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Architecture construction bid invitation & bidding is the most important form of competition and trade in construction building activities in our market economy. It introduced competition mechanism into construction building area, has pushed our architecture enterprises to compete with each other, urged them on ward, and has improved and perfected our architecture market operation mechanism. Therefore, studying architecture construction bid invitation & bidding will mean a lot theoretically and practically to promoting the competence of our architecture enterprises and to further improving and perfecting our architecture market.
     Starting from the angle of seller, that is, bidding enterprises, from the perspective of a certain bidding enterprise, this dissertation does research on reliable working-out methods of the most popular compound reservation price bidding & quotation in the architecture market so as to succeed in the competitive activities involving a lot of bidding enterprises. This dissertation, firstly, introduces the fundamental knowledge of architecture construction bid invitation & bidding system, general procedure of bidding as well as commentary methods of bid invitation & bidding, and arrives at the conclusion that compound reservation price bid invitation is the most suitable candidate for our present architecture construction bid invitation & bidding area. What follows is the detailed survey of the connection between architecture construction compound reservation price bidding & quotation and game theory, which combines the elementary knowledge of game theory. It is further pinpointed that architecture construction compound reservation price bidding is, in nature, a process of game-compound reservation price bidding & quotation belongs to incomplete-information static game and its equilibrium is called Bayes Nash Equilibrium. As to compound reservation price bidding & quotation, rational bidders can totally rely on the analysis method of game theory to give the best quotation price decision, and then maximize their own profit. After that, this dissertation focuses on the analysis of some of the research achievement established domestically into compound reservation price bidding & quotation game theory. It is held by this dissertation that the present game models have their own advantages and disadvantages. We must integrate systematically and selectively all models in order to be wise in solving the problem of compound reservation price bidding & quotation. Only by doing that can we get a better forecasting effect.
     In the following chapter, on the basis of already established research achievements, using game theory and synthesizing three main game models, this dissertation sets up a whole set of game model system to analyze and forecast for compound reservation price bidding & quotation. At last, through practical calculation, this model system turns out to be beneficial for improving compound reservation price bidding & quotation grade. And at the same time, it also certifies that the comprehensive application of multi-model of game is better than the application of a single game model.
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