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    解酶活性等生理变化以及可溶性总糖、单宁、Vc 等品质因子的影响。探讨了不同形式
    果肉的迅速软化有着较密切的关系。有孔的 PE 膜包装(总通气面积为 0.15%,孔经 0.7cm)
    率的提高,在一定程度上抑制了 PG 和 Cx 活性,延缓了果胶及纤维素的降解,能较好
    地保持尖柿的硬度,使柿的保硬期较普通冷藏延长了 12 天;无孔的 PE 膜包装具有较高
    的保湿性能和限气作用,既能显著地抑制柿的蒸腾失水,也可形成高 CO2、低 O2 的气
    体水平,迅速抑制呼吸速率及乙烯的生成,将呼吸峰和乙烯峰的到来时间推迟了 36 天,
    在整个贮藏期间柿的硬度较高,PG、Cx 活性较低,对于抑制果肉软化具有极其显著的
    作用,该包装形式延缓了柿的转色,并能保持较高的糖、Vc 和可溶性丹宁含量,使柿
    的保硬期较普通冷藏延长了 24 天,较保湿冷藏延长了 12 天。
In this paper, ‘Jianshi’ persimmon was stored at cold temperature with packaging in
    perforated and sealed polyethylene bags respectively. The control of holding humidity and
    modified atmosphere packaging on softening and the effect of these methods on respiratory
    rate、ethylene production、relative membrane permeability、flesh firmness、cell wall
    components、activities of cell wall hydrolase and some qualitative index such as total soluble
    sugar、soluble tannin and Vc were investigated during post harvest life of persimmon fruits.
    The function of different type packaging on fruits firmness was discussed. Theoretical support
    was hoped to be utilize for film packaging on the storage of persimmon fruits.
     The results were followed: ‘Jianshi’ persimmon without packaging in common cold
    storage was easy to loss water, leading to wrinkling、losing gloss、missing edible qualities.
    There were close relations between water loss and some physiological change such as
    ethylene production、respiratory rate or softening. Holding humidity of perforated PE film
    ( 0.15% of total surface area, 0.7cm diameter) had no modified atmosphere function, but
    could maintain high humidity. Holding humidity packaging could reduce transpiration and
    ethylene production by limited weight loss obviously, and could control the activity of PG、Cx
    and decomposition of pectin and cellulose. The treatment of packaging with perforated PE
    prolonged 12 days of storage time compared to control. Sealed PE packaging has the best
    ability for holding humidity and excellent action for modified atmosphere. Water loss was
    prevented obviously and air condition was changed by lowering O2 and hoisting CO2.
    Packaging with sealed PE film could inhibit ethylene production and respiration rapidly, and
    could retard commence of peaks of ethylene and respiration for 36 days. In total time, the
    fruits with sealed PE packaging has the highest firmness and lowest activity of PG、Cx, most
    notable action for inhibiting softening. Sealed PE packaging could retard color change and
    maintain higher contents of total soluble sugar、tannin and Vc, the storage time was longer
    than holding humidity for 12 days, and 24 days in common cold storage(without packaging).
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