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The core problem in the distribution field lies not in the distribution inequality, but in the unjust distribution of income. Because the distribution inequality can be defined as two types: the reasonable distribution inequality, based on the different contributions and capability of each individual and the unreasonable distribution inequality, due to the unreasonable distribution of income.
     This article focuses on such questions as why the equal work cannot get equal pay or why the same people are treated differently and why there is unequal distribution of income. To resolve these problems, this article explores China's current situation of unjust distribution of income and its influences from the perspective of sociology. And also it aims at exploring the deep social roots and appropriate countermeasures.
     First, from a sociological perspective, this thesis describes the situation of "unequal pay for equal work, different treatments in the same city, the different rights entitled by the same country". What's more, by analyzing the income data of Chinese residents since2003, it proves that the unjust distribution of income does exist and play a role in influencing the degree of income disparity. Then, applying the Institutional Economics theory, it dissects the institutional roots for the unjust distribution of income. It points out that it is the institution of identity discrimination caused by the social identity system, including the household registration system, the unit system and the preparation of the system that has accelerated the situation of unjust distribution of income. The social origin of the institution of identity discrimination lies in the feudal hierarchy, whose main effect is that it may leave the future generations no equal opportunity to compete with their superior peers and force them to resign their destiny of being discriminated for their inferior social identity. This kind of discrimination presents two different starting points for people having different identities and then widens the gap of their income. The last part introduces some policy recommendations, proposing some new policies to mitigate the situation of unjust distribution of income.
     The main contents can be divided into seven chapters.
     The first chapter is introduction. It introduces the purpose and significance of this paper and its main idea and studying methods, logical structure and organization. And it also points out where the innovation and deficiency lie.
     The second chapter makes a literature review for this study. By systematically combing the research results in this field, this part especially focuses on the definitions of distribution inequality, the reasons for it and its corresponsive policy mechanism. Thus the logic of this paper emerges itself.
     Chapter III defines the definition of unjust distribution. After distinguishing the unjust distribution of income and distribution inequality, it lays its focus on the social identity discrimination and connects it with the unjust distribution of income. In this part, the unjust distribution of income is defined as "the same contribution expects different payment and the same social identity enjoys different social benefits".
     Chapter four describes the main situations of unjust distribution of income, which is "unequal pay for equal work, different treatments in the same city, the different rights entitled by the same country". It narrows down the main problems in the distribution field.
     Applying the mathematical model, Chapter five examines the income data for the last10years. It divides the distribution inequality into two types:the reasonable distribution inequality, based on the different contributions and capability of each individual and the unreasonable distribution inequality, due to the unreasonable distribution of income. It examines how much the degree of the distribution inequality influencing the income gap is. And it concludes that the unreasonable distribution inequality caused by the institution of identity discrimination does influence the residents'income gap, but it plays a smaller role in widening this gap than the reasonable distribution inequality.
     Chapter VI examines the influences that the institution of identity discrimination brings about on the income resources. It points out that it is the institution of identity discrimination caused by the social identity system, including the household registration system, the unit system and the preparation of the system that has accelerated the situation of unjust distribution of income. The social origin of the institution of identity discrimination lies in the feudal hierarchy, whose main effect is that it may leave the future generations no equal opportunity to compete with their superior peers and force them to resign their destiny of being discriminated for their inferior social identity. This kind of discrimination presents two different starting points for people having different identities and then widens the gap of their income.
     As the conclusion of this thesis, Chapter VII concludes all the researches done beforehand and proposes relevant recommendations of fiscal policy adjustments.
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