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Through in-depth analysis of current situation of landslide disaster monitoring and forecasting, and combining the status of field application of remote monitoring system for landslide for four years,which is self-developed by State Key Laboratory for GeoMechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, the dissertation points out three aspects of the system for improvement, such as, warning method and mode, blind zone of data transmission, and transmission errors caused by environmental noise, the dissertation also conducts related research on these three aspects.According to the research, it presents the automatic grading warning mode based on the monitoring data of sliding force, to replace the current artificial observation; and solves the problem about blind zone and interference, through using Beidou satellite communication system instead of GSM network; and further adopts wireless sensor network to transmit and collect the point information in plane, in order to keep the system more perfect and more feasible. Finally, with the field case of Lingbao Luoshan mining site, the dissertation verifies the effectiveness of the system upgrade, and notes the changes for these points is practical effectively.
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