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Stress testing on tower body is one of the key technologies to know about working condition of the tower. The method of stress test is to determine the distortion of the component with resistance strain gauge and resistance strain indicator, and to determine the surface strain condition of the component according to the relationship of stress and strain. The vacuum degasifier/pre-degasifier is an important equipment in the process of production in Sichuan vinglon factory. The equipment is running after the first time in 1978.In 1993, the tower was deformed in 12m altitude from bottom of the tower. The paper explored the stress test on the deformed part of the vacuum degasifier/pre-degasifiera.
     First, the paper introduces the background of the item and the development of flaw test technology in domestic and foreign industry. On the basis of investigation and research, we specially formulated a plan of test and stress computation and analysis in terms of the practical situation of the vacuum degasifier/pre-degasifier.
     Next, the paper conducts the computation and analysis of Mechanics of Materials and finite element analysis of the vacuum degasifier/pre-degasifier. In the stage of analysis of Mechanics of Materials, we calculated the stress and strain on the condition of gravity, atmospheric pressure and combined condition, performed the combined stress analysis with regard to the deformed part when the tower body is just in dead weight, filed with material, vacuum produced, and when it was running. The paper also applied the method of finite element analysis to establish the mathematical model, meshing the tower body, and analyzed the calculated result.
     Finally, according to the stress test plan, we measured the strain of the vacuum degasifier/pre-degasifier in two steps and gained abundant original data in the practical producing process. The paper analyzed the test results and specially analyzed the peril point in detail and gave some suggestion to the factory leader.
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