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     博士学位论文 摘要
    6q等鼻咽癌高频等位基因不平衡区域,以及曾益新等发现的 4o 5.l
    的 NGX6、UBAPI和 NORI等基因,以及位于鼻咽癌 9p21最小共同
    CDKNZA内部选取单核昔酸多态(single nucleotide polymorphism,
     g 一
     g 联分析,以期确定它们与鼻咽癌遗传易感性的关系。
     f D3S1568、D351289、D351300、D3S1285和 D353681在 12 个家系中
     i 进行基因分型,8个位点得到可靠的分型结果,LINKAGE软件进行
     g 两点参数连锁分析发现位于染色体3p2.31处的D3S1568在重组频率
     g 为 0.00时,得到了最高 L皿值 3.2以P—5.25 X 10”‘),提示该位点与鼻
     Z 咽癌发病紧密连锁。此外,与D3S1568相邻的D3S1289(位于染色体
     g 3pZI.2义OD值亦达到 1.26(功刀5卜 GENEHUNTER软件进行多点连
     g 锁分析,在 D351581 位点处 LOD值为 3.72卜l.91 10-‘),D351289
     g 为 2.60 (<.51 10”’),非参数连锁分析 NPL值最高为 1.14(-0.08)。
     Z 提示该区域可能与我们的鼻咽癌家系连锁。
    。LOD值最高为3.77卜l*98 X 10“),NPL值最高为2.96(P==*X 10“),
    。多点连锁分析 LOD值最高为 3.57(<.692 XIO-‘),NPL值最高为 2.88
    l 汐 == 5刀 XIO”勺,该区域与鼻咽癌的连锁得到了进一步确证。
    、在 D351568 位点附近增加 D353727、D351582、D353560。
    -D351298. D353624、D353564和 D353553等 7个微卫星位点,进行
    _精细扫描,集中 18个家系 15个位点的全部资料进行分析。LINKAGE
    软件参数两点连锁分析D3 SIS 68位点L皿值仍然最高O.77),其附
    近 D351289、D353564、D353624等 3个?
1. Progress of studies on genetic susceptibility and susceptible genes of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
    Benefited form the launching and progress of Human Genome Project (HGP), the past two decades have witnessed an explosion in the identification, largely by positional cloning, of genes associated with Mendelian diseases. The roughly 1,200 genes that have been characterized, have clarified our understanding of the molecular basis of human genetic disease. Because of their large social and economic value, location susceptible genes of poly genie inheritance disorders and analysis their genetic susceptibility become a more and more important and difficult research field. At the present time, some complex disease genes have been cloned, but for many multifactorial inheritance disorders, especially which have complicated inheritance model, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), their susceptibility gene or genes are still unknown.
    Epidemiological investigation shows that NPC has remarkable geographical and racial differentiations. It occurs with high frequency in South China and South-East Asia. In areas with high incidence, NPC clusters in families. These observations have suggested the
    existence of genetic susceptibility in at least a proportion of NPC patients, and the susceptible gene or genes may play influence the pathogenesis of NPC.
    At present, there are two ways to study the gene or genes pause of NPC, phenotypic cloning strategy and positional cloning strategy. Phenotypic cloning strategy means to search NPC associated genes by compare difference of NPC and normal tissues. Our laboratory has performed a genome-wide scan of microsatellite allelic imbalance (AI) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), finding that the AI of chromosome regions 3p, 9p, and 6q are common in NPC and may be the early event of NPC, there are some key genes of NPC located in these regions. Some similar studies performed by other labs also obtain the same result. Using this strategy, our lab have cloned many NPC associated genes, functional analysis have proved that these genes may play important role in start and progress of NPC, but it is necessary to prove whether them influence the genetic susceptibility of NPC.
    Positional cloning strategy can locate NPC susceptible genes on certain chromosome regions by perform a serial of genetic analysis using large numbers of NPC genetic resource, and then clone them. A group of researchers leaded by professor Yi-xin Zeng reported a results of a genome-wide search carried out in families at high risk
    of NPC from Guangdong Province, China. Their findings provide evidence of a major susceptibility locus for NPC on chromosome 4p15.1 - 4q12 in a subset of families. Because there is genetic heterogeneity among different NPC families, we dose not know whether this result is still true in other people, it is necessary to perform parallel test in other ethnic group.
    2. The purpose of this paper
    As reasons of above-mentioned, a family-based linkage analysis strategy was used to look forward to locate susceptible genes of familial NPC of Hunan province. We have collected 18 NPC families in Hunan province, and selected a serial of microsatellite loci in high frequency allele imbalance chromosome region 3p, 9p, 6q, and 4p15.1 -4ql2, which linked with Guangdong familial NPC in Yi-xin Zeng's paper, genotyped these loci in NPC families and then performed linkage analysis. On the other hand, a case - control - based association analysis strategy was used for confirm the relationship between NPC associated genes and NPC genetic susceptibility. We selected three genes, NGX6, UBAP1, NOR1, which cloned by our lab and have functional evidence on NPC progress, and a suppressor gene, CDKN2A, which located in chromosome 9p21 NPC deletion region, search some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in these genes,
    genotyped these SNP loci in case and control subjects and performed association analysis.
    3. Linkge analysis of short arm of chromosome 3 and NPC
    10 loci, D3S129
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