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Nowadays, the essence of enterprise organization competitive is talent competition. People are becoming the key factors to realize their strategic goals. However, member diversity and individual culture puts forward a new challenge to team management:Firstly, the contradiction between employee rapid liquidity and the relative stability of enterprise become more and more fierce;Secondly, talent socialization and core competitive ability are intensifying;the contradiction between the aggravate uniqueness;Finally, the needed resources of staff personal development come up with new requirements to have the resources or command.
     The research bases on review of vast amount of literature and summarizes concept of member diversity, meanwhile advances the meaning of the research according to the research development of domestic and foreign. This dissertation brings forward the model and hypotheses of empirical research based on the theoretical analysis. The result of questionnaire investigation is analyzed with SPSS.
     Through the empirical research, we made the meaningful conclusion are as follow: Firstly, member diversity has an obvious impact on team process, team diversity stimulates relationship conflict;promotes teamwork;improves team cohesion.Secondly, team process has an impact on team performance, relationship conflict has side effects on team performance, team cohesion, teamwork improve the performance. Thirdly, team process mediates member diversity and performance.
     The paper puts forward a model of member diversity, team process and team performance. Practical and useful advice is given for enterprises to improve their team performance. Similarly, the orientation for future research and the defect of the paper is also described within.
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