John A.Krout (eds.) Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006.
    75Helen Kerschner,“Transportation and Aging: Challenges in Rural America”, R. Turner Goins andJohn A.Krout (eds.) Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006.
    76Scharf, T. and Bartlam, B. Rural disadvantage: quality of life and disadvantage amongst olderpeople–a pilot study, London: Commission for Rural Communities,2006.
    77Philip R. Popple and Leslie Leighninger, Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society,Allyn and Bacon,1999.
    78Lon L. Fuller, The Morality of Law: Revised Edition, Virginia: Yale University,1969.
    79David K. Brown and Robert Blancato,“Public Policy and Rural Aging”, R. Turner Goins and JohnA.Krout (eds.) Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice, New York:Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006.
    80Clayton P. Gillette, Lynn A. Baker, Local government law: Cases and materials, New York: AspenPublishers, Inc.,1999.
    81John Rawls,A Theory of Justice: Revised Edition,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press,1999.
    82Max Weber, Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology,Berkeley: Universityof California Press,1978.
    83Martin Loughlin, The Idea of Public Law,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003.
    84Kerstin Jacobsson,“Between the Deliberation and Discipline: Soft Governance in EU EmploymentPolicy”, Ulrika M rth(ed.),Soft Law in Governance and Regulation: An Interdisciplinary Analysis, EdwardElgar Publishing Limited,Northampton,2004.
    85Mark Freedland,"The Evolving Approach to The Public/Pivate Distinction in English Law", inMark Freedland and Jean-Bernard Auby (eds.),The Public Law/Private Law Divide: Une Entente AssezCordiale? Oxford:Hart Publishing,2006.
    86David Gywnn Morgan, Gerard Hogan, Administrative Law In Ireland,Round Hall Sweet&Maxwell Bublin,1998.
    87Oren Perez,“The Institutionalisation of Inconsistency: From Fluid Concepts to Random Walk”,Oren Perez and Gunther Teubner(eds.), Paradoxes and Inconsistencies in the Law, Oxford:Hart Publishing,2006.
    88A.Marco Turk.Introduction to Law and Society.Simon&Schuster Custom Publishing,1997.. 
    89David Gywnn Morgan, Gerard Hogan, Administrative Law In Ireland,Round Hall Sweet&Maxwell Bublin,19985.
    90John A. Krout,C. Neil Bull,“Service Delivery to Rural Elders: Barriers and Challenges”, R.Turner Goins, John A.Krout (eds.) Service Delivery to Rural Older Adults: Research, Policy, and Practice,New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.2006.
    91Anne CL Davies,“English Law’s Treatment Of Government Contracts: The Problem Of WiderPublic Interests”, in Mark Freedland and Jean-Bernard Auby (eds.),The Public Law/Private Law Divide:Une Entente Assez Cordiale?,Hart Publishing,Oxford,200692. Elliott D. Sclar,You Don't Always Get What You Pay for: The Economics of Privatization,CornellUniversity Press,2001.
    93Manuel Tirard,“Privatization and Public Law Values:A View from France”, Ind. J. Global LegalStud.vol.15,2008.
    94Peter Vincent-Jones,“The New Public Contracting: Public Versus Private Ordering?”Ind. J.Global Legal Stud. vol.14,2007.
    95E.S. Savas,“Privatization and the New Public Management”, Fordham Urb. L.J.,vol.,28.2001.
    96Alfred C. Aman, Jr.,“Privatization and the Democracy Problem in Globalization: Making MarketsMore Accountable through Administrative Law”, Fordham Urb. L.J. vol.228,2000-2001;
    97Paul R. Verkuil“,Public Law Limitations on Privatization of Government Functions,”vol.84, N.C.L. Rev.2005-2006
    98David R. Riemer,“Government As Administrator VS. Government As Purchaser:Do Rules OrMarkets Create Greater Accountability In Serving The Poor?”, Fordham Urb. L.J., vol.28,2000-2001.
    99Oliver,“Is the Ultra Vires Rule the Basis of Judicial Review?”, Public Law,vol.1,1987.
    100Harry Woolf.,“Public Law-Private Law: Why The Divide?-A Personal View”,P.L. Summer.,1986,
    101John J. Dilulio, Jr.,“Government by Proxy: A Faithful Overview”, Harv. L. Rev.vol.116,2002-2003.
    102Martha Minow,“Public and Private Partnerships: Accounting for the New Religion”,vol.116,2002-2003.
    103Jennifer C. Coats,“pplications of Principal-Agent Models to Government Contracting andAccountability Decision Making” INTL. J. OF PUBLIC ADMIN. Vol25,no.4,2002.
    104Alfred C. Aman, Jr.,“atization and the Democracy Problem in Globalization: Making MarketsMore Accountable through Administrative Law” Fordham Urb. L.J.vol.208,2000-2001;
    105N. Frohlich, J. Oppenheimer,and C. Eavey,“Choices of Principles of Distributive Justice inExperimental Groups,” American Journal of Political Science,vol31,1987.
    106Asthana, S., Gibson, A., Moon, G., and Brigham, P.“Allocating resources for health and socialcare: the significance of rurality”, Health&Social Care in the Community, vol.11, no.6,2003,
    107Alfred C. Aman, Jr.,“Globalization, Democracy, and the Need for a New Administrative Law,Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies” vol.10.,2003.
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