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本文以农产品安全为研究对象,应用系统综合评价理论和方法,建立农产品安全评价指标体系,分析基于质量损失的关键质量链,建立农产品安全风险评估和预警模型。论文研究紧密围绕农产品的质量特点,遵循着定性分析与定量分析相结合的原则,涉及农产品感官质量评估、质量链分析和农产品安全风险评价,并结合良好农业规范(Good Agriculture Practice,GAP)在山东蔬菜出口备案基地的应用进行了实证研究。
In order to study the agricultural food safety problems,applying the systematic evaluation theory and measures,an agricultural food safety evaluation index system,the critical quality chain analysis based on quality loss and agricultural food safety risk assessment and early-warning model are proposed in this paper.The research is close centering on the characteristics of agricultural food quality,following the principle of the quantitative with qualitative analysis methods.These studies involve the sensory quality evaluation,quality chain analysis and agricultural food safety risk assessment,and they are illustrated by the application of good agriculture practice(GAP) in export spinach sites which are put on records in Shandong province.
     The paper first gives the research background of the agricultural food safety,reviews the basic concepts,and then presents the idea for the agricultural food safety evaluation research by systematic theory.Beginning with the introduction of the significations and characters related to the system,the concepts of synthetically evaluation are classified,the sort of evaluation scale is discussed,the basic approach the measure toward complex system is presented,and the application idea of the above method is carried out.
     Based on the introduction of index system's concepts,procedure,filter method and index standardization from the viewpoints of systematic theory,the approaches to determine the weights of evaluation indexes are discussed.For the example of the application of good agriculture practice(GAP) in vegetable sites in China,the evaluation index system is proposed and the weights of the indexes are determined with AHP method.
     In order to solve the loss and distortion within the limit of the planar linguistic evaluation information in the application of Good agriculture practice(GAP) on the vegetable sites,this research is illustrated by an example relevant to the agricultural food safety evaluation on six export spinach sites which are put on records in Shandong province.A multi-attribute approach based on panel data and linguistic information is proposed,an agricultural product safety evaluation index system is put forward according GAP standard,the statistical evaluation data is gathered form GAP auditors,and the various period evaluation results are aggregated by multi-criteria and time weights to obtain the final evaluation values.Further,improvement of sites can be achieved on the basis of sufficient analysis.
     On the basis of process capability analysis in traditional way,the agricultural food chain is regarded as one process network,using the basic theory of PERT/CPM, combining the elements of quality loss function,an approach of the critical quality chain analysis and evaluation based on quality loss is proposed.Finally an example about spinach product is given.
     For the issues of the agricultural food quality risk evaluation and early-warning management,an analysis approach based on multi-classification discrete choice model is proposed.On the basis of building an agricultural food safety risk evaluation index system,applying the linguistic information processing method,the panel valuation data is aggregated to obtain the integrated evaluation values.The potential variables are extracted by factor analysis method,an ordered logistic model is put forward,and the calculation analysis steps are given.This research is illustrated by an example of export vegetable sites which are put on records in Shandong province.
     This work analyzes the agricultural food quality safety and risk based on synthetically evaluation approaches and econometric methods under the guidance of systematic theory,which is a practical application in agricultural food safety.
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