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21~(th) century is a group competition era instead of individual competition and the tremendous changing of world economy situation make the competition environment and manners also change so the cooperation strategy is more important to the organizations. With the extensive use of information systems in organizations and the constant advances of information technique, organizations start to request the information system to go across the organizations’boundary and to support information delivering more rapidly among organizations. Information systems begin to go across the organizations’boundary and change from closed and simple innerorganizational information systems to open and complicated interorganizational information systems (IOIS).
     The redefined conception of IOIS is a basic starting point of this research. This thesis holds that the IOIS is a software and system embodiment and it is a large scale information system which goes across two or more organizations’boundary with the help of information technology and communication technology, is shared by the alliance members and can support the relations such as transaction and cooperation among organizations. An IOIS can be looked as implementation of informatization across organizations’boundary and its elements and subsystems are rich in various types, complicated in relations and wide in range. Therefore, the way to make so many components combine organically and cooperate with each other is that seeking the collaborative status of IOIS.
     It is obvious that IOIS has typical complexity features and meanwhile that the synergetics is applied in IOIS has necessity and feasibility. All these show that collaboration problem exists in IOIS. On the basis of the IOIS component division, that is physical basis and function realization, the IOIS collaboration contents include different aspects of elements, information, information technique, organizing and management, culture, power and security. This article believes IOIS can take synergistic effect such as network effect, scale economy effect, scope economy effect, management collaboration effect and co-evolution effect. IOIS collaboration has many characteristic that collaboration in other complex system doesn’t have in that it is built based on co-opetition, takes the information integration and sharing as the core and it is a extensive collaboration orienting stakeholders. The IOIS collaboration can be divided into three parts: macroscopic, middlescopic and microscopic and they are in correspondence with the IOIS collaboration problem between IOIS and external environment, among organizations information systems and internal elements in the IOIS.
     The IOIS collaboration formation has many influence factors which are divided into two parts: macro aspect and micro aspect. The macro influence factors are the external environment which includes economy, science and technology, policies and regulations, education, culture and nature. The micro influence factors cover the interorganizational, innerorganizational and technological factors. Complex degree of interorganizational relationship, interorganizational trust, the diversity of organization culture and the diversity of organization process together constitute the interorganizational factors. The characteristic of information demand, organizational information strategy, security features, recognition degree of senior managers, quality of users and training of users form the innerorganizational factors. While, scale of IOIS, organizational heterogeneity situation, choice on collaborative technique, informatization level and information capability of organizations compose the technological factors.
     This thesis look at the collaboration of IOIS in an evolution view, and it is another starting point of the research work. According the analysis of IOIS evolution process and organizing methods, the collaboration of IOIS has been divided into two parts, the heter-organization stage and the self-organization stage. The main collaboration work in the heter-organization stage comprises information, information technique, organizing, business process, culture, power and security collaboration and these interrelated subjects have mutual influence. The thesis uses theory of dissipative structure, synergetic theory, catastrophe theory and hypercycle theory to reveal the law of IOIS collaboration formation and to analysis the formation conditions, motive power and evolution rules of IOIS collaboration in the self-organization stage. The formation conditions include open system, far from equilibrium state, nonlinear interaction and fluctuations in the systems. Cooperation and competition effects among elements and subsystems are the motive power of IOIS collaboration. The order parameters of IOIS collaboration is accumulation variable, demand variable and ordering variable of information then this thesis proves that it is the order parameters which lead IOIS collaboration. With the analysis of hypercycles from different levels in the IOIS collaboration the evolution process has been revealed and that function growth in IOIS is realized through catastrophe has been indicated. Entropy changes in IOIS collaboration are researched and the conclusion is made that negative entropy promotes IOIS collaboration. After IOIS collaboration laws revealed the mechanism model and the stage model of IOIS collaboration formation are given in the thesis.
     The formation mechanism model of IOIS has been analyzed deeply in the preparation stage and the formation stage and the thesis investigates the collaboration work and tasks in each stage. Analysis methods and implementation techniques of different contents of IOIS collaboration have been investigated in this article. In the formation stage namely the heter-organization stage the thesis puts forward Analysis methods and implementation techniques of different contents, including information, information technique, organizing, business process, culture, power and security collaboration. In the formation stage namely the self-organization stage starting conditions and control work are analyzed.
     Quantitative understanding of the IOIS collaboration degree is obtained by means of IOIS collaboration degree evaluation. Furthermore this thesis carries out comprehensive evaluation of IOIS collaboration degree. On the basis of analyzing the relationship between IOIS collaboration and IOIS holistic function, the concept of IOIS collaboration degree has been defined and the index decomposition has been carried out from several aspects of structure, function, organizing & management and environment. Evaluation index system of IOIS collaboration is set up and a combined evaluation method, that is fussy-AHP, is chosen to evaluate the IOIS collaboration degree. According to the steps of fuzzy-AHP, a typical case is selected to apply the evaluation method of IOIS collaboration degree.
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