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Since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union in 1991, Russian society systems have been entering a full transition period– from socialism to capitalism. The transition has been reflected in intense instability and profound changes of the political system, economic system, art and cultural development, and moreover, the transition raised strong shocks, compound contradictions, confusion and conflict of ideology and social psychology. Architecture, as a practical art bearing social life, is restricted by the social factors, and its development has inevitably reflected a variety of transitional effects caused by social evolution in different layers and depth. Therefore, the period since 1991 is significantly meaningful for contemporary Russian architectural creation, the development of which has shown sharp difference and uniqueness related to particular society development phase.
     With the stable development of society and the prosperity of economics in the 21st century, Russia has come out of the early transitional crisis and stepped into a recovery evolution. Russian architecture has attracted attention of international investors by its large niche and rare rate of return. The state of high development makes Russian architecture market the most dazzling investment orientation. On the other hand, the Russian transition period is very unique, for during the period the art style has barely manipulated by the governing class, and after the control and restriction of socialist times, the new period architecture has been well known by its free style, and its development presents unique variety and extraordinary characteristics. Under the guidance of globalization and internationalization, and the restriction of local traditional culture and national character, the architectural creation during the period has been transiting into new exploration, presenting diversified development trends and become one of the most attracting areas among the international architectural systems.
     The thesis focuses on the research of Russian architectural creation of the transition period, and its evolution, which is, in the architectural theory field in our country, a research insufficiency at present. Based on the disintegration of the country and the transition of social systems, the thesis concludes the era representation and development of Russian architectural creation of the transition period, and gives a deep analysis of the main factors that exerts influences on architectural creation. Meanwhile, the paper materializes the development research into specific architectural works, giving a comprehensive summarization of excellent architectural instances created in recent years, to clearly reflect the essence of Russian architectural creation. Based on these, the thesis sets up a full research framework of Russian architectural creation of the transition period.
     First of all, based on the social system transformation, the thesis integrates the dimensions of social systems and architectural creation, in a intuitional and visualized way, to find out the correlation of the Russian social system transition and architectural creation behind the superficial phenomena. The thesis deeply analyzes the mechanism of influences from social factors to architectural creation, and discusses the social root causes of the transition of architectural creation, according to the three different angles of social system, economics, and social psychology, based on which, the thesis also dissects the profound influences of the social factors, and the unique transitional changes of Russian architectural creation development.
     Secondly, the thesis gives an analysis of Russian architectural creation evolution of the transition period in the view of cultural dimension. Based on traditional culture, regional culture and cultural trends, the thesis attributes the main evolution of Russian architectural creation of the transition period to the development of classicism influenced by traditional culture, the development of regional architecture led by unique national culture, and the integration of various architectural cultures accelerated by convergence of global culture. Furthermore, in accordance with architectural creation instances, the thesis gives perspective analysis of a variety of main developments of architectural creation of transition period.
     Finally, in the view of technological dimension, the thesis analyzes Russian architectural creation evolution of the transition period. Under the guidance of technological development theories, technological times theories, and technological system theories, the thesis concludes the significant trends of consistent development, multi-dimensional innovation, complex development of architectural creation caused by the promotion of technologies, from the three layers of technological theories, technological methods and technological systems.
     Overall, the thesis, based on the particular background of Russian social system transition, discusses the influences of the transition on architectural creation and its evolution, from the different dimensions of social systems, culture and technological development. The thesis reveals the development mechanism of architectural creation in the transition period. In this mechanism, society is the dominant factor of architectural development, impacting every field of architectural creation, and determining the development directions. Culture, on the other hand, acts as a comprehensive factor restricting the development of architectural creation. The interweaving and collision of different culture streams brings out the diversified structure of architectural creation. Technology is the main force that promotes the development and evolution of architectural creation. It is because of the acceleration of technologies that the innovation and evolution of architectural creation have been continuing.
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