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     (1)根据正交试验结果选定适于光合细菌X1菌株生长的培养基最佳组成为NH_4Cl 0.1g,CH_3COONa 3.5g,MgCL_2 0.1g,CaCl_2 0.1g,KH_2PO_4 9.6g,K_2HPO_4 0.4g,酵母膏0.1g,琼脂20g,蒸馏水1000毫升。
The marine products industry develops rapidly in seaside regions.Dring the treamment processing of marine products,to save freshwater,seawater could be used to take the place of freshwater,which leads to producing high-salinity wastewater.It is well known that the wastewater of processing marine products including seawater is one of the difficult problem on organic wastewater treatment.Therefore,looking for a viable economic and effective method to deal with high-salinity organic wastewater, and determine its operating parameters shoud be necessary and in practical.
     In recent years,Photosynthetic bacteria with its wide adaptability commonly used in sewage treatment,photosynthetic bacteria which isolated from the sea have a high salt tolerance.In this paper,the Photosynthetic bacteria with UASB Process treatment of high-salinity organic wastewater was studied.With the increasing of concentration of seawater proportion gradually(from12%to 60%),the gradient acclimatized were tested to explore the effect of salinity on the degradation of organic matter,and to determine the biological contact oxidation system operating parameters.
     Based on the experiments,the main conclusion are drawed as below:
     (1) According to orthogonal test results selected X1 photosynthetic bacteria strains suitable for the growth of the best medium for the composition of NH_4CL 0.1 g, CH_3COONa 3.5g,MgCL_2 0.1g,CaCL_2 0.1g,KH_2PO_4 0.6g,K_2HPO_4 0.4g,Yeast extract 0.1g,Agar 20g,Distilled Water 1000ml。
     (2) The proportion of different seawater influences on the degradation of organic matter.
     In the same conditions,with the increase in the proportion of seawater,organics removal rate decreased gradually.
     (3) Hydraulic retention time influences on the degradation of organic matter.
     COD Concentration reduces with the extension of HRT;COD removal rate increases following the extension of HRT.12%,24%proportion of the seawater sewage biological contact oxidation pond' best HRT is 4 hours.36%,48%proportion of the seawater sewage biological contact oxidation pond HRT is the best time to 6 hours.One-stage biological contact oxidation process dealing to domestic sewage (above Cl-concentration of 11g/L)containing above the proportion of 60%seawater is not feasible.HRT for 24 hours in conditions,the average load of filler is 0.58kgCOD/m~3·d.
     The experimental results show that the salt tolerance of photosynthetic bacteria,made up UASB technology with high salinity in the process of microbial organic wastewater impact it is difficult to form granular sludge problems,have some feasibility.
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