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本文通过分析人工林杨树、杉木木材的材性状况和木材特性,采用正交设计和SAS统计方法,参照日本农林标准JAS MAFF,Notification No.992检测剪切强度、木破率和剥离率等胶合性能指标,对杨树、杉木两种木材的表面性能、胶合工艺、胶合性能等进行了研究,得到如下结论。
    1. 当以粗糙度评定表面质量时,杨树的粗糙度为9.13μm,杉木的粗糙度平均值为5.29μm,杉木的表面质量优于杨树。
    2. API 用于杨树胶合时,干状剪切强度达到2.56MPa,湿状剪切强度为1.57MPa, API用于杉木胶合时,胶合性能的优势比较明显,干状和湿状的剪切强度分别达到了3.39MPa和3.13MPa。
    3. 杨树使用API胶粘剂胶合适合的工艺参数是单位压力2.0MPa,加压时间60Min,涂胶量150 g/m2。在湿状态下,剪切强度分别达到2.96MPa,2.76MPa和2.46MPa。杉木适合的工艺参数是单位压力1.5MPa,加压时间50Min,涂胶量190 g/m2。在湿状态下,剪切强度分别为2.08MPa,1.96MPa和2.15MPa。
    4. 在木材胶合过程中,API胶粘剂存在的部位有,和胶层相邻的3~6层细胞,包括阔叶材中的木纤维、导管、木射线和针叶材中的管胞、木射线。胶粘剂在木材中通过木射线的横向通路向木材内扩散。
    5. 对于杨树来说,采用刨切木材表面的方法,在胶层处于干状态时,由对比胶合材料剪切强度3.16MPa和木破率96%,分别提高到了5.44MPa和100%,效果最好。胶层处于湿状态时,所有的处理方法对木材的剪切强度和木破率都产生不同程度的削弱作用。几种方法对杉木的作用都不明显,而且在一定程度上对胶合性能还有削弱作用。
    6. 本文初步尝试利用计算机的检索功能,对部分试验结果进行检索,达到了预期的目的;由于数据库只对人工林杨树和杉木木材的胶合工艺及胶合性能指标进行了分析,适用的范围比较小,有待于进一步完善。
Commencing with adhesive selection, gluing technics improvement and different gluing treatments, experiments implementing by Orthogonality and SAS statistical methods, the research focus on wood surface condition, gluability and durability of glued Populus×canadensis cv.’I-214’ and Cunninghamia lanceolata Wood. Glue shear strength, wood failure and glueline delamination were measured according to JAS MAFF, Notification No.992. The relation between wood technics and wood gluability was analysed based on wood properties and characteristics of these two eucalyptus species.
    1. When the surface quality is evaluated by roughness, the roughess value of Poplar and Chinese Fir is 9.13μm and 5.29μm respectively. The surface quality of Poplar is better than that of Chinese Fir.
    2. Experimentally, API shows the best glue shear strength and higher wood failure in dry and wet glueline compared with PVAc, UF and PF, especially in Chinese Fir. Poplar and Chinese Fir are with the shear strength of 2.56MPa and 3.39MPa in their dry glueline test, 1.57MPa and 3.13MPa in the wet glueline experiments, respectively.
    3. Poplar shows good wet shear strength of 2.96 MPa, 2.76 MPa and 2.46MPa at pressure 2.0MPa, pressing time 60min and glue spreading 150g/m2, respectively. Chinese Fir shows good wet shear strength of 2.08 MPa, 1.96 MPa and 2.15MPa at pressure 1.5MPa, pressing time 50min and glue spreading 190g/m2, respectively.
    4. In different grain experiment, the bonding property of tangential to tangential is better than other combination, and the shear strength of Poplar and Chinese Fir is 3.92 MPa and 2.03 MPa in dry glueline. It illuminates a compact integration between API and wood by SEM and microscope, and have an evenly glueline of 3~5 layer cells. Adhesive can penetrate into eylem ray at tangential to tangential or radial to tangential bonding.
    5. The gluability of Poplar can be improved through wood surface treatments. By contrast, the newly planed wood has the best results, (Poplar show an increasing bonding shear strength and wood failure from 3.16MPa and 96% to 5.44MPa and 100%, respectively). The gluability of Chinese Fir can hardly be improved through wood surface treatments, whereas it takes on reverse effect experimently.
    6. The part of experiment data is seached by computer in programme, and the result
    is satisfacted. Because the data is insufficient, so the range of application is limitted. The used field will be extending in future.
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